While Palpy was whisked away to a medical facility, the entire courtyard surrounding Komire, and Bariss Offee was so still, it seemed time itself had stopped.... the reason being was that the 'Je'daii' Komire had lightning arking around his right hand, as he held Bariss' saber in his left.
All while a pair of disgruntled Jedi 'Masters' lay writhing on the floor with fresh lightning arching over their paralyzed bodies.
Looking around the courtyard for any other Jedi to accost him, Komire remained tense as he sharpened his senses through the Force, then turned his eyes upward to the on looking Jedi Council.
"As I stated previously before your arrogant 'masters' attacked me, you are all challenged to a True trial of Spirit, and that is not optional!"
Everyone who heard the words that left Komire's lips could feel the disappointment, and the sheer unfathomable volume of power behind the mans voice. Many of those looking on felt cold sweat running down their backs, but a select few however... either had a glint of excitement... or a small glint of wariness, cross their eyes as those select few remained stoic in the face of Komires subconscious suppression.
turning ba k towards the downed Bariss Offee, Komire began to set his plan into motion... hoping it wouldn't backfire spectacularly in the process. With a cold gleam visable upon his visored helm, Bariss shivered in fear when the words about to be spoken met her ears.
"Then as your punishment, as Grand Advisor of the Order of Bendu, for harming your fellow Jedi... Ten Lightning lashes... " He said.
As the last word was uttered, tendrils of blue-white Force lightning lept from his hand, and pounced upon their waiting victim. Bariss's screams could be heard all around that half of the temple, and after three seconds, Komire would stop... "That's one..."
Hearing his words, while her body writhed with pain, it only made Bariss more determined to challenge the man above her, he even insinuated that he agreed with her on the Failings of the Jedi... she stared at Komire with as much defiance she could muster, after her body stopped twitching from the First 'Lash'... a grim determination to prove her worth to the man, and mayhaps help reform the Order itself. but since she was unable to see the man's face due to the helmet he wore, she was met with a wave of uncertainty.
A few seconds later the lightning pounced again, ravaging her already painful body... and on this went.... all the way until the eighth blast, when Skywalker stepped forth.
"I think that is enough Master Komire, anymore would kill her."
Komire watched as the steaming body of the still conscious Bariss offee lay twitching upon the ground, still groaning in stark pain as small tendrils of pale blue lightning still arced over her body... then turned to Skywalker...
"The verdict was ten lashes, and no, it won't kill her, I'm not using the lethal techniques of force lightning young man, although your consideration has been noted, however, the scentence will be carried out." He said, his rebreather making his voice sound monotonous to the surrounding jedi, and through the force the jedi masters above could see that Bariss was indeed not in any life threatening situation, and thus said nothing about it, even though many wished to 'put the man in his place', they all knew deep down, that none of them were a match for the 'weakened' Je'dai.
No one more then Anakin wanted the sight before him to end... too many memories of Tatooine played through his mind as he watched the 'Punishment' of Barriss... followed by the echoes of the screams interlaced with Bariss' own, made it rather hard for him to see, or even hear the event anymore... even if he secretly wished it was slightly more severe, Anakin squashed that part of him down as best he could, as he stared into the helmets visor glass upon Komires head.
Although Master Yoda, whom was still sitting in his floating chair, had hovered down to be beside Anakin at this time. glancing at the young Bariss, a thought filled expression adorning his impish-looking face, making whatever discomfort he may have been experiencing masterfully undescoverable.
"punishment enough, I think it is, a trial of her spirit, it has become. hmm?" Yoda said in his broken basic, "After all, a child, she still is."
Komire did not like doing this anymore than he believes the two Jedi had in watching such a thing... but he had to draw the line... if he was to change things, he was going to have to drop the hammer... so to speak.
Komire glanced around the saber yard momentarily after hearing the small murmurs of agreement around the three. What he saw was all the younglings shivering in fear behind a couple of the masters who were previously training them with their lightsabers... a Force barrier surrounding them so they wouldn't hear the pain filled screams of the punishment Bariss was delt, and hidden behind large cloaks so as to not view the spectacle of the 'lashings'.
at the corner of his vision he even spotted a cloaked figure with bright silver hair watching on from behind the crowd.
