A Cold Day on the Sea

I awoke with a start, finding myself on some black ice. Looking around I spotted a large staircase and at the top stood... The Watcher, reading a book as he walked down towards me. "Ah, Marhsall, you're awake. Good."

He began to make his way towards me. I know to be careful around him, he has been the death of many gods stronger than myself, but to say I wasn't elated to see and talk to him was an understatement. "Is this..."

"My castle on the sea? Yes, it is. It has played host to The Elder, The Hunter, the dead and now you. Please, walk with me." He spoke, closing his book and awaiting me to join him. I got up and began to make my way towards him. Once I was close he walked up the stairs and I followed. "I'm sure you have many questions, please, ask away."

"Ok," I sighed, thinking about where to start. Then it came to me, his name. "What's your name?"