Five years later ...
At the age of twenty three, Prince Elijah has been living out his life the way he was expected to and he is enjoying it too at that. During he's royal training Prince Elijah had accompanied he's father to many distinguished events and parties.
It was here our prince met Shaziyah, a beautiful noble woman from the neighboring tribe of Sighbin.
As meetings were frequently held between the states, the teenagers, Elijah and Shaziyah fall madly in love. At the age of twenty three they marry.
Meanwhile, Saadiqah who is now the deputy advisor falls in love and gets married to Faizel who is a well-known and distinguished Alchemist in the Ascalon army.
This pair met during a meeting when Faizel was awestruck by Saadiqah's intuition, charm, beauty and un-interest for him, which ultamitly drove his passion.
One year later the two pairs get married in a double wedding and everything was beautiful. Everyone was happy.
Elijah felt a undescribable void at the pit of his stomach although he wouldn't admit his immediate family knew that his brothers absence and betrayed bothered him but being the prince he knew exactly how to hide those emotions from leaking.
Everyone was having a good time the ballroom was beautifully decorated with white and yellow lillie's as centrepieces on each table.
The orchestra was playing fast lively music before it toned down to a steady melody fit for a waltz. The newly wed couples took center stage and glided across the rooms marble tiles.
The festivities were well under way and everything went smoothly, when all of a sudden a loud commotion was heard that drew everyone's attention...
In the middle of the crowed a tall masked man stepped out and held a sword out to Shaziyah and was about to speak when the prince burst out, "Let go of my wife!" Elijah growled at the unknown character.
"Awwe still so fussy Ellie?" Mocked the man.
Prince Elijah immediately recognized that voice.
"Show your face Eli, let Shaziyah go and we can talk... Man to man."
"Aah Ellie you know I love an audience, why not let the entire kingdom know," mocked the kings twin brother, twirling a dagger with his right hand while the left has a firm grip on her shoulder.
"Eli ?" Queen Aiya asked.
"Lovely to see you too Mother." Utter distaste on every word.
"What are you doing here? You've been exiled from Ascalon many years ago." The king stated as he stared daggers into him.
The Eli removed his disguise and King Elazar knew he had to face this reality.
Loud gasps were heard from every corner of the room ricocheting off the walls and into their ears again, even the orchestra stopped playing.
The air was tense and thick everyone felt it.
The former prince.
The tyrant son of the king.
He was banished because of proven accounts of plotting against the crown, to murder his own parents and twin brother then marry his brother's wife and become the rightful king of Ascalon and it's riches.
The plan was easy and quick according to Eli and would've worked had that now, so dead idiot Tahnjho not been there and warned the captain of the guard who, ironically was his father's best friend of his own son's betrayal.
Eli's plans were foiled. Miserably.
Instead of seeing him being executed on counts of treason and the very image of his son's limp body hanging from a knoose, the King rather had him banished with out trial and took away his name, this meant he'd have to wander barren lands without an identity.
The king warned Eli that his future presence on Ascalon soil would result in his immediate death without trial.
With the sudden quiet and thick air, Eli made he's unwanted appearance known.
"I'd love to stay and chat but you know my life's on the line and all..." he sighed, "I'll have my revenge on the crown Elijah and I'll hit you where it will hurt most! Not you or anyone will stop me this time!"
With that he pushed his mother aside with little care, not the he had any left. The king rushed to her side, "Arrest him!" His father shouted.
It was too late, Eli had vanished...
Two years later...
The couples have one daughter each. Prince Elijah's daughter is named Zaynab.
Saadiqah's daughter is named Rhuqqayah.
With the news the king, queen and kingdom are all over joyed with the news and the royal banquet feast was held.
Many royal families, friends, government officials and even the locals were invited to the traditional royal feast. Everyone had attended the much anticipated birth of the Prince's heir, especially a familiar enemy of the family.
Many rituals and prayers are said and done to protect the next ruler in line and it's people from both themselves and enemies.
The kingdoms history instruct that it's traditional colours of gold and silver pigments are to painted on the little princess or prince's skin.
The rituals and prayers have past and the well awaited festivities are about to begin. The banquet went on as per tradition.
