Coming to a head...

Bariss Offee neither flinched, nor backed down at the threat of her own lightsaber claiming her life, and from an outside point of veiw it almost seemed poetic...

"Taking my words, does not mean you believe them, young Jedi, and neither does it relieve you of your transgressions." Komire said down to the defiant Bariss, holding her own blade a mere inch from the small girls forehead.

As Komire stood firm before the again trembling Bariss, up in the overveiwing area, the Jedi masters, council members, and Ahsoka Tano stared with rapt attention... morbid fear, and crushing anger courses throughout Ahsoka's mind as she watched the spectacle below.

Her once best friend in the order, had betrayed her, and had fought against her Master, and the ancient Jedi, and was seemingly about to be executed before her eyes... although she hates what has happened, she can't help but remember their days in the temple library, or in the sparing feilds... she couldn't forget all the fun, and all the good times they spent together... and the joy she felt in her friends fate before her... was absolutely mortifying...

At this moment, thoughts of when she first met Komire in the medical bay on the cruiser over the ruined planet sprang to mind... The Force was so intuned it was as if rejoicing together... both light and Dark together... was this the balance that he ment? Was this why he seemed so absolutely powerful within the Force?

"But before we move on to your punishment for betrayal... even if you had the best of intentions, I would like to know who was it that taught you this path of the Force?"

Komire was definitely curious, because it never clarified who originally turned Bariss against the order, but it did say she had been 'later' corrupted by Sidius within the GAR Prisons.

Barriss looked down somewhat, but she answered honestly as far as Komire could sense, " A man working as a Bounty hunter, with the name of Quinlan Voss."

After the reveal of Barriss' supposed corruptor, Komire couldnt help but chuckle.

"So you were shown what it means to 'Follow the Will of the Force', by a man on the verge of being corrupted by it? Sounds to me that you haven't understood what the Will of the Force truely is yet, have you Bariss?"

Lowering Bariss' blade, Komire shakes his head in utter incredulity... the events of this whole action was somethin many in his previous world had thought Palpatine was behind, but nothing of the sort was happening here, besides a young impressionable girl, was swayed by the words of someone whom they had looked up too.

Voss had deserted the Jedi long before Order 66 in the timeline Komire knew of, so it wasn't so far fetched that Bariss had known the man before he had defected... and if she had seen him as someone worth listening to before he had left, then she would have been swayed by Voss's ideals when they had ultimately encountered each other again.

That line of thought was probably more accurate then the others flitting through Komires mind at that moment, "You would listen to a friend and his views on the Jedi, but you would condemn another of your friends as well? That's so very disappointing Bariss Offee, so very disappointing."

Looking up towards the observing Council of the Jedi, Komire's face grew serious at the severity of his thoughts towards such a group. A small fact being that the people he was seeing looking from high up, were grossly inadequate for the positions they held in this turbulent time. Even from the memories of Komire's new identity, he could clearly see the divide of the Old Republic's Jedi, and this ones. And they ultimately were the cause to the events happening at that moment... their ineptitude breeding chaos and falsity, and it all comes from their complacency and hubris.

...The Blind can see what the fool dares not...

Sighing heavily, Komire looks back down at the still prone padawan. Many plans passed through his mind, but only one outcome was deemed 'favorable'... especially if he was able to correct the young Bariss in the process, and maybe... just maybe, he could enact a 'Rite of Challenge' and begin to fix this 'Broken' Order.


As Skywalker watched on, he couldn't help remember a rather terrifying dream... where he was clad in metal, and an inhuman laugh echoed amongst the black sky, a terrifying scream echoing in the Dark, and the vague images of a Brother, and Sister... As he stood there, he began to ponder through the Grand Vazirs words... one line repeating itself louder and louder within his mind, almost as if the force itself was screaming for them to be known... demanding Skywalker to acknowledge them... Everything he was witnessing before him demanded he hear those words as they echoed within him.

... Balance within ourselves...


However as the Jedi Skywalker pondered this, his apprentice Ahsoka tano was pondering yet a different set of words, although her thoughts seemed chaotic and a mess... although her mind was swimming in her anger at Bariss for her betrayal, the words spoken by the Je'dai below continued to echo within her ears.

...Blind leading the Blind...

'Did he mean to say that the Order itself is lost?' Ahsoka pondered to herself. Her mind seeming to go at the speed of light as she remembered her adventures with 'Skyguy', and Master Obi-wan; and in her opinion they were very different... but yet so alike... both would goof off, or joke around, but in entirely opposite instances... Master Kenobi was mainly serious, yet laid back, but driven entirely by his desire to protect people, and end the war.

