A path... and a Will...

Komire stood facing the Jedi Council, after having walked forcably passed a pair of sentinel gaurds... whom where unconsciously slumped within the now open doorway.

The meeting in session was ground to a halt.

"What is this Blasphemy!" A Jedi Council member, present only through holo-projection, states angrily into the room upon noticing the man barged in.

Yoda on the other hand seemed pensive, and held his walking cane just a tad bit tighter.

"Business, you have with the Council, Do you, Grand-Vazir?" said the little green alien, a touch of curiosity lacing his tone as he ignores the outcries of those around him as he focuses squarely on their visitor.

Many in the council who were yelling for Gaurds, all were either 'shushed' by their compatriots, or were left dumbfounded at the nonchalance the Grandmaster of their order seemed to express in such a case.

Komire glances around the room for a moment, and although none could see his face, the cold shivers crawling up everyone's spines as Komires 'sight' landed on them, knew that the man before them was sizing them up... When Komire spoke though, it was as if the mans words were as cold as the planet Hoth.

"I have heard a great many things as of late, and one such event has drawn my undivided attention."

Master Yoda, picking up on the implications inquired in Komires statement, nodded to himself as he spoke out to the man before the Council, "Hmmm, Yes, The fate of Ventres, Discussing, we were."

"...And that is where the problem lies." Komire Interupted.

"And what, prey tell, would be the problem in that, Grand-Vazir?" Mace windu asked, his fingers interlocked before his lips, as he scrutinized the Je'dai. An air of 'nonchalance' emminating from the dark skinned Jedi Master.

Komire's chuckling voice seemed to echo around the room for a moment before he gave his answer.

" The order that had abandoned her, now decides her fate? Who among you would take kindly to that? Certainly not I."

Before anyone else could say anything to answer the Je'dai, two Jedi, an apprentice, as well as a squad of clone troopers ran into the room.

Obi-wan and Skywalker were holding inactive lightsaber hilts, and Ahsoka's sight snapped straight to her new Master, as she entered behind Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Her new armoured boots courtesy of the Clones She had befriended clicking loudly on the dura-steal flooring.

A tense air settled into the crowded chamber, and many of the Council present by Holograms, sneered at Komire, thinking they had the upper hand.

"What is going on here?" Obi-wan asks the assembled group before him.

"I told you already what happened, I told Komire here about Ventres, then he ran off, what else do you need besides that for a reason?" Came Skywalkers snarky-good humored retort.

""Not the time Skywalker/Anakin"", both Komire and Obi-wan say to Skywalker's comment.

"Geez... it almost sounds like twins just scolded you Skyguy." Ahsoka says while trying to hide her smile at Skywalker's predicament... even if her grip on her saber hilts was knuckle-whitening.

With all present in the Council room, everyone went silent for a minute...

Komire stared hard at the Little Green Grandmaster as if his very 'gaze' would pierce through the Jedi's skull, even through his helmets' visor.

Mace Windu was currently sitting ram-rod straight in his seat to the left of the Grandmaster, and even he did not break the silence between the ancient pair.



Palpatine had just returned to his office, after the small fiasco with his "health" being put into question, and already he had a headache forming again.

Although he was able to do more as the one running the war from behind the scenes of the Confederacy during said break, not much could be done... especially if he had to factor in the newest report he had of the Assasin Ventres being held in the Jedi Temple, and not killed on sight, were to be believed.

This posed a massive threat to Palpatines' plans. Not to mention all the sensitive information Ventres DID know about the Confederacy and its leadership.

Palpatine sat at his desk, alone currently in his office, pondering the choices and risks, as well as try to keep the wool pulled over the collective Jedi's eyes...he sat there thinking deeply on what to do...

Almost as if the Force itself was denied something crucial, the air itself became agitated around the Chancellor. Looking around himself, Palpatine didnt know what to make of this phenomenon, and as he delved a bit into the emotions and clairvoyance within the Dark side of the Force, a bombardment of scenes played before his eyes...

Palpatine saw his Empire, making the old Sith smile maliciously... only to frown in confusion as the next images passed his sight... fierce and bloody space battles... worlds burning, or corrupted by weird living 'things'... a massive fleet of unknown ships... and a single man standing across a dim lit hallway covered in a cloak of living shadow. With a Purple, and Black lightsaber held loose at their sides, and an air of Death and Destruction flowing from the figure in waves... forcing Palpatine to back away quickly from the sight in the Vision... but not before he heard the shadowed figure speak.

"Your day of Reckoning will come Sideous"

Taking these scenes at face value, Palpatine knew there was a conflict ahead... but with what and whom he couldnt understand... but whomever was the man with the lightsabers, Palpatine was sure of one thing... if he met that person at the moment he saw the vision... he'd run... because just a fraction of that power he felt from the vision was enough to defeat Him.

Turning towards the desk with his control chair, Sidious moved to grab a class of sarbak wine... only to notice his hand shaking a hairs breath away from the crystalline glass.



Ventres normally wasnt a patient person, but to learn from the Armoured Je'dai was just such an offer she was willing to suffer through anything for... Thoughts of getting one up on the Jedi were also a bonus in her mind, but there was just something about the man Ventres couldnt figure out... but even then, Ventres had an amiable relationship with Ahsoka, even if they were enemies once, it would be nice to have a friend again.

Shaking such a thought from her head, Ventres went to sit on one of the two mats present within the cell she resides in. Attempting to quell the unease in her heart, Ventres attempted to meditate as her long lost master had once told her how.

The time spent in Ventres's service to Dooku, was not kind to her more liberal view on her teachings from her lost Jedi master. Many of such teachings were tossed aside to grasp for more power from the Dark side of the Force. However, there was one thing that always stayed with Ventres throughout her life, even as Dooku's personal assasin, and partial student.

Many a nights Ventres would spend meditating rather then sleeping... and sometimes... she would hear voices.

Not some Ghostly apparition or whatnot, but people Ventres didnt know, or have never met. At least until just recently... she hadn't met any of the people the voices belonged too.

And as Ventres sat there meditating, with a mind as calm as a smooth ocean, as her emotions were firmly placed under her control, just like the hidden currents and tides of the seas... One voice echoed through and was louder then all the rest... whether it was from the past, present, or future, Ventres didn't know, nor did she care; As the POWER behind that voice sent tingles up her spine, and she couldnt help but listen to the soft, yet firm voice over and over again... her own personal mantra, to steady her pounding heart.

..."The past is ment to guide, where the present is to endure"...