Licking the Wounds

We quickly moved Estelle to the sofa, placing her on it Juno and I looked at each other. "Do you know first aid, Elias?"

"Basic first aid, I was a cop, not a medic, get me some gauze, and a rag," I responded, crouching down. A few moments later Juno came with what I asked for and I began cleaning Estelle up, who was groaning through the entire process.

"The hell happened?" Juno asked, looking at the state of Estelle. She didn't expect a response. "To have our side go so well at this cost..."

"This isn't the cost Juno. I'm sure if we saw the news, dozens would be dead," I spoke, bleakly.

"We sacrificed innocents again?!" Juno practically leapt out of her skin at that concept. "The whole idea was to minimise casualties, yet here we are, throwing away innocent lives AGAIN!"