Chapter twenty nine - Crumbling down

Chapter twenty nine

I didn't eat for weeks and weeks (don't judge me by that, I can't remember fully so I could be exaggerating there a bit.

Of course as a young teenage girl, you can't (okay I couldn't) go without eating for a long time without people noticing and making

everything I ate. I tried to shake it off but I didn't do that well at it. Pretty soon I started hearing voices too.

Unfortunately for me I was living with a lady who was an ex anorexic; her ways helped me in my first few stages.

Anyway i stopped eating there.

I've just realised that I've already kind of said this but, my life just kept crumbling though.

As life went on, i had another major slip. This time it got me sectioned.

I was at home and for reasons that i can't really remember, my dad and my sister had a big argument.

This impacted us all and when i say it impacted us all, i mean it scared my youngest dog so much that he started shaking.

Your going to say that hate is a strong word, but at the time i hated them for scaring my dog so much. He was shaking.

In the end i picked him up, brought him to my room and hugged him.

I can't remember why it affected me so much but it did.

Now i wanted to die even more.

This caused me to stop drinking, I was so low.

Depression had really become my anchor and my life came crumbling down.


Hi guys thanks for reading!

Your amazing!!

So I won't ruin anything but I'm now convinced that JF could be just as guilty as SZ here...

Hmm... =\

Tough one!

Thanks again,
