

The sky is white, Minaro and his squad are nonchalantly walking down a wide dirt path, with him ahead, surrounded by differing, dilapidated houses of stone. They're in Kuropo, a ghost town.

Imma-Ite: Hey, Mineral, you sure you won't need help fighting the next Skiller?

Minaro: … If I was able to defeat Rank 8, Rank 5 shouldn't be a problem. So you three can just sit back and watch.

It's silent for a few seconds.

Maya: … Minaro, do you have any weaknesses?

He ignores her. So she prances up and suddenly hugs him from behind, and then immediately lets go. Minaro jolts and turns around, flushed.

Maya's smiling mischievously, and Imma-Ite is confused.

Maya: Seems like I found a weakness! Hugs from me!

Minaro stares at her dumbly until his face reverts to normal.

Minaro: … No, not just from you. Any hug, no, actually any touch in the wrong spot is my weakness. Because I'm really, extremely ticklish. It's really bad.

Maya's confused now, too.

Imma-Ite: Seriously? How bad is it?

Minaro: Insanely bad, every single inch of my body is extremely ticklish.

The two are shocked.

Maya: … So if a Skiller started tickling you during a fight, what would happen?

Minaro: … I'd probably lose… Make sure not to tell any Skillers about my weakness.

The two chuckle.

8 minutes later, they're still walking.

Maya: … You know, Minaro, you really give off "I don't care" energy. But you're probably a dude with feelings.

Imma-Ite: … A dude with feelings? A dude with feelings is every dude, dumbass!

Minaro and Imma-Ite laugh, Maya's a teeny bit pissed off.

Minaro: … Do I give off that energy? I'm not trying to, I guess I really just don't care.

She's peppy now.

Maya: Yeah! I like the "I don't care" energy! So keep not caring! It makes you super cool!

She turns her head slowly and unhappily to Imma-Ite, who side-eyes her multiple times.

Maya: Now, Imma-Ite over here, the only energy he gives off is "stupid" and "jerk!"

He quickly gives her the middle finger and she yaps in shock.

Minaro and the squad arrive at a large, ruined parking lot, and at its center stands, Rank 5. A serious young man, big, messy, and Deep Coffee brown hair on his head, Citrine Yellow eyes, his outfit torn, and all red, but different shades for each garment. Most notable on him are five, standard and average, spiked chains, 1 wrapped around his neck, 2 for the wrists, and 2 for the shins.

The squad sits, and Minaro goes on ahead, resolute. Bukkaru instantly decides to take a nap, and Maya and Imma-Ite begin playing Sticks.

Steps later, Rank 5 and Minaro are somewhat close, they lock eyes, and he's slightly confused.

"... This is my opponent? Just one person?"

He stretches vigorously and is about to yawn, when, in the blink of an eye, Minaro violently punches him in the stomach. Blood erupts from his mouth as he's blasted away.

"He caught me off guard! Fucker's hand almost went through my stomach!"

He lands, sticks his palms up, and magically expels tons of big and far-reaching, steel chains from them. They head for Minaro, who's on the move, and dynamically kicks and strikes them away whenever they get close.

"... 'Chain Summoning'?"

There is a worried expression on Rank 5.

"I can feel this guy's killing intent, and it's strong, really strong."

Straight away, he expels more chains, now ones made of Walnut Wood and common glass. They all crash into Minaro's body, crumbling, exploding with the impact, and cutting him a bunch. Yet, he continues to move, unbothered, even speeding up.

Rank 5 looks very, very worried.

Rank 5: Bastard! Get away! STAY BACK!

More disparate chains are expelled, these are Mint Green and ghost-like. Minaro tries to crack them but his limbs phase through, he's a little taken aback. They swerve around him and then slam into his back, knocking him to the ground.

"Ghost Chains" can be manipulated, they can become untouchable or the opposite at any realistic time.

Rank 5 switches his face to a serious one.

"I shouldn't be scared! I have to pay attention!"

Additional ghost chains come out, Minaro quickly stands up, runs, and nimbly dodges them as they twist haphazardly. After, they fade out.

Next, chains made of barbed wire are released. Minaro immediately surrounds himself in giant ice walls that obstruct the danger.

Rank 5 is a bit miffed.

"... I'm sorry, boss, but it seems like I'll have to really fight like I'm aiming to kill here. With that, I will be able to release all my power… There is a chance I accidentally kill him, and if that happens, I will kill myself."

He springs high and then falls from the sky down to where Minaro is, prepared to deliver a devastating karate chop.

Except, as his feet touch the ground and his hand inches closer to Minaro's head. Minaro seizes his arm, and causes his heart to drop.

Minaro powerfully hits Rank 5's left shoulder, shattering joints and rendering the arm useless. Next, he lets go of the seized arm and instantly uppercuts it, shattering bones inside entirely.

Rank 5 screams in agony. Minaro mercilessly socks him, smashing the jaw and hurling him to the floor. Following, Minaro boots him into the air, and springs himself, reaching a point slightly above Rank 5. Where he intensely punches him down.

He crashes into the earth, and is hyperventilating, blood pouring out of his nose. Minaro lands beside him.

