If You Don't Rely On Han Yuanjun, Liang Zixuan And Liang Jiahao, How Can You Be So Unreasonable

Shen Xieren sneered and turned to flee.

Hou Fen reacted quickly and grabbed her clothes. "Shen Xieren, where are you trying to run? Do you think I won't recognize you just because you're wearing sunglasses and a hat?"

Unable to escape from Hou Fen, who grabbed her clothes, Shen Xieren turned around angrily. "Is there something wrong with you? Let me go!"

As they pushed and shoved, Qin Yu raised her head. A surprising lipstick mark had appeared on the snow-white coat.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you'll have to buy this coat." The staff apologized and said with dignity.

Qin Yu sensed that this person was conflicted. She clearly had an apologetic expression on her face, but why were her words a bit presumptuous?

"Why do I have to buy it?" Qin Yu took a step back and silently extended her hand to grab Shen Xieren.