Getting Ready for the Ball

The hallways are filled with students heading in different directions. Some are going to their classes while others hurry towards the activities of their various school clubs. In the midst of this traffic are a bunch of teenagers standing in front of a classroom with one sulking while another is shaking her head. In front of them is none other than the queen of the school Vicky Chervois. She is the daughter of one of the shareholders of Vaux. Co making her the second richest kid in Paris only after Aiden. She is now in the middle of the main hall with Cassandra beside her. Several more girls surround her like a bunch of ants protecting their queen. Looking frustrated, Vicky then climbs on top of a table and calls out. "AIiiideeeeen honeyboooo!"

Aiden just sighs as he tried to fix his face mask and his beanie, hoping that nobody will recognize him.

Mari on the other hand feels disgusted by what Vicky was doing. She finds Vicky's overly annoying voice so repulsive that she would rather listen to a scratched record. "Will somebody drive away these frogs and stop them from croaking?!!"

Suddenly Mari hears a rumbling sound. Curious about where it came from, she looked around only to find Aiden holding his stomach as he groaned.

"Let's go to the cafeteria already, I'm freaking starving," Aiden said as he drags Mari by her arm. But with Aiden not noticing, Mari was blushing as he holds her arms.

As Aiden was in a hurry to reach the Cafeteria fast, he carelessly bumped into some students in the crowded hallway. It was hard for him to avoid this since he keeps looking down to avoid being recognized.

Ouch!!! Watch it!!! Are you blind?! These are some of the complaints of those students Aiden bumped.

This commotion caught the attention of Vicky as she focused her attention on where the commotion is from. "Hey you two, stop!", she calls

Aiden and Mari freeze in their tracks. They want to run to but that would make them even more suspicious. So, they just stood there like a pair of criminals caught in the act.

Many students who heard Vickey's order to stop also pause and looked at where Vicky is going.

Enjoying the attention that she is getting at the moment, Vicky started approaching Aiden and Mari. She struts like a runway model while twirling her lollipop. As she was just a meter away, she places one of her hands on her hips and arrogantly says; "What do you think you're doing huh? Acting like you own this school?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. "why don't you turn around and face me?"

To avoid further provocation, Aiden and Mari humbly obeyed. As Vicky, now stands in front of Aiden and Mari, she eyes them both from head to toe. "Ugh just a bunch of nobodies,…when will you learn your place in this school?"

Vicky's remark annoyed Mari very much as she now curled up her fists, ready to strike. But before she does anything, Aiden stopped her and says; "That's not really nice sugar crash."

Upon hearing this Vicky was surprised. Acting like an absolute brat being the campus queen, she was not used to having somebody insult her. She raised her voice; "EXCUSE ME!?!, WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

Aiden then picked on his ear." Jeez, even your voice gives Diabetes."

Vicky now looked like she is about to explode. Trembling, she shouted, "Shut UP! you hillbillies. You don't know anything about me. If Aiden is only here, I'm sure he will agree with me. He loves me and he can prove your lies!" Being so angry and loss for words, Vicky calls her assistant; "Cassandra!"

Like a trained dog, Cassandra came running towards her 'boss', " Yes, Vicky?", what is it?

Before replying to Cassandra Vicky gave Aiden and Mari a burning look. She then stumps her foot and said; "Let's not waste our time with these scums. Let us go and find my Aiden, my honey pooh."

When she mentions the name "Aiden" the anger left her countenance and once again, she seems to fall into a trance, looking like she was dope.

Seeing this, Aiden shudders. Aiden knows that she's daydreaming about him for sure. "Ugh, clueless perverts ", Aiden says with disgust as he drags Mari toward the cafeteria.

If not for the noisy atmosphere of the cafeteria, it could be mistaken as a cathedral. The high ceiling with its chandeliers, the carvings on all the walls, and the tall slender columns make it looks like a church. Though its classical elements are pretty dominant, the building also incorporates modern features as well. The digitally controlled sliding doors, luxurious furniture, and fixtures along with the modern gadgets to entertain the diners make up for a warmer and more relaxed atmosphere.

As Aiden and Mari lined up for their food they couldn't help but overhear a conversation between two girls.

"I still couldn't believe it, Stacy. We get to spend our night in the Agrest Mansion!"

"I Know! Oh, how I feel like Cinderella right now."

"Then we could spend the night dancing with our prince, Aiden Whitlock Agrest"

The girl says as she then sighs in awe, her hand together as she looks up daydreaming.


Stacy then does the same as they both stand daydreaming about Aiden who ironically is right behind them all the time.

