

Rinka and his squad run into Yugin, breathing heavily and looking around. The town's got a million trees, and hundreds of plazas, and lot's of common homes.

Doa: … Getting to these places without Bukkaru is such a pain in the ass!

Rinka: … Yeah. I don't why Sumairu let Minaro add Bukkaru to his squad. Shit's dumb. He's supposed to be the group's Taxi!

Little minutes have passed.

Doa: … Ashi? Do you have an Ultimate Skill?

Ashi is as nervous as ever.

Ashi: Oh, no. I've only got my small wind.

Rinka looks at her.

Rinka: … Ashi, if you don't mind me asking. Why are you always so nervous?

Ashi: Uhh… I just am. I've always been like this. I can't calm myself down.

She chuckles nervously.

Ashi: … I have a lot of trauma. You know?

Rinka: … I have a lot of trauma too, but I'm trying to get over it all. Are you trying to get over yours? Because I think you could if you really tried.

Ashi: … I don't know. But, how do I do that?

Rinka ponders blankly for a second.

Rinka: I don't know! I just do it!

She looks at the floor, vacantly. And Doa laughs.

Doa: You're a horrible therapist, Rinka!

He smiles a little.

Rinka: Shut up, bro.

Ashi: … Rinka. Everyone's born with decent strength, and good Skills. While I was born with a weak wind Skill and basically no power at all… I don't think I could get better even if I tried.

Rinka: … Everything you just said is just not true! No one's born strong, and it doesn't matter if a Skill is really good, if you don't know how to use it or act, it'll be useless!.. People get better by working to be better! You can become better, Ashi!

She's taken aback, and the bits of nervousness are fading.

Ashi: You - you really think I can become better?

Rinka: Yeah! Anyone can!

She smiles a little bit.

Ashi: Okay! I'll try to get better!.. Thanks, Rinka.

He gives her a thumbs up.

Doa: Dang, Rinka. I take what I said back. You're a pretty good therapist.

Rinka: Thanks, man.

In one of the plazas, on a big fountain sits Rank 6, a guy with long, Caribbean Current Cyan hair, and Yellow-Orange snake-like eyes. His fit is a common judicial robe.

Rinka approaches him, a few feet apart.

Rinka: Hello!

Rank 6: Hi?

Rinka: Rank 6, I don't want to fight, I wanna be friends with you!

Rank 6's extremely baffled.

"Haah!? Be friends!? What?"

He recalls something Yutsu told him hours ago.

"Rinka's blue, and Minaro looks like a woman."

"This is Rinka."

He remembers something else.

"Fight them, but don't kill them."

He quickly lifts a greatsword beside him and swings it at Rinka, who blocks it with his katana and jumps far away.

Rinka: I said I don't wanna fight you, man!

Rank 6: Well I do!

Rinka: I just wanna talk to you!

Rank 6: I don't!

Doa brings her gun out, Rinka looks at her.

Rinka: … Hey, hold on. Can I do this battle by myself?

Doa: Why? You'll get your ass beat.

Rinka: No?.. I just wanna test myself. Please?

Doa: … Okay, but If you're taking too long to win, I'll step in.

Rinka: … How quick do you want this battle to be?

Doa: … Like a minute We've gotta get to the last Skiller.

Rinka: … Alright.

Doa sits down on a different fountain, and Ashi does the same. Rinka heads to the enemy.

"In the Rank 4 fight, I used Black Bolt way too much, not gonna do that here."

He shifts his blade.

"Edged Darkness."

He begins running, Rank 6 releases several, big yellow dots floating fast out of him, heading for Rinka. He tries to move away, but the dots follow, and blow up.

Rinka weaves past the explosions, swings, and his and Rank 6's weapon touch. But Rinka's katana overpowers and slices the greatsword in two.

A piece hits the floor, Rank 6 is surprised. The katana is inches from his face. Rinka's looking serious.

"... I've gotta start fighting seriously! I'll fight all my opponents like I want to kill them!"

Rank 6 swiftly punches him in the stomach and pushes him a great distance. Rinka slides, and gets right back into the action, running back to the enemy.

A number of average arms made of marble form from Rank 6's own, prepared to catch the opposition.

Rinka cuts them all as he proceeds, and then throws a punch. Rank 6 dodges and throws his own that hits Rinka's belly, and he's pushed away again.

Rank 6 advances and tries to kick him, Rinka swiftly grabs his leg and delivers his own, right to the belly too.

Afterwards, Rinka moves back.

"Chain of Dark."

He swings the chain around like a whip, and Rank 6 dodges every attempt to hit him, and follows up by slashing the air repeatedly.

With every movement of the sword, white, thin lines come out of it, streaks capable of severing.

Rinka evades each one and inches closer.

"I have to make him bleed!.. Edged Darkness."

He goes for a slit, Rank 6 steers clear of his blade, and is then suddenly hit by tons of magical bullets. He shakes, next falls. Rinka turns around, and Doa is right next to him.

Doa: A minute has passed. We can't waste time or Minaro will get to Rank 7 before us… We've gotta immobilize this Skiller, quick.

Rinka: … Okay. I'm gonna do something, and once I do, use your Ultimate Skill.

"Black Bolt."

Rinka becomes the bolt and moves ahead, zooming constantly around Rank 6. And frequently becoming human at random intervals, punching different locations on the foe, and then turning back into lightning. Afterwards, zooming again. It's an effective cycle.

Doa elevates the damage by delivering an onslaught of magical bullets, all connecting and stunning severely. Up till Rank 6 falls to his knees, exhausted, the attacks stop too, and the two buddies stand over him.

Rinka's breathing heavily, he's also exhausted.

Rinka: … I- I said I just wanted to talk, man.

Rank 6 doesn't respond, and just quivers. Rinka extends his hand out to him.

Rinka: … C'mon, we're not gonna arrest or kill you. We seriously just wanna talk.

He simply stares at Rinka for a bit, and then takes his hand, rising.

Rank 6: … Whatever.

After that, Rinka passes out and Doa holds him, concerned. She tries to put him on her back, except Ashi interposes.

Ashi: Doa. Since I didn't help with the fight at all, I'll help you carry Rinka!

Doa: … You sure? He's heavy.

Ashi: Yes. I can do it!

Doa smiles.

Doa: Okay. He's all yours!

With ease, Ashi puts Rinka on her back and is able to handle it. Doa looks at Rank 6.

Doa: Hey, could you wait for us here? We're gonna go find Rank 7.

Rank 6: Rank 7?.. Why are you looking for Skillers?

Doa: We just wanna talk to them. That's all.

He's lost in thought for a bit.

Rank 6: … Sure, I'll wait here.

Minaro and his squad step into Tuviol, a prodigious, old-school town with only Sunshine Yellow and Flamingo Pink exact buildings. It's pretty odd.

Minaro: … Let's split up. Call me if you find the Skiller.

Maya: Okay!

Imma-Ite: Yup!

Bukkaru plops onto the floor, everyone else runs off in different directions.