The Heart of the Force


The 'Duel' between Ahsoka and Komire didn't last much longer after Komire gave his tenth 'lesson' to the surrounding Jedi, as he had quickly disarmed Ahsoka of her lightsabers by slipping into her gaurd and grabbing her wrists, giving them a sharp twist and then flipped her onter her back by dropping down and sweeping her legs out from under her.

No one said anything at the effortless display of agility and skill used in such a takedown, as many whom witnessed it, believed it to be a 'natural' difference between a Master and a Novice of the Saber arts.

Komire crouched down to the panting Ahsoka, patting her shoulder while she lay there winded from the exertion.

"An excellent display of Form and Tenacity Apprentice, but there are still many things to work on for you to be truely adept in that form of combat, dont worry, we will get you there in our future lessons."

Ahsoka, hearing her new masters praise, couldnt help the 'shit-eating' grin that plastered itself to her face. No one but Skywalker, Master Yoda, or Obi-wan had ever acknowledged her effort in such a way. She had attributed that to the 'Jedi Code of Conduct' she had been so devoted to previously, as that would have promoted arrogance within a padawan...

The feeling going through Ahsoka at that moment though, wasnt arrogance, nor was it 'Dark' in nature... it just felt right to her, even if she couldnt name it.

As Ahsoka lay there, she couldnt help and compare the two Master Jedi, and her new Master. Komire was a straightforward, if a bit mischievous, but so was her previous master Skywalker...

Obi-wan on the other hand was logical, and steadfast... also things Ahsoka had seen in her new Master.

Ahsoka shook her head to attempt to clear it of her fluttering thoughts, only to hear the tail end of the conversation her Master was having with the youngling from before.

"... Every language, and every form of combat have an origin young one, just as every Beast in the Galaxy sings it's own songs, and dances to their own unique tunes. War, and people participating in it, are no different to dancers upon a stage."

Ahsoka pushed herself up into a sitting position to look over towards the discussions happening at the moment, only for the words to hit Ahsoka like a run away Krate Dragon.

Visions of a woman shrouded in light, and a smile that spoke of so much hope, as she twirled around with a backdrop of stars and twin moons...

Ahsoka again shook her head to clear away the fog that had settled over her, as well as the small migraine that suddenly appeared as those images came to the forefront of her thoughts, but it was there... at the back of her mind. She didnt know what it was, but it was something she knew she should remember, yet couldn't figure out what, or even who, it was she was trying to remember.


Komire stood before the mass of Jedi, his new apprentice still sitting on the ground behind him where he had left her after their little spar.

The Children that were once part of Obi-wan's previous class were excited after such a display, pelting numerous questions at the 'Esteemed Master' after Komire turned to finish his lecture to the crowd... and to one young twilek in particular. Komire attempted to answer all the questions asked of him, but a select few he didnt, as some, or most of the questions were either some Komire didnt know, or would never tell... some were a bit of both.

Seeing the children so at ease with the man Anakin had brought back with him, Obi-wan couldnt help the wistful smile from claiming his bearded visage... nor the hand that stroked said beard thoughtfully.

That all changed however, as a Jedi approached the man, who was kneeling before the very twilek youngling that started this series of events... drawing their lightsaber, and attempted to execute the man as his back was turned...


Fey was a rather reclusive Master of the Jedi Order, and rarely did she appear at the Temple proper. However, the strings of Fate itself seemed to have drawn her to the Temple on this day, only to witness the most stunning display of what she guessed was 'Makashi' Form Mastery... some of the greatest she had ever seen in her long life... and she had witnessed Dooku being trained under Grandmaster Yoda some years back.

Looking over to her right a bit, Fey couldnt help but compare Obi-wan to the man before them all... because even Obi-wan, when he was a younger man, didnt have a fraction of the finesse and Charisma the man standing before them all had. Maybe if he did, Fey would have accepted him regardless of her views on race, and especially Humans.

Looking on from the small corner of the courtyard, Fey couldnt help but notice something else just as remarkable about the young man... he was wearing the long lost helmet of Mandalore the Ultimate... or at least the helmet had all the correct markings compared to all the historical texts and holo-images.

Seeing the 'Ancient Relic', and the aged yet well worn armor that the Jedi was wearing, Fey grew evermore curious about the man.

To wear the helmet of Ultimate himself means he had either found the Ancient Tomb of the once great Mandalorian... or it was a very detailed forgery... after all, there was rumors of the helm being both, 'Burried with Ultimate himself', or that it was supposedly 'lost in a duel' by Revan of the Jedi of the past. Since there were records of Revan donning a helmet to battle the Sith for the Mass Shaddow Generator, great many also believe it to have been destroyed in the resulting explosion of that conflict. Although the historians cant seem to agree on whether Revan wore the iconic helm to his finnal battle, or if he just donned a Sentinel mask in its place. Fey however, was divided on that hypothesis, and seeing the mask before her, she wanted to test the man who wears such... Ancient relics.

Pushing herself off of the wall behind her, near the back of the crowd, there was only one way to find out. Fey began to march towards the front of the crowd, directly towards the man kneeling before a twilek youngling who didnt seem to have eyes for anything but the masked man.