Aiden, who is obviously annoyed, looks at Mari and shrugs his shoulders, and glances at Mari who gives giving a mocking grin. Aiden gives her a glare and clears his throat to get the girl's attention.

"Hey, girls, do you have plans to move or are just going to stand there?" Aiden says while looking at them with a bored face.

"Oh sorry about that." The girls then hurried up back to the line giggling.

Mari teasingly whispers to Aiden, "So, Prince, it seems like you got two more dates added to your list.

"None of them is really worth the time. They'll disappoint themselves when they wake up from their daydreams and find out that it's too different from their reality" Aiden said while walking ahead of Mari.

Mari wrinkled her brows as she tried to understand what Aiden just said. She wonders; "What reality is he talking about?" When she realized she did not understand him, she just pursed her lips and said; "But come on Aiden, it's a ball. Don't be a party pooper! You've got to choose to enjoy it as well. It's your party after all."

"I just haven't found the right girl for me and I know she is not among these girls. And I am also very sure it's not Vicky!

Mari looked away so Aiden won't see that she is blushing. To change their topic, she says; "I thought you were very hungry, why do you talk so much nonsense? Let's just get our food so we may eat!" Since they are now in front of the food section, they then start to put food on their trays.

After they find a table they placed their trays and are about to eat. Aiden's tray is filled with some French fries, steak, a veggie salad, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and spaghetti. While Mari on the other hand just had some salad, a steak, and apple juice.

"I still am amazed at how you never get fat, when you eat that much every day." Aiden just smirks. "Unlike you, I at least work out when I have time."

"Hey! Mind you I've joined the boxing club, and rock climbers club, and work out at home as well," Mari says as she puffs her cheeks.

" So lying down on your couch with a tube of pringles while watching Teen Titans is your workout routine?"

"W-well, I do it when you're not visiting," Mari mumbles

Aiden just gave a 'seriously' look. "Mari, I visit you every day."

Mari now had nothing left to say just blushing as she says "Idiot".

Aiden then just silently laughs at Mari's childlike attitude.

As they ate their food (but in Aiden's case DEVOUR), most of the diners stopped talking as loud music was played on the speakers. Suddenly the music was interrupted by a flash on the TV monitor showing a woman in a black suit.

"Attention students, due to today's event, the teachers, together with the student council have decided for an early dismissal of all classes for students to prepare for the upcoming ball within the Agrest Mansion, I hope you all have a great day."

As the broadcast ended, the students then all burst into a loud cheer and excitedly started leaving the cafeteria to start with their preparations for the ball. Aiden and Mari just finished their food.

" Hey. before we go to my house would you mind if we stop somewhere first?" Mari suggested in which Aiden just shrugged his shoulders and curiously agreed.

After Mari and Aiden walked out of the school they strolled along a boulevard in the direction that Mari wants to visit before going home. Along the way, they can see that the boutiques and Fashion shops were filled with students trying on gowns and suits. Some are walking with huge paper bags filled with their chosen apparel and accessories. The masked shops are now empty. As they walk a little farther, Aiden was surprised when Mari enters a small shop. Aiden read the sign; "Willow's Suits". In the display window were some Suits and dresses, and inside he saw Mari. When Aiden entered, the shop was very different from others, unlike the other shops it exudes a homey feeling and the interior design was something from the 80s. It is neat and clean. On the counter, Mari was seen chatting with a woman. The woman is in her mid 20's she had fair skin with some freckles on her face. She has blue eyes and short blond hair which slightly covered her right eye. She has a petite but toned figure, not like Mari's but enough to differentiate her from a skinny person. She is wearing a white blouse with light blue jeans and a necklace with a red gem. She was chatting with Mari when Aiden approached them. The girl notices Aiden and asked Mari who he was.

"Oh Aiden, this is Willow Snowcoat." Mari gestures to Willow, who just waves at him. "Willow, this is my best friend Aiden." As Mari said this, Willow's eyes widen.

"Y-you're Aiden, THE Aiden Whitlock Agrest?!?" Willow then started stuttering which made Mari laugh, and Aiden actually found this cute. "I-its r-really you! U-u-uh it's an ho-honor." Aiden just laughs silently. "Likewise." Aiden then placed out his hand and Willow then grabs it with both hands and started shaking it violently. Afterward she stopped and just held Aiden's hand while staring at him with a smile, this continued for a few seconds.

"Um, let go of my hands please?" Willow now realized what she was doing and then blushed as she let go of Aiden's hands while chuckling nervously. Mari then smirked as she slid next to him.

"She really is a geek for you, I mean she has your pictures all over the walls of her room.", Mari teased.

"MARI!" Willow yelled as she is now red with embarrassment while Aiden just smiles.

"Well, I think that's kinda cute." As Aiden said this, Willow then looked down as her fair skin was now as red as a tomato. Upon seeing Aiden just smirked and said. "Cute".

Willow, to save herself from fainting, quickly changed the topic. "A-anyway, Mari you're here for your dress, right? I'll go get it." Willow says before running to the back. Now it was just Mari and Aiden at the counter waiting for Willow to get the dress.

"I thought you hated fangirls?". Mari sarcastically asked

"I only hate those who make public 'dramas' when seeing me. And besides, you don't even know how far they'll go." Aiden shivered at the memories. "I'm otherwise cool with those like her"

"So, have you thought of your date yet?" Mari asks while checking out the neckties and clothes at the counter.

"Well, I have… You." Aiden just casually said.

When Mari heard what he said, she almost choked on herself but fought to keep her composure. She pretended to be calm. "Ahm, … I, guess you couldn't find a good girl. But, sure I'm ok with it." Mari said nonchalantly but inside her heart was beating wildly.

"I mean, you are an awesome person Mari, we've known each other for years, you're hot, and pretty cute too." Aiden said this as a sincere compliment but he didn't know that every word he said a is 'killing' Mari.

Sure, Mari was not trembling as she stands at the counter but her face was very red. She may have been used to being hit a lot in boxing practice but right now she's already K.O'ed.

But Aiden seems to be not aware of all of these as he focused his attention on a collection of bow ties in front of him until he spotted a light blue one. As he was looking at it, Willow then came out carrying a black plastic Garment bag.

"Here you go Mari, it's been washed and is now ready for the ball. "

As Willow hands the dress to Mari, Aiden leans on the glass and calls her attention. "Hey Willow."

"Y-yes?!?" Aiden just looks at her puzzled expression before continuing. " This Bowtie, I would like to buy it," Aiden says as he points at the bowtie.

"Sure thing, it's 10 Euros. I actually made that and I-its and honor sell it to you." Willow then took the bowtie from the display counter and placed it in a black box.

"Here you go." Willow gave the box to Aiden while shaking a bit.

"Thanks a lot, and I'm looking forward to seeing you at the ball as well." Willow blushed and started to twirl her hair, and as Aiden and Mari turned around to walk out of the shop, she called his attention again.

"W-wait, If you wouldn't mind, for met-to be your d-date?" Willow was looking to the side while blushing with her hand at her hair, twirling it.

"Sure, that would be nice." When Aiden said this, Willow's face lit up like a child on Christmas and started squealing while waving her arms around. After a while, she realized what she was doing and became embarrassed.

Mari who was beside him and was now looking at them both with Jealousy and punched his shoulder. "Hey! you just said that I will be your date!". Willow upon hearing this then had a disappointed look and just muttered a sad "oh'.

"I was planning on taking you both since you both are great and cute. Can't I have two pretty girls for a date?." Aiden says while rubbing his shoulder, but unknown to him Mari and Willow are blushing.

Willow thought;' "He c-called me cute!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAH"

Mari thought; "C-cute!?...and pretty?!"

Mari's phone started ringing which brings both girls to reality. Mari picked up the phone with the screen that showed the word 'MOM'

"Hey, mom."

"Hey Honey! I'm just checking on you. By the way, where are you? You should have been home by now."

"Oh, I'm at Willow's getting my dress with Aiden."

"OH my! Can u tell him that I said hi and make sure to come home now? We need you to get ready for his ball."

"Sure thing Ma, I'm going now."

"Hurry honey, love you."

"Love you too Mom."


"Hey Willow, we're going now and can't wait to see you on the ball," Mari says while giving her the finger guns.

"Yeah, see you there," Aiden says while Willow blushed

"C-cant wait." Willow then had a dreamy smile like she is in a dream as Aiden and Mari went out of the shop.

" See ya later dude, I'm gonna prepare my dress and I can't wait to see you there party boy", Mari joked as she starts to run home

"Yeah see ya Later Mari," Aiden called as he gets his phone to call his driver.


At Charles de Gaulle Airport, a plane has landed and its passengers are now exiting. Among them was a blonde girl, carrying a large red bag. Her blue eyes sparkle as they reflect the airport lights.

"Ah Paris, the city of love." She then dug into her red jacket and takes out a ticket. The ticket is beige in color with a dark golden text which reads: 'You are invited to the masquerade of the Agrest, come and