A People... Long Forgotten...

Komire was rather happy with how his life was turning out... granted, he was training Ahsoka in many different things, and although she was adept at combat... who would have thought she was a rather poor academic?

For several hours a day, Komire would give lessons on philosophy, Government planning, General Battle logistics, and so many other things that it was amazing to Komire how little Ahsoka actually understood about how her 'past actions' (actions Komire remembers her doing from the old Clonewars shows) effectively changed the Galaxy around her.

Over three weeks, Komire instructed Her in the ways of the 'sword', and also in the ways of commerce and diplomacy. Several lessons Komire was sure didnt fully stick, but it was still rather nice having to teach someone again.

As of right now... was one of those times...

"I just dont get it! How can you fight the enemy while not being there, you are fighting them, thus you could only have engaged them right?"

Sighing heavily, Komire couldnt help but pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Sun Tzu is meaning that you are fighting the ENEMY where they are not, Snips, not you."

"I still dont get it!" Ahsoka exclaimed in reply. her small arms thrown skyward in exasperation.

Chuckling softly, Komire looks over to his left towards Ahsoka, "That is why I'm trying to explain it to you Snips."

Ahsoka and Komire were currently on there way to the Mess Hall, and were reviewing the class they had just held in their own assigned 'Appartment' within the Jedi Temple, as well as an hour of combat lessons in hand to hand, or 'CQC' as Ahsoka kept hearing Komire say it was.

A low growl came from Ahsoka, but otherwise she chose to remain silent. even when she turned off to go to her quarters to rest, she didnt say much... even when she stopped to look over her shoulder at Komire, before continuing on her way.

Komire on the other hand, even though he noticed the small action, was thinking about the time he has spent within the Jedi Temple. it has been several weeks since his 'discovery'... and the more Komire delved into the memories given to him, the more he finds he doesn't want to...

There is a fine line between a Man, and a Monster, and it all depends on who you ask for their opinion... but sometimes the worse thing you can do after living your 'second' lifes memories, is say that they were the acts of a Monster, because even if many people say someone's a hero... others will say they were the Devil himself...

Walking down the halls of the Temple, Komire couldnt help but judge his 'past' actions, and ultimately see them in a negative light. Many of such actions depicted in those memories, show a ruthless man, whom did his utmost to get the job done... but then there is the other side of that coin... where it shows the people he had saved, and so on...

Komire couldnt help but let a tired sigh escape his lips at that thought.

'Death definitely went all out building my past... that's for sure... but to make my past almost a mirror image of my own previous life on Earth...' Komire mused to himself, ' I guess I was too hopeful to be rid of those ghosts then...'


With the end of Todays lessons, Ahsoka made her way to her assigned quarters within the Jedi Temple, after breaking away from her Master. When she arrived, a small seven square meter room that was very 'Spartan Looking' according to her new Master, greeted her. A small desk with a Holo-tablet sat on the left wall from the door, and a raised bed mat sat in the back right corner of the room.

The only personal part of the room was a small shelf above the head of the bed. Trinkets, and spoils from past battles with the 501st, small stones and Crystal's from different worlds Ahsoka snuck off world from her old training days during her mentorship under Skyguy... even the old backpack she got from her first mission with the Jedi Knight.

Seeing the old 'trophies', Ahsoka couldnt help the pang of longing that shot through her heart, nor the wistful smile that played at her lips... those were happier times for her, and although she hasnt left the Republic, it still feels as if it was a separate lifetime to the young Togrutan. Not to mention the weird event that took place only a few hours before Ahsoka had to meet back up with her Master for her daily 'class' with him.

Ahsoka honestly didnt know what to do... Ventress had returned to the Temple, and after requesting an audience with Master Yoda, and Ahsoka, requested to be put under 'Lord Komire' as a student.

Yoda couldnt make such a decision, and didnt understand why it was so hard for her to do so... so he had requested Ahsoka to speak to her Master... of whom she was supposed to meet in the next half cycle... or half 'hour' as her master Komire refers to it... after she has hit the Fresher of course.

Ahsoka was since conflicted about what she should do... she could understand Ventres on a more personal level now, but she didnt know what to make of her actions this far... not to mention that it felt 'wrong' for her for several reasons to have another student for a single teacher...

Even now, Ventres was being held under Sentinel Gaurd in a out of the way residential wing of the Temple, and against all previous attempts by the Council to imprison her, for the past actions of the previous Darkside assasin in the Galactic War. But regardless of those complaining, there was no conflict, and Ventres was as calm and collected as any Jedi Ahsoka knew... even going so far as to willingly surrender her weapons, and don 'Force-suppresant' cuffs by herself.

Sighing, Ahsoka made her way to the Fresher after dropping off her things... she would think about Ventres later... right now she just had to get ready to meet her Master.


While Ahsoka was freshening up after their hours in the training yard. Komire was walking the veranda hallways above the room of a thousand fountains. Any Jedi who passed the enigmatic Je'dai always made a point to give him a curious glance at his dress, and the mask he wore. However, Komire wasnt alone in his small walk around the Temple veranda. Anakin Skywalker was also beside the man, but was unsure what to actually say.

Skywalker wasnt a normally silent person, but the person he was walking beside had 'shushed' him not but a few moments before, as he was walking towards the room of a thousand fountains.

Not able to take the silence any more, as curiosity was burning bright at the moment, Anakin turned towards the Je'dai on his left, whom had stopped to look over the railing towards a small group of kids playing down in the room near the center fountains.

"I have to ask Komire, what are you gonna do about Ahsoka, and... Ventres?"

Komire was broken out of his thoughts at Skywalker's odd question, and Anakin could hear the confusion in the mans voice.

"What do you mean about Ventres? As far as I know, she had left to go return to her career as a Bounty hunter."

Anakin couldnt help blurting out what he thought next, because he had figured the Council would have told him about Ventres' return, since it involved the man before him.

"So you havnt heard that she had turned herself over to the Jedi just so she could apprentice under you?"

All Anakin got as an answer, after the Je'dai turned to face him fully, was a cold and flat, 'What?'