Fates Changed... or expedited....

Obi-wan honestly didnt know what to make of his life anymore. Not since he witnessed the Council attempt to disregard the core principles he had been raised on, within the Jedi Order, when Master Jinn was killed; As well as the contempt shown towards the logic the Je'daii Komire submitted to them in regards to young Ventres not too long ago... of said evidence that was actually submitted, copies were held within his holo-wrist projector, as Obi-wan was part of the Council currently.

Granted Obi-wan himself had a few run ins with the Force sensitive assasin in the past, but as he thought about those times, it almost felt like... playful banter?... Never once did he feel 'malice', or 'hate' from the younger woman... unless you count the times she was defeated due to her armies being destroyed... on the contrary, all he felt from her in their meetings was a heavy dose of Fear, and anxiety... as well as a small dose of respect, and a few other emotions Kenobi couldnt place.

With all that has happened over the last few years during the Clone wars, Obi-wan had actually seen the woman grow from a 'petulant child' from their first meeting after her duel against Anakin, into a stunning, if a bit flimsy, opponent.

Not to mention the fact that Asajj had effectively signed into the Mandalorian Super-comando codex clause of the Mercenary Act, effectively making her a third party in the conflict with no true ties to the Separatists movement, afterwards Dooku had a bounty placed on her himself.

And that would be looking at the situation from an outsider's perspective.

With the current events happening around him, Obi-wan couldnt help some rather treacherous thoughts passing through his mind towards the Jedi Order; Not to mention that the woman sitting in the room in front of Obi-wan and the others at that moment, was one of the only Four to take Ahsoka's side in her blatantly false trial.

Even thinking that last thought had Obi-wan grimacing inside. The mere fact Obi-wan was considering the Order was 'out of touch' with the Galaxy at large, and 'Outdated', both seemed right... and very, Very wrong.

All of these thoughts were started it seemed, by the very Man standing before Asajj now in his armored robes, and his helmet in hand.

Thinking on that one lesson Obi-wan stood in for earlier that month, a small, barely noticeable frown formed on the 'perfect Jedi's face, hidden by his beard from those nearby... but sadly, not by Anakin, whom stood beside him.


It was a rather cool morning upon the Jedi bafflement training yards overseeing the room of a thousand fountains, up in the higher levels of the Jedi Temple.

There we see Ahsoka Tano launching herself towards he new Master in a blinding flurry of Lightsaber strikes and spins.

Komire, merely dodged gracefully as he retreated in a leisurely manner. Always pointing out flaws to the young Togrutan apprentice as he went.

Obi-wan stood on the sidelines and watched on calmly as he observed, the padawan he had known for a few years now wore more protective clothes and apparel. Ahsoka however, seemed to be the same impulsive Girl she always was, and that brought a small smile to his lips.

When the Dueling practices ended, the 'philosophical class' began... but on this day, there was a question asked that nearly dragged the Master Jedi to maddening self-doubt... as it put in question Everything he had known from the Prophesy of 'The Chosen One'...

...And it was this part of that day Obi-wan would never forget for as long as he lived...


--- "Tell me apprentice, what is it that makes the Council act so strangely towards your previous Master, then the rest of the order?"

Ahsoka answered almost subconsciencly as she was shocked at the question comming from her master.

"They call Sky-guy the 'Chosen One' and hes supposed to bring balance to the Force, and destroy the Sith".

Obi-wan just stood there and watched in perplexing silence as Komire proceeded to burst out laughing.

It took a moment for the once Padawan, and Master to ask the man why he was laughing, but the answer floored them.

"If he is the 'Chosen One' as you all think, and since the Jedi and Sith are so 'imbalanced', then doesn't that mean he is to 'Bring balance' by eliminating the majority to equal the minority?"

Obi-wan didnt follow the thought, and by sharing a glance with Ahsoka, the both turned back to the man.

'Seeing' them asking for clarification, Komire sighed... then let a bomb drop that neither of the two listening were prepared for.

"If there are Ten thousand Jedi, and 2 Sith, who would need to be eliminated to bring balance to that? Or better yet, whom would have to be elevated to the other?"---


Obi-wan couldnt help the small pang of fear, and pain shooting through him as he thought about that day.

He knows Anakin would never harm anyone in the Jedi... but that doesn't disprove Komires 'theory' either, that he would either destroy the Order of the Jedi, or remake the Sith.

Taking a deep breath, Obi-wan glanced towards his friend... no... his brother.

Anakin was a person Obi-wan knew first hand would fight for the innocent and the injustices in the Galaxy at large. And if he did have to destroy the Jedi... or even bring back the 'Monsters' that were the Sith to fight those criminals....

Obi-wan swallowed the pain he felt at that thought. He couldnt bring himself to even Think of harming his brother, but he also couldnt help the small voice in the back of his mind saying, 'The Order has failed in its duty, why not start over?'

It also didnt help at all, when Komire started lecturing Ahsoka and himself on the intricacies of the Jedi, and Sith codes... even going as far as to break down their meanings, as well as how they were initially 'supposed' to be interpreted, and it was this thought that caused Kenobi to think back on that discussion.


---"....Allow me to explain, Kenobi, Ahsoka; and also let me tell you what the real code of the Jedi Should be."

There is emotion, yet there is peace. 

"Emotions ground us to the living Force, and it is our Mastery of them, that allows us to be both connected to the wider Galaxy, as well as separate our beliefs from our duty."

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. 

"Ignorance is a Lie by itself, there is only the informed, and the un-informed, the only truth to this line, is something I have experienced quite a bit in my life, 'You can't cure Stupid'."

There is passion, yet there is serenity. 

"Passion is a connection we all have to the wider galaxy, and it is also what connects us completely to the living Force; we learn to master our Passions, and to be in control of ourselves. Another good example would be the several Jedi Lords I knew in my time, and the families they had. Every attempt the Sith made to turn those Lords was met with Failure after Failure, because the Jedi's passion and love of there Family was stronger then the lure of the Dark side."

After hearing this, both Ahsoka and I fired off questions like a repeating blaster at the 'Old Relic' as Anakin started calling him, only for both of us to be left stunned at the answers.

"... as I was saying about the Codes..." Komire continued.

There is chaos, yet there is harmony.

"Harmony and Chaos are actually two sides of the same coin, and are forces of nature in their most primal state... You cannot hope to achieve balance, if all you seek is Harmony, and force it upon others, Chaos itself would rise to balance the strength of that Harmony. the Universe has been trying to maintain this flux for as long as it has been alive. Thus you get the old terms, 'inner turmoil', and 'inner Balance', for we are all living in this formation of Harmony and Chaos."

It was this moment that Ahsoka spoke up again, with a question that truely shocked the both of us with Komires answer.

"If they are both the same, and yet opposite of each other, why would the Sith seek Chaos, if it caused so much death, and destruction?"

"A very well put question Ahsoka, but let me answer a question, with a question..."

Ahsoka and Obi-wan had both perked up to listen to the 'Old Relic', only to be left floundering for a rebuttal to his given answer...

"What is a mirror, but a reversed half coin?"---


"Master, are you alright?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Obi-wan looked over towards his former padawan Anakin, and as he laid his eyes upon him, and his concerned visage, Komires voice seemed to echo within his ears...

"A Choice is what we are given, it is only which one we choose, that matters..."