With heavy breaths the pair fell on to each other in a heap on the plush and soft grassy floor. Laying they looked up at the cloudy blue sky they naturally flowed into conversation about the strange shapes they made.

"That one looks like a elephant balancing itself on a monkey while defending itself against a cow, doesn't it Zaynub?" Asked Rhuqqayah, curiosity with little smirk on her lips is seen.

"Wow, Rhuqqayah you amaze me every single day even after fifteen years of seeing you and hearing your ghastly jokes." Zaynub giggled silently, trying to look serious.

"You think of me as ghastly Zaynub, well I'll never. I-" She was about to continue when Zaynub cut her off.

"I'd rather you not Rhuqqayah. You've been a menace lately and I think it's time I rid of you." Utterly confused Rhuqqayah looks at her friend like you'd look at a scribe after they'd ask.you a question only they knew the answer to.

"Well be rid of me then." Rhuqqayah turned to lay on her side and before she knew it her rib cage was being violated and her mouth as open laughing loud.

After Zaynub's tickling onslaught they lay there for a short while after sitting up. They also talked about the ridiculous castle gossip and the strange fashion trend that started in the west.

After a while Princess Zaynab stood and said, "Well we stink!" She chuckled. "I'm going to take a bath and so should you Rhuqqayah," She said giggling and scrunching up her nose to emphasize on the way they smelled.

"You worry too much, you know that Zayn?" Rhuqqayah said in a nonchalant tone mocking her best friend.

"Race you there?" Zaynub wore a smirk and without warning she broke out into a sprint, down the hill they both ran too fast and went tumbling one after the other.



When they reached the bottom the training shirts were green stained if the grass and so was Rhuqqayah's teeth.

Stumbling to their feet they regained their balance and the went dashing across the training yard.


"Watch out Zaynub you stepped on that calf!" Shouted Rhuqqayah.

Zaynub stopped dead in her tracks and turned around all to see nothing. She should've known not to trust Rhuqqayah.

"That's not playing fair!" Shouted Zaynub.

"All's fair in love and war, my love." Rhuqqayah said back over her shoulder.

Darting towards the palace in the direction of the glass greenhouses, the girls never achieved to best each other at anything, when they arrived there at the same time.

They had always been equally good at everything since they and anyone could remember.

Realising that they were running in the palace they abruptly stopped, stilled and started giggling as they stiffly walked arm in arm towards their rooms ironically opposite each other, "Oh and do wash now, Rhuqqayah" Zayn teased.

Rolling her eyes Rhuqqayah replied with a hand on her chest showing her apparent hurt feelings "Yessss mum," she uttered in a dry, hoarse tone causing them to explode in a fit of giggles.

Entering their chambers, they were awaited by their handmaiden's who helped undress them from their training attire."Thank you..." said Rhuqqayah as she slipped out of her overly large white blouse, brown leggings and black leather boots and stepped into the large much wanted, smooth white marble bathtub.

Rosewater steamed Rhuqqayah's bathing chambers that did wonders for her aching limbs and gave the room a fresh aroma.

She stepped out and her maidens assisted in dressing her in a floor length pastel green silk gown with gold buttons and a dark pastel green and gold accented head scarf. Next was her make-up which wasn't any at all just a thick cat-eye lining of black coal on her eyes making emphasis on her brandy colored eyes.

In the other room Princess Zaynub was dressed in a dusty pink floor length gown with a cream and silver accented head scarf and a bit of pink pomegranates seed solute dabbed on her lips.

In unison they both stepped out feeling fresh and made their way over to the Sultans study to which they were summoned.

There Rhuqqayah was met by her mother Saadiqah, the Advisor and father Faizel captain of the guard. Princess Zaynab joined her mother Shaziyah and father Prince Elijah on the other side of the table.

At the briefing table Sultan, the Prince and advisors were discussing future and current affairs of the kingdom, an alliance with Nuressah and possible attacks on Ascalon.

Not long after, Sultan rose and cleared his throat looking at the two young woman and then everyone else in the room as well, "Zaynab and Ruqqayah, my granddaughters. It makes me so proud to have lived this long to see how much you've grown and matured over the years, you both know that you're not getting any younger, and that certain responsibilities need handling."

Then Queen Aiya rose and spoke, "Zaynab and Ruqqayah, we're all very proud of the two," she gestured with her hands and continued, "your progress and the fact that you've become aware of certain things and are acting accordingly."

The two girls were taken aback by these statements, but masked their anxiety of these compliments gracefully. "Zaynab," Sultan spoke,

"You will be starting with your in-depth royal training and you Rhuqqayah will take on your role of being the royal diplomat of Ascalon. This unfortunately does mean we have entered a time of war again with the far Northwest. Needing a trusted diplomat, we here in Ascalon need to ensure bonds and treaties are still intact. You will be travelling at dusk."

Already knowing what this meant she faked a smile and said "My king," Rhuqqayah replied "I shall proudly carry out my duties faithfully".

"And now my girls, Zaynab and Ruqqayah I have something for the both of you," Spoke King Elazar, reached into his cloak and presented each of them with a tiny rich dark oak box with detailed silver work with the girls' names inscribed on the locks.

"A little something from all us, so that we're always near to your hearts, go on open them." They smiled and opened their boxes.

Inside each box was a beautifully strong bonded silver necklace with shimmering diamonds. In Princess Zaynab's was the last quarter crescent moon and Rhuqqayah's was the nothern star.

"It's beautiful..." mumbled Rhuqqayah.

"They're perfect, thanks you guys," they walked over and hugged their grandparents and parents.

The necklaces sit snuggly between thick coats of smooth red velvet cushioning in the little wooden boxes.

The girls still marvel their gifts in a state of awe.

When the briefing was done they were left alone with each other at the table and it became too quiet Ruqqayah decided they should go to the library.

"That's stupid Ruqqayah you're leaving a place of quiet to go to one of stillness." Zaynub slapped her forehead as she reluctantly followed Rhuqqayah who was already grinning.

The girls make their way to the book room, once there they settled down on the plush armchairs next to the fireplace. Their necklaces instantly catched the firelight dispersing an array of colors on the dark green coloured wall.

"Zayn..." spoke Rhuqqayah a calm yet serious tone. "We need to talk..."