Komire was utterly flabbergasted... and royally pissed... when he stood amongst the Jedi Council, all he could feel was the utter contempt the Council held for him, as well as Ahsoka when she entered the chamber. All but Master Plo, the master whom brought the Togrutan padawan to the order, and Master Ayla Secura.
Komire was honestly tempted to take the better ones of the Jedi and start his own order on the outer rim, and actually hold true to the original Jedi philosophy.
'...Maybe after liberating a couple systems the Jedi would get it through their thick skulls that they were wrong.... or just destroy the order altogether, and only then kill Palpatine before he can give 'Order 66'...' Komire thinks to himself as the lift descends away from the main Council of the Jedi, '... But then it would be unfair to the Agri-corps, and the Service-corps, as they are the only true force attuned Jedi left in this scenario.'
Komire stood there thinking to himself in the lift going back down, when an idea sprouted in his head off of a stray thought... 'what if I play my own game in the Senate against 'Sideous?'.
Plans swirled to life within the mans head as the lift descended, and as one was cast aside, an even more ludicrous one would take its place.
Upon the Lift doors opening, Both Jedi Skywalker and Kenobi follow the enigmatic Je'dai and his apprentice to the lower holding levels. Both able to feel the agitation within the Force surrounding the Man as he walked... almost like it was a giddy child about to get a present...
Skywalker couldnt help but feel a bit cheated... as well as vindicated, in his opinion on the Jedi Council. Even if his opinion on Komire was a bit skewed, Anakin could at least appreciate the man and his moral code, and choices.
As Anakin continued after Komire and Ahsoka, he couldnt help but think of his mother as he walked, as well as his old childish dreams of returning to the accursed dust trap that was his birth place.
Images of a Jedi saving slaves, and freeing planets from tyranny never looked so close before when he thought of what Komire had been teaching Ahsoka in her 'public' lessons. Heck, some of the things the man said over the time hes been at the Jedi Temple have both confused Anakin, as well as helped him in validating himself with his choice in marrying Padmé.
Everyone in the Council says to keep an eye on him, and it honestly was making him physically sick to his stomach to spy on the man for the Council. It doesn't help that he's even been second guessing his friendship with the Chancellor as well since Ahsoka's trial...
Palpatine hadn't even looked upset at passing a guilty verdict on Ahsoka, even when she wasnt present to defend herself for that part of the trial.
Even after confronting the Chancellor afterwards, Anakin couldnt shake the feeling that Palpatine was actually 'glad' that Ahsoka was going to be removed from his side. Shaking his head, Skywalker merely followed after the man before them as well as his 'old' padawan, hoping that the feelings he had towards his oldest friend were in fact wrong.
Asajj Ventres didnt know how long she sat in her holding cell, but she didnt care either. She had a purpose, and a direction to follow now.
The power she witnessed in that small yard, the swirling vortex of power caged within Him...
Ventres only could say that the feeling crawling over her flesh was positively... 'delectable'...
The control, the man had...
The utter confidence he exhumed...
She wanted that power... the power to choose your own Fate, and to never be beholden to another...
But then... as visions of Power, and Victory danced before her shut eyelids...
A cool sense of calm, and serenity washed through her. Her once chaotic desires, now leashed to her will, and hers to control.
...'Through Power we gain Strength'...
breathing in slowly, Ventress let all her Hate, all her desires for Vengeance out, and into the Force...
...'But Strength is also a Lie'...
Ventress could feel as her Rage, and Yearning for Vengeance wanted her... attempting to burrow beneath her skin, and claw out her eyes.
...'Peace is a precursor, and an End'...
Wrestling within herself, Ventress brought her rampant emotions to heel.
...'Strength to conquer ourselves, is merely the Understandings we have seen'...
Ventress brought the Rage, and Thirst for revenge back towards herself, firmly wrapped in her grasp within the Force.
...'For it is Within us, that a War is both Won, and Lost'...
Opening her eyes, Ventress was both amazed, and comforted by the peace surrounding her. She was not ruled by her emotions... she had conquered her inner war.
The words echoing through her mind while she meditated slowly fading away into nothingness, frustrated that the calming voices were leaving, Ventress attempted to latch onto them with everything she had.
Ventress didnt know this at the time but standing outside her cell, was the one she unknowingly was grasping for.
Upon arriving at the cell holding Ventres, Komire felt the fluctuations within the Force centered on the Dark Acolyte. Depending on if she chose one path or another, her fate was hers to decide.
Looking towards Ahsoka, Komire also noticed the confused expression she wore, as well as her 'Thinking face' as he'd come to call it.
Just behind Ahsoka, Kenobi stood a way back rubbing his beard in a 'thinking' pose while he himself was eyeing the doorway to Ventres' cell.
Even Skywalker was looking at the door with raised eyebrows.
The feeling coming to them from the force was confusing to the Jedi, as they hadn't experienced something like it before. Looking to the Je'daii present, everyone watched as the man removed his helmet.
Then to the shock of Ahsoka and the two Jedi, a 'lash' of Force energy erupted from the room, and although Anakin, and Obi-wan tensed reaching towards their sabers, Ahsoka merely sighed shaking her head.
Ahsoka could feel Ventress in the Force, and even if she had now come to accept that they were very similar from their previous interactions, Ahsoka was still surprised at how in tuned the two of them were when it looked like both She and Ventress had the same bond form with the Man just before her.
Even if Ventres was making such a bond willingly or, just like Ahsoka, instinctively. Ahsoka knew she was about to get a 'Sister'... which as Ahsoka searched through herself within the Force, didnt feel bad in the slightest.
Tilting her head in confusion, Ahsoka was left pondering why she felt such a way, as Komire waved a hand through the Force, opening the Door.
Standing upon an empty Bridge, a figure clad in form fitting shadowy robes looked out upon a Battle taking place over a planet torn by past greed, betrayal, and a fiery vengeance.
Looking down upon the barren space rock, the figure couldn't help but shake their head in disappointment.
Feeling through the figures connection to the Force, they could feel the target of their desires off within the expanse of the Galaxy.
So why was the Figure here?
Shaking their head again, a gauntlet the color of the darkest Tar slipped through their robes and raised towards the planet below.
The Figure couldnt remember why this planet itself was so spectacular and special to them, but the Figure did know one thing.
The target of their desires would come.
Before the Figure could do anything with their outstretched hand, a small fleet of Pirate ships, old Models of Mandoa space crafts, and Banking clan warships exited hyperspace off to their port Bow closer to the planet then themselves.
Glancing over, the Figure instinctively activates a cloaking field around their ship, and observes these interlopers.
and a very different idea begins to form within their mind.
For within those ships was a pair of Dark side users of the current times, and with them present, the Figures target would come, after all... this was his birth planet.
Sitting in stationary orbit over the planet the Figure couldnt help the chuckle that escaped passed their mask.
"Tapti' Home meistras, tapti' home kia Mandalore."