Who Told You To Pat My Butt And Help Me Examine My Injury

"Oh, it's getting more and more outrageous..." Qin Yu smiled and shook her head. "We should hurry up. We haven't bought everything yet."

Qin Shanyuan stood there, looking at Liang Jiaying, who was laughing so hard that she was out of breath. He laughed out loud, "Is it really that funny?"

Liang Jiaying nodded her head vigorously. "Funny, it's really funny."

Qin Shanyuan smiled and shook his head. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in his line of sight. Although she was wearing sunglasses and a hat, he still recognized her.

Shen Xieren?

What was she doing here?

The smile on Qin Shanyuan's face froze as his gaze followed Shen Xieren. He noticed that she was trailing behind Qin Yu. Although the distance wasn't far, but it wasn't close either.

If it weren't for the fact that he knew Shen Xieren wasn't with them, he really wouldn't have known that she was following Qin Yu.