Seeing this, Komire paused for a second, several thoughts firing away simultaneously within his mind. With a raised Brow, Komire turns directly towards the person, only to see a pair of sparkly grey eyes so focused on him it was... kinda creepy.
Lowering his hand... he closed down Bariss' light saber and turned to face the floating green Jedi Grandmaster. Nodding to the small green Master, Komire signaled the Sentinals observing from the shadows to take Bariss away...although, when she was sufficiently out of earshot, komire turned back towards the dwarf of a Grandmaster... a rather pointed thought dragged to the front of his mind...
He couldn't leave it quite at this, otherwise everything Komire wanted to change would be either ignored, or flat out refused if the little green Jedi even remotely disagreed... as he turned and started towards the temple hallways to go back to the corridors, he gave one last line to the Jedi, and if he had bothered to pay attention, he would have noticed that it wasn't just the younglings shivering in fear at his words... but the masters as well...
"Ten lashes wouldn't have even come close to a punishment for this type of transgression in my time, not even a Thousand would have done so."
Master Mace Windu stood upon the balcony in silence, a cold chill arking up his spin, much how the Force-lightning had danced over Bariss' body... he may loath traitors, but to see such a scentence carried out without a trial was very alarming. As this was happening, Windu was using his special ability within the force Shaterpoint, but as he watched the 'Je'daii', he found nothing... it's as if the Force was denying him any information on what would be the man's fatal weakness. plus, when Mace heard the parting words komire said while walking away, a seedling of respect began to form for the man, because even if others couldn't sense it, although he was sure Master Yoda could; that the man walking back towards the temple detested having to use such a punishment... and likely because it was too violent... but that also begs the question... what would the punishment have been in his time?
looking back at the rest of the Council members behind him, then spoke to a nearby master Jedi who had witnessed everything, "We need more information on this man, have the archivists search through anything on a Grand-Vazir Komire, and have them send it to the Council chambers immediately."
"Yes, Master." the Jedi said before running towards the archives, a solemn expression adorning the Jedi's middle aged face. The Jedi moved with such speed his cloak 'snapped' in the wind.
As the Jedi watched Komire leave the field, the Lightsaber training Masters escorted the still shivering children to another hallway, and on their communicators, they started calling the Temple councilors, because the younglings would definitely needed some guidance after witnessing such an event.
Master Yoda floated above the still unconscious bodies of the two young masters that had challenged Komire ... an troubled look gracing his aged face, "Troubling, this Komire, is."
"That may be Master, but in my opinion, he acts like he's seen worse." Anakin replies.
"Hmmmmm... Troubling times, these are, clouded, the Future is." Master Yoda said, as he took out a comlink from his robes, signaling for a group of Sentinals to come and collect the injured, and somewhat 'cooked' Masters.
Anakin merely nodded as he watched the Sentinals gently lift the knocked out masters with the force, and began walking them away to a medical containment facility. He had so much he wanted to ask... and after a quick though, turned towards the Jedi Grandmaster...
"Master Yoda, do you think he's right to say that we have been wrong in our study of the Force?"
Turning towards the small floating Grandmaster, Anakin didn't know what to think, the events he had seen over the last few days, and weeks had prompted him to act... what greated his ears left him shaken...
"Agree, I do, guided you to him, the wills of the Force did," Master Yoda said, " Know why, I do not."
"But why would that be the case? He could have been some sort of clone from a long since dead man..."
Master Yoda let Anakin vent his worries in the now deserted field, as many of such ideas also swam through his mind... but there was one thing he couldnt deny.
Clones of such powerful people are always making errors, or having odd bouts of pain within their mind as memories are forcibly dragged out.
Komire exhibited none of these traits, but one could never be too careful... he would have to keep a close eye on the Je'dai...
A very close eye...