chapter twenty-eight part one - Thorpe Park

chapter twenty eight-part one

Thorpe Park

When I got depression, KB was the one who was there for me, unfortunately, we no longer talk now.

I remember this time that she decided to have a birthday sleepover, I wasn't invited but when no one turned up, she asked me and I accepted with very little notice at all.

We ended up going to Thorpe Park and they tricked me onto a thriller ride called colossus.

I wasn't sure about the ride but the thing is, the staff were HORRIBLE to us, we came with disability yellow cards that accepted you to jump the queue and the staff were horrible to us.

A boy came from the ride smiling his head off so I thought it wouldn't be that bad. I was wrong, I held my friend's mum's hand the whole way through.

KB and her friend tricked me on it saying the ride was a gentle ride she was wrong!

KB was my best friend until I told her I was depressed and she didn't believe me. :(