"What the fuck!? The boss never told me he was going to be this powerful!"

Maya and Imma-Ite are spectacing now, they're stunned.

Imma-Ite: Mineral's really strong, holy shit.

Maya is delighted.

Maya: Yeah! He's so cool!

Minaro: … Wanna die now, or later?

Rank 5: L- later. I want to live! P- please.

Minaro clutches his hair and makes him sit up. His head droops.

Minaro: … Use all your Skills on me.

Rank 5 is still, and silent for a couple of seconds. Until the ground around him randomly explodes, prompting Minaro to leap away.

Rank 5 is up now, grinning. His arms are encased in steel chains, extremely constricted and being able to somewhat, sort of function.

Rank 5: I'm not going down so easily!

"... I should run. But I'll lose my pride if I do!"

Suddenly, 100 standard chains rush out of Rank 5's spine, all heading for Minaro, looking like a giant, overwhelming, dragon.

In response, Minaro casually summons a rift, positions it properly, and releases rays which disintegrate chunks of the chains instantly, and leave them impotent.

Rank 5 is staggered, subsequently becoming frightened. A red string swiftly wraps around his waist, coming from Minaro's finger, and he's yanked to him aggressively.

Minaro savagely decks Rank 5, and kicks him elsewhere right after.

Imma-Ite: Oh. He just used the string Skill you have.

Maya: Yeah, he must have gotten it when he killed one of my family members.

Imma-Ite: HE DID WHAT!?

Minaro is walking.

"... I should use this Skill more often."

Rank 5 slowly rises and starts running away from the battle.

"I have to get out of here! I really do!"

Minaro begins to speed walk.

"... The Skill with the green chains could be useful but its name is probably impossible to guess… Whatever."

Another red string is shot out, this one wraps around Rank 5's legs and trips him. A rift appears above him, and a ray shoots out of it.

He tries desperately to stand up, but the strings won't let him.

"FUCK! I'm gonna die, there's so much I wanted to do!"

He starts crawling, yelling whatever, and crying, Minaro's just watching.

"Chain Creation? Green Chain Summoning?"

The ray finally hits him and he's burned until nothing is left.

Imma-Ite: … Mineral doesn't fuck around.

Maya: I know, he's kinda scary.

Minaro holds his hand out and tries to summon the green chains, but nothing happens.

He walks and sits down beside Maya.

Maya: … Did you get a skill?

Minaro: No.

He sighs.

Minaro: … Getting new Skills is hard, it's impossible to guess their true names.

Imma-Ite: Is it? Because whenever I see a Skill I can easily think of what it's actually called.

Minaro: I can too. But then I guess it, and it's not it. For some reason, even the simplest Skills have a name you wouldn't expect.

Maya: How odd.

Minaro looks at Maya.

Minaro: … Maya, how do you make weapons and stuff with your string Skill? I've been trying to do it but I can't.

Maya: I don't know, It's just natural for me… I think it's because I've had the Skill for my entire life while you've had it for 2 weeks.

He stares at the floor.

Imma-ite: … Hey, so, what's next?

Minaro: … Rinka is trying to find Rank 6 right now, so we should try to find Rank 7. Once Bukkaru wakes up, we'll go to Tuviol.

Yutsu walks down a red hallway, Eivee beside him.

Eivee: … Yutsu, what's the point of all of this?

Yutsu: … Have you heard of the Kamu realm?

Eivee: … Kamu realm? I don't know what that is.

Yutsu: … It's essentially heaven, where a species known as Kamu exists. They resemble humans but are otherwordly and have Skills as well -

Millenniums ago, the Kamu realm was sealed and they could no longer leave it. It was sealed by Demus from the Demu realm, which was basically hell. There was a big war

Eivee: Why are you telling me this? What's this gotta with my question, dude?

Yutsu looks slightly annoyed.

Yutsu: The answer to your question is coming up, man! Anyways, I have a skill, I call "Kamunication." It allows me to temporarily enter the Kamu realm and speak to the Kamus -

I proposed my plan to them, and found that their goal and mine can co-exist.

Eivee: What's their goal?

Yutsu: To wipe humanity out of existence and turn the earth into part of their Kamu realm… Kamus can see everything, they're above us, literally, and all they want is great entertainment. So if I wanted their help they told me to put on a show -

So to answer your question, the point of all of this is to have the things over there with Rinka and Minaro become something the Kamus will enjoy watching. All we've gotta do is let the story unfold.

Eivee: Seriously?

Yutsu: Yeah, It's an odd thing to request. But that's what they wanted and I wasn't going to pass up on their help... They're the reason some of us have 6 or 7 Skills… They know the true name of every Skill!

Eivee: Really? Damn!

Yutsu: … In like 3 years, the Kamu realm will open again, and another war will occur. Probably.

Eivee: … Yutsu. Are you sure the Kamus are being entertained? What if they think the stuff unfolding is boring?

Yutsu: They don't. Plus, It's only going to get crazier! Nunda is coming!

Eivee: Nunda? Isn't he dead?

Yutsu: Yup!