Path of ruin...


Komire was honestly getting very fed up with the Jedi as he stared down the minute green Master Yoda. Not only was the order not what he had envisioned from his previous life on Earth, but was actually much more apatheticly conceited then even he had currently discovered within the later Data files of the Great library.

The Rusan reforms were completely inconsistent and a blatant power grab by individual systems to weaken the old Republic Military, causing massive crime gangs and syndicates to claim massive footholds in the Outer rim territories... but the systematic binding of the Jedi to the Senate was also a blatant power grab to manipulate the Jedi.... and they LET it happen... honestly, Komire could see where Bariss Offee was going with her statement that the Jedi had lost there way, but also where she went wrong... But now, HOW was he going to correct such a mess? Not to mention, why is the tower shaking?


Ahsoka really couldnt tell what was going through her Masters head. But that didnt stop her from walking up beside him as he stared down Master Yoda.

Seeing her Master opposing the Council for Ventres made a small cold knot form in her gut, and she didnt know the reason why. Was he defending her because she was one of the few who had even stood on her side In her trial? Or was she about to be replaced already? Or... Wait a sec, can a master have more then one apprentice?

Not a second after stepping g up beside her Master, the tower they were in, started to shake violently.


Komire glanced over at Ahsoka as she stood beside him, a contemplative scowl marring her features, and Komire honestly didnt know why that was... Storing the random thought for later, Komire turned towards the nearby troopers, whom were speaking silently into their helmet coms.

"What was that soldier?"

A Clone, who was sporting a waist Kama, and some rather detailed paintings on his Armored torso and helmet, some of which seemed personal, while others seemed to imply rank; Was the man whom answered Komires inquiries.

"It seems there was some sort of earthquake Sir, as close as we can tell, but it may be some of the Sub-levels collapsing beneath the Temple."

Komire only scoffed at the remark, causing everyone present to glance towards him, "The Jedi are so rotten, that the very Temple they reside in is Crumbling around them."

Komire was expecting a rebuttal to his comment, bit was surprised to see...none.... Nothing...

Glancing around the chambers periphery, Komire was currently watching the Jedi sit In a contemplative silence. Thus seeing a Golden opportunity, Komire spoke his mind towards the assembly.

"The first and only Masters the Jedi should serve, is the wills of the Force... is that not correct, dear Council? Then why pray tell, and do think on this, would the Jedi take a Planet Known for being a wellspring Nexus to the Darkside of the Force? To purify it? No dear Jedi, it is a sign of arrogance and foolishness."

Many on the Council snapped their gazes toward Kimire you could practically hear a whip smack in the air it was so fast. Pale complexions for every species soon played upon them, then the first voice came.

"You Lie, this is the Home of the Jedi, this is a place of Peace and Light, not some Dark Nexus!"

Many more voices joined the first, but by this time, Komire was shaking his head in both shame, and incredulity.

'The Jedi it seemed were so blinded by their own self image that they will not accept reality huh?' Komire thought to himself.

Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-wan all stared towards Komire then the only two silent members of the Jedi Council... Master Yoda and Mace Windu. A look of shock at the revelation about the Temple, and a quickly growing dread at seeing the grim looks upon the two Masters features.

'Was this why I felt so sick being in this temple for so many years?' Anakin thought.

'This cant be right, then that means this is not a Nexus of power for the Jedi but the Sith... Could Dooku have been right all those years ago?' Obi-wan thought as he glanced around the Council chambers.

Ahsoka could only stare in utter disbelief at her Master, and the Grandmaster... a Force Nexus was said to be a manifestation of the Force itself, to build on a Dark Nexus was considered Antithesis to a Jedi's code, as the very Force around said Nexus was said to be toxic to the mind... not to mention bringing Children to such a place, the Jedi strictly FORBADE any to even go near a planet with such a nexus... and they are LIVING ABOVE ONE?!

Sighing, Komire turned to leave the squabbling mess that the Council had become, "Come Ahsoka, there is nothing else of value here, let us depart."

Ahsoka agreed almost instantly, as a nauseating feeling churned in her gut at this new information... Only to speak to him as they were approaching the nearest Lift.

"Does this mean that everything I was taught as a youngling is wrong Master?"

Her master turned towards her, as she looked at him, "The truth, is subjective Apprentice, and it is the job of the Je'dai to be, and find, balance; Thus, Apprentice, the past is ment to guide, where the present is ment to endure."

"Then what of the Future Master?" Ahsoka quickly asked, her head already starting to hurt with what she can imagine was about to become something pivotal to her training.

As the lift opened to grant the pair access, Anakin, and Obi-wan joined them... catching the tail end of their words.

"The Future is what we make of it in the Present Apprentice, as only through Enduring hardships can we forge a Future."

Ahsoka frowned a bit at that statement t, but didnt say much else as the lift doors closed, and all four went down to the main temple, leaving the Council behind them.


Watching the Four leave, Master yoda couldnt help the pain in his chest that followed.

As the aged Master looked around him, more was soon apparent to him... the Jedi have fallen... Even thinking about the meeting origional purpose added more pain to the Jedi Grandmasters heart... looking over towards the closing lift that the Grandmaster could see down the hallway through the open doors, he saw the masked form of the Je'dai Komire... and all he sensed from him... was disappointment.