At the banquet Sultan was very much aware of the last time the royal family had a banquet, Eli had shown up. Security now, was strict more than ever because of a girl, being an heir.
The King was reluctant at first to hold the dinner but as it was tradition he didn't have much rule over it, as this was an expected tradition.
The grand hall was beautifully decorated and people were enjoying themselves all over again. Until the same things occurred at the last banquet a commotion, then... Nothing. Elazar was expecting an appearance but nothing.
Queen Aiya noticed his discomfort and squeezed his hand reassuringly.
Then out of nowhere Eli appeared, again. "Miss me Ellie?" He teased, grinning, smiling almost at seeing Elijah's very visible annoyance. "Guards!" The prince roared, this time wasting no time, the guards, in one fluid motion apprehended Eli and he was thrown into the dungeons.
After the public scene Sultan continued the festivities but not for long. Everyone retreated to their chambers where they slept restless, because tomorrow the King and Prince would question Eli who was either really brave or really daft to come back to a place where his head was wanted literally, after his defiance and last sceptical.
The next morning Elazar and Elijah both hastily make their way to the dungeons to question his son and brother.
"Why have you returned Eli?" There was only curiosity left, and with that he addressed his son.
"I have been done an tremendous injustice and come to take my revenge-" a ruckus is heard upstairs interrupting his confession.
"My loyal comrade's unlike you Father, Elijah, have come to break me out-"
"You're not going anywhere."
"Are you certain Father?" Eli questioned the king by signalling a sign of disbelief with his shackled hands.
"I hear them screaming..." mocked Eli and without thinking he persuaded his father and brother to run up and help the men fight off his sons goons.
A few seconds into the brawl, Eli's men's are overpowered and the remaining men surrender and are jailed.
When they check on the family they're relieved to know everyone is safe.
No injuries...
No nothing...
"Strange..." Elazar said to Elijah.
They looked at each other in a second disbelief and shock.
"A diversion..."
"Quick! Sound the alarm, have the palace on lock down and secure Eli's cell, go!"
Arriving at the cell, the guards find it empty and when Elijah and Elazar learn this they aren't shocked in the slightest to see that Eli has somehow escaped.
Their brother and son became an sick, obsessed and vengeful idiot but he was a smart one at that. Gone. Again.
Suddenly for Elijah, being a Prince and the leader of one of the greatest civilizations on Earth didn't matter to him. Not at that moment. Right now his heart and life lay with his daughter and wife. As a devoted father should.
After that he spent all of his free time with Zaynub and Shaziyah by doing little things like picnics or weather it was just reading to his son, trying to forget about royal duties for a while...
Time went on as usual, as it stopped for no man. The children grew healthy and always played together.
As young as the pair were, Zaynub and Rhuqqayah, were brought together and became the best of friends while growing up. Every so often exchanging their toys.
After that last encounter it was quiet, but the family was always on edge. The King's granddaughter and adoptive granddaughter could be potential targets... Something he was really cautious and careful about.
The two girls were not only born in the same year but on the day as well, same as their beloved parents. They all were living in Ascalon together in the palace and as time went on the two girls grew to become the best of friends, and growing up they became closer by each passing moment.
King Elazar had already noticed that as the two girls grew up and had a better understanding of things ,that they had inevitably become closer basically inseparable.Always together.
Then when the girls were old enough to speak they begged their Grandfather to place their rooms exactly opposite one another, just a passage way separated them.
At night when either one of the two were scared they had established a unique way of communicating with one another. They'd tap the walls four times and the other would be alerted and know that they should get to the room. Once there they would climb under the covers and snuggle with one another and tell stories about magical and mythical adventures until they reluctantly and then eventually fell fast asleep.
Seeing their close bond Sultan decided that he would make Kubra the advisor Saadiqah's daughter, Princess Zaynub's lady in waiting at the age of twelve.
Though not having any actual political exposure they didn't understand the position, but only agreeing that the term meant that they would be constantly together, they agreed. And as to Sultans initial reasoning this tactic had strengthened their bond and friendship even more. Sultan was glad, he was happy, he knew that they'll look out and after one another always
While their parents were fighting and advising in the continuous raging war and making alliances with other countries around the globe, the two inquisitive young girls explored the magnificent palace every day.
