Spiraling headaches....

The clearing surrounding Komire turned dead silent at the reveal of Master Fey, and Komire honestly thought it was a bit awkward. what were they expecting... him to know who that is?... well, he did, but he cant let them know that. Looking back towards Master Fey, Komire stands there pondering his next actions. Because what he does next, may very well impact his further actions against or with the Jedi.


Fey was a Proud Master of the Jedi Order, of that there was no denying; But when the Masked man known as Komire turned back to face her, she couldnt help the shiver that crawled up her spine. The mans posture never wavered from his stance, blade casually gripped in his right hand, and shoulders loose yet tense.

Fey was Old, and she will freely admit that... compared to normal species in the Galaxy of course; but in her couple centuries of life she had only come across the feeling she was experiencing twice... One was on Felicia when she was being hunted by several powerful creatures that seemed immune to the Force, and the Second was against a Krayt Dragon of Dantooine on a botched infiltration mission.

...the overwhelming sense of being gazed at like an insignificant 'bug' that had drawn your ire, and attention... or of a Predator eyeing its prey and couldnt make up its mind on how exactly to eat you...

Fey had never experienced such a thing from a person, especially someone who seemed so young, in her long life, and it put her on edge. Fey, however, could never have expected what came next.


"You aren't worth Dancing with."

Komire couldnt find it in him to continue the farce that had become of his demonstration for the younglings, nor with the rest of those watching besides Obi-wan's class, with his Apprentice. So as he turned away from Master Fey, he disengaged his saber and reattached it to his belt.

If Komire had bothered to continue looking towards Fey, he would have noticed the way the air seemed to vibrate around her. Many surrounding Jedi slowly began backing away from the pressure, and began directing the younglings away towards their next class.

The Padawans and Masters in the area however, their hands began to edge ever so close to their sabers hilts... expecting some sort of conflict to happen at any moment.

Komire ignored the surrounding Jedi, and focused on his immediate actions. Although there was a small part of him that was hyper aware of the vibrations within the Force behind him, He didnt put alot of stock in it consciously, but his body automatically took the proper position to act in a fraction of a second. his fingers loose as they sat on the front of his utility belt, his shoulders tense and his left hand slightly twitching... ready to draw a saber at any time.


Ahsoka was speechless as she watched her new Master seemingly disregarded the Jedi that had attacked him previously, and walk back towards her and Anakin.

Ahsoka also could feel the energy within the Force, and was prepared to warn her Master again when in a rare form of Diplomatic thoughtfulness... probably from being with Obi-wan for so long... Anakin walked past Obi-wan and her Master towards Jedi Master Fey, whom glanced over towards the approaching Jedi Knight.

"What do you need, Knight Skywalker?"

Ahsoka didnt know what to make of the scene happening before her... was Anakin actually trying to defuse a Fight?

In but a few scentences, of which Ahsoka couldn't tell what was said, Fey, disengaged her own saber, and stormed off... but not before Ahsoka saw a look of disbelief cross her face when she glanced at Anakin, then raising a eyebrow towards her new Master.

"...You understand, Apprentice?"

Refocusing on her Master above her, Ahsoka couldnt help but feel like a small youngling again, with having not heard what her Master had just said. Feeling like she was caught doing something inappropriate, she couldnt help the heat rushing through her face and leku from her embarrassment.

Even the Force seemed unable to quell the rolling butterflies in her stomach as the weight of ignoring her Master hit her.


Seeing the sheepish look, and the horrified blush starting to form on his apprentice, Komire let out a small sigh, he couldnt help but chuckle. Even after experiencing so much in his past life, Komire couldnt help but think that he liked being the new 'Him' more then the old one.

Reaching down to help his apprentice up, Komire hoists her to her feet and tries talking to her again...

"We are going to be doing this every evening until we depart from the Temple here, and you are to start multiple saber forms from scratch, is that understood?"

At first Ahsoka's reaction was to vehemently deny that her saber forms needed to be relearned, but before any sound escaped her lips, a single gloved finger stopped over them, effectively silencing the indignant Togrutan.

Although she still was wanting to object, the words she heard next destroyed any form of argument she even could have thought of... after all, they were words that embodied her very future...

"Although they are the forms of a Jedi, they are not the forms of a Je-dai."

Letting her frustration flow into the Force, Ahsoka was about to ask 'what Forms she would be learning', only for the words to again be shut down by a lightning fast movement of her masters hand... that proceeded to 'Bop' her on the forehead with a flick.

"Hey! What was that for?"

After being flicked... with considerable force besides the slight action... Ahsoka couldnt help the indignifying remark from slipping through her lips.

"Releasing Emotions to the Force, is not the Je'dai way either young one," Komire tells the young apprentice... whom was now rubbing the dark orange welt now slightly noticable in the center of her forehead.

With an exhausted sigh, Ahsoka didnt feel like opening that can of Bantha stew, and so she nodded her head to her Master.

Komire looked at Ahsoka for a moment longer, but then turned to walk back towards the Temple.

"Well done today 'soka, well done"

Ahsoka couldn't believe what she heard. Her new Master had put her through a ringer of a training spar, disregarded a Jedi Master... and praised her efforts...

How many times had she ever heard those words... ever?

Authors Note: I know it's a short chapter, but I want to clarify a few things... THIS IS FOR FUN, and I do this to relax... i enjoy the starwars universe, and so did a late friend of mine. people complain about the story going from one character to another... well hello there, you must NOT have read a single book about starwars, because every other chapter involves someone else. and as true to most (not all) starwars books, I am writing in 3rd person, with knowledge of said characters. I enjoy reading more often then writing, especially with my work and how that goes... but seeing random flame reviews and comments about how my writing was ruined by a 'Bad Idea'... just lowers my drive to write further... I want to do this, but out of the 40 comments/reviews I have had 33 have complained, and 2 reviews were about similar complaints... it almost seems that there is a larger flaming community then I initially thought, and as I had been writing my Friend Sam's story on a computer using a flash drive to store it, I recently had my cat destroy my computer by spilling my coffee on it, and it fried all 56 thousand words i had done.... and it's a pain to redo that amount of work.... I thought I was gonna have her Starcraft book out for peeps to read (in a highly edited/chronologically sound way) only to have the last 3 months work ruined... the harddrive had to be thrown away because it actually blew up... never seen it before, but damn was it scary when it happened so close to me... anyways, that's what's happened, and again, sorry for the long wait.. anyways, may the Force be with you....