Whereas her master Skywalker was an 'in-the-moment' kind of person, he would make outlandish plans, or joke about in serious affairs... but he always put the lives of those he was charged with first. He willingly will charge ahead into battle, without fear.

Ahsoka then thought about the man... no... the Je'dai Komire before her, and couldn't help making a comparison. He was free spirited from what she has seen following him around on the Cruiser, even if she might have gone a bit over board, but he was still patient enough to explain some things to her when she asked... or if he didn't feel like answering he would say in an almost 'teasing' tone, "If your 'Master' hasn't taught you yet, than why should I... after all, you aren't my apprentice are you?"

Ahsoka didn't know why that one sentence hurt so much, but she still persisted, constantly pestering the ancient Je'dai. All up until she was called back to the temple with Skyguy. Ahsoka was sad to part for some reason with the man, but she didn't know why... all throughout the trip back to Coruscant her Instincts were rather tame, but at the memories of the strange visions she saw, her blood boiled and it would take her about an hour to fully calm down. However when the whole mess with the bomb happened, no one at the temple would believe her, all but her Master, Anakin.

So when she found, and confronted Ventres in the under-city, she was quite alarmed to find the masked Je'dai so close to her... it's as if he was perfectly shadowed within the Force. No person should be able to get so close to another without making a sound, or drawing attention to themselves, but he did.

Thinking back to that moment not but a scant few hours prior, Ahsoka had thought it would turn into a rather grueling battle... one she did not even think she'd win in her dreams, and that was only proven when he 'dueled' Bariss into the submissive state she was currently in. there was just too much that she didn't know about the eccentric Je'dai... and it both terrified her.... and excited her.

Looking down from above, Ahsoka was wondering what the Man would do, only to feel as if the very planet was trying to crush her to the floor.

Many, but not all of the Jedi surrounding Ahsoka were far worse off... the only ones able to stand visually unaffected were the Council members.

Ahsoka was glancing around with her eyes as whe tried to use the Force to alleviate some of the pressure on her, only to be stupefied by the words coming from below her.

"I've seen enough Master Yoda, and I am sorely disappointed."


Komire was thoroughly incensed by the events leading up to this moment, that was for sure, but it couldnt help him with his somewhat botched control over the Force and the Gravity surrounding him at the moment.

Komire was desperately trying to reign in the sheer magnitude of the ability so he wouldn't harm the children nearby, whom he may have killed under the uncontrolled pressure if it wasnt for the nearby Sentinels that had jumped before them to alleviate some, if not a majority of the pressure.

seeing them protective before the younglings, and new padawans, Komire relaxed a bit, but that only allowed him to focus more on his task at hand.

"As rite of the Vazir, I challenge the Council of the Jedi in the True Trial of Spirit."

Everywhere around the courtyard, looks of disbelief and shock traversed the silent grounds... but off in the shadows, still struggling with the surprisingly powerful pressure Komire released, a silver haired Jedi stood watching... a fire burning behind her piercing Gray eyes.



Chancellor Palpatine sat at his desk speaking to his advisers while the Jedi were hunting his new protege... thinking of the soon approaching 'Fall of the Jedi' , he couldn't help smirking to himself, all while maintaining his 'distressed' charade to the several advisors in his office. Suddenly a crushing pressure descended upon him, and he couldn't breathe... this had never happened before, and he had no clue where it came from... clutching his chest, he attempted to rise, only to trip backwards, toppling his chair, and alarming his advisers...

..."MR. CHANCELLOR!!!!!"...

It was later advertised throughout the Senate that the Chancellor had "Overworked himself into a mild heart attack".

However for Palpatine it was much worse than that.... all his plans... they were gone... he couldn't see anything at all within the Force. It was blocked by an impenetrable fog, and even with his overwhelming ability, he couldn't even scratch it, causing the Sith to sweat heavily is anxiety, since the day he had planned his Masters death, he had never felt such crushing unknowns... everything was in his grasp..... it wouldn't be till a little later, that he would learn of current events, as such, he would either have to flee, knowing he could be exposed if he wasnt careful, as the Jedi could sense him somewhat if he erred in any way... The War against the Jedi was nearly complete, and only a year at most was needed to finally turn Anakin against the Order... But this, this pressure, and Unknown power were as if the Force itself had ripped the Future from him and gave it to another... he would NOT allow that, HE was the most powerful person in the Galaxy.

Over the next several months for old Palpatine he attempted to wrestle control over the Force itself. only to be refuted every time... but little did he know, that the reason he couldnt gain his previous control over the Force, was because a new player had entered the Game... and he didnt play by the 'Rules'.