Fey didnt see any reaction from the man... and since there was no reaction, whether physical, or through the Force, Fey suspected the man to be a fraud... even if his saber skills are Master quality, several groups in the Galaxy teach other similar forms of combat to their practitioners... as well he did not seem notice her 'blasting their presence at them through the Force... because who wouldn't notice the Great Master Fey and NOT react in this day and age... at least among the Jedi that is, since she had turned down Master Yoda over a century prior, about becoming the next Grandmaster of the Order... but then... what's with the armor?


Little did Fey know, was that Komire HAD noticed her from the very beginning, and although he did recognize her, he also remembered a few 'Fan theories' from his past life when he was but a boy... Many thought that Kenobi had a thing for Fey, and others thought her a stuck up 'B' that just needed to be 'tamed', but those were usually people who didnt have any social life that Komire could remember from his Homeworld...

looking at the woman through the Force marching towards him, Komire immediately dashed those wayward thoughts to the endless abyss, because the person was so much more then some baseless theories from his past... he could feel the power through the Force that she could command, and although he wanted very much to meet the wayward Jedi master, he couldnt just blow his cover as an Ancient Je'dai... thus he chose to act in such a way to draw her out. since he remembers that part of her character that was described in his past life stated she was incredibly prideful, and aloof... as well as entirely clueless to some social norms...

As the cloaked person approached under the watchful eyes of all present, even if she was largely ignored, a leaf green blade sprung to life and attempted to decapitate Komire.


Obi-wan didnt feel anything from the Force and had thought nothing of the fellow Jedi approaching. However, the Identity of said Jedi was apparent to everyone when the blade was ignited, as her presence in the Force went from being focused on Komire, to blasting out to her surroundings.

Skywalker was stunned, off towards the side where Ahsoka was, as he hadn't left her side since walking up to her a moment after the duel had ended, and checking on his former Padawan.

Ahsoka just sat there in stupification watching a Jedi so blatantly attack her new Master, and in her helplessness, she was left there screaming... "Master!"

Komire at this point was smirking under his helmet...


Quick as lightning, the blades previously handed to Anakin jerked from his hands, and charged forth between the attacker, and into the hands of their wielder.


As soon as his hands clasped the hilts of his blades, Komire spun away from the youngling he had been speaking to a moment before, so as not to get her involved in the coming conflict, and igniting bother blades in a wild yet controlled flurry, batting the assaulting blade aside in the same motion.

Using that same action Komire lashed out with a kick so fast it ruptured the sound barrier around him, and thanks to the masterful use of the Force on his part, the entire concussive blast was directed towards his assailant... throwing the cloaked form of the Master away from him into another wall of the clearing, and tossing the hood of the cloak back off of Feys head, so all could see her.


"Not very polite to just attack unprovoked Master Jedi, you'd almost think this was a planned execution."

Komire was messing around to be sure, but the feeling he got from the blade mere moments ago was something he was intimately familiar... the call and touch, of Death.

Almost immediately a space was cleared between, and around the two.

violet and black, facing off against a forest green...


Fey couldnt believe what she had just heard. Had the Man before her insinuated that the Jedi themselves were after his head... wasnt he himself a Jedi?

"Cheap words coming from you, after all, all that talk of an endless dance, and you dont even have a proper partner, so why dont you take that mask off and... 'Dance' with me." Fey countered.

Although she was dearly hoping the man wouldn't call her out on her bluff, as seeing how quick the man responded to her attack almost instantly, proved that the man was no Fraud... at least not in the Jedi arts that is.

Feys Hope's were dashed mere moments after speaking however, as the man seemingly tilted his head in confusion... all while disengaging his black blade.


"What, this old thing?" Komire answered, while pointing to the helmet he was wearing, "Got it from an old friend in a duel, and since he deemed it his most valuable possession, it was what he put on the table for our bet."

Komire was puzzled to say the least, this was not how he imagined this going... partially yes, but not in this way. Komire was also being entirely honest as well, because some of the memories he had about his new life, clearly showed him winning the helm off of his 'friend' Revan in the past. The significance wasnt lost on Komire, because he knew what helmet it was the moment he 'remembered' that event... and who wouldn't? It was the freaking helm of Mandalor the Ultimate!

Shaking his head to clear his wayward thought of the 'Misunderstanding' before him, komire just sighs in exasperation... here he was expecting a challenge from one of, if not THE most powerful duelest in recorded history besides Dooku, Yoda, and Bald-ass Windu himself, only to have such a thing happen...

Komire thought about it no more then necessary, He honestly didnt have the time, nor Will to entertain the thought of some juxtaposed 'Harem' being thrown at him by Death, and he was ment to become a 'heartbreaker'... who was he kidding, OF COURSE she would do that to him in his new life.

with that thought a slight siver traveled up his spine... and a tired sigh left his lips... he seemed to be doing that alot he noticed.

Now that he was looking at the wider picture... wasnt Fey's race similar in culture to the Amazons of his old worlds history?

Looking back towards Obi-wan, Komire attempted to distract himself from his strange thoughts by continuing his facade of being a 'Je'dai out of time'.

"Who is this woman?"

Immediately the courtyard went quiet... because everyone present knew who the woman was, as she had helped in almost all their training in one point or another... but no one dared speak.

Obi-wan chuckled softly, "That is Jedi Master Fey, The Wandering Master."