Being daily captivated by the goldplated dome structures atop the roofs and their unusual type of architecture that has strange structures in the walls that allow sunlight to light up the entire grandeur throughout the day and moonlight through the night, exploring for them, was limitless. Unbound.
Finding more and more labyrinth like secret passageways under, through and around their great metropolis, they went on marking and remembering most passages used for "last-minute escapes" grandpa said. For them it was paradise to play and explore in but a nightmare for the castle staff who tried to find them when it was bath times.
The girls also loved shopping with their nannies to get castle supplies and such. But in the middle of the city was their undoubtedly favourite. Town square was beaming with it's usual spunk for life and vibrancy.
Colourful shop stalls of all kinds line the long streets surrounding a large fountain, that sell anything to everything imaginable, from pasta to pastries, building materials, spices, pottery and any other mentionable thing needed for daily life.
As energetic and lively as the girls were they were also very well educated, speaking and writing in three different languages, namely their native tongue Arabic as well as English and Spanish.
Princess Zaynub studied more of the arts,crafts and sculpting, as she had a beautiful siren like voice; sometimes performing for the royals themselves whereas Rhuqqayah studied anatomy and chemistry. Fascinated by the natural world around her she spent a well amount of time doing and redoing her experiments.
Though the vast difference between the two paths of knowledge they both had incorporated engineering, literature and politics into their studies. But amongst these their favorite had to be physical combat. As they grew up they became more curious to the developing world around them.
Since their Grandfather sultan went on many voyage's across the seas he brought many relics given to him as peace offerings ,gifts and foreigners who had embraced the religion of Islam during Sultan's quest of expanding his reign and the religion of Islam all over the known world.
He had many people who came with him who had converted to live in Ascalon, making it's diversity rich.
One of the converters who stood out the most for the girls was grand Master Akira a man of fourtyfour years of age, now known as Grand Master Abubaker. He was a legend in Asia known as being the greatest and most skilled monk trained in the fighting style of Wushu. The girls were nine years of age at the time of his arrival, thus giving Master Abubaker three years to master another form of fighting known as Krav Maga.
A fighting skill the people of Ascalon learned from other allied Arab tribes. Now a skilled fighter in both arts, he practiced and perfected his fighting everyday in a sand garden built in his honor by Sultan Elazar. He was truly grateful for the garden and took great care of the it as it was built to remind him of home and the temple he had trained in to become the skilled monk he was.
As he walked in his traditional training garment which was a bright orange in colour, made it look as if he had the sunset draped over his physique, paired with jet black shoes blindly white socks. He was lean yet strong.
He moved with exact precision and grace across the sand box creating the emblem of Asian art and history " the sign of Ying and Yang..." Gasped the two girls simultaneously from behind the shrubs in the garden, making their hidden presence known.
They'd been their every day since their discovery of their garden ,innocently spying and making mental notes.
"Come out little ones," said
Master Abubaker chuckling, in his strong Japanese accent. They stepped out of their hiding spot and stared at him intently with their different set of large, fairly noticable eyes.
Princess Zaynub's eye's were a deep, dark chocolatey brown. A Sharp and perculiar brandy like brown from Rhuqqayah's orbs.
"Would you like to learn little ones?" Just as they were born together they answered together, "Yes, grandmaster!"
Then in no time they had started learning their training terminologies, learning Japanese in the process From there he went onto showing them specific fighting techniques for a specific situations and number if attackers and so on.
Seeing how good and productive his granddaughter's have become in combat he soon had all the members of the army learning the art of Wushu and Krav-maga, and aiding grand master with this task were his two leading students Rhuqqayah and Zaynub.
Fellow members of the army watched in aw as the two friends fought hard in combat against each other enjoying themselves through the process, all the while grand master is explaining to the guards of attacking, defence and possibility of winning by looking at your opponent's fighting style and technique and using it against him/her.
"Situation manipulation" is what he called it.
The girls had mastered their fighting skills. Teaching classes of men and woman on their own exceptionally well at the ages of thirteen.
Training for Rhuqqayah and Zaynub starts at dusk,when the air is cool and crisp from the desert moon.
Sparing hard, long and gracefully they sharpen and better their skills with each passing day. Absentmindedly not knowing they'd need it for what was about to come...