Chapter Thirty-Five - "You'll Regret It"

Chapter Thirty-Five

"You'll Regret It"

Back at my old supported living placement (with the initials FL); a lady online had told me that I had anorexia. I wasn't sure if I should believe her but I knew I had all the symptoms, so new she was probably right but was in denial.

I had voices in my head now too and it wasn't making things any easier.

This landed me on netdoctor, I wanted to know what anyone else thought of my issues. Turns out that they thought the same.

Things got so bad for me that I even started a food diary. I will include my full food diary from beginning to end at the end of the book.

On Halloween one year, when I was still at Fritham Lodge, I was invited to a party at the main house.

I was nervous about going because I felt bad whenever I ate and didn't really want to eat

"Don't go tonight, you'll regret it"

I sighed, maybe the voice in my head was right

"If you go, you'll only end up overeating and feel like shit afterwards"

"don't go"

Well, in the end, I DID go, but the voices in my head were right. I felt shit and because of that I've always believed and listened to the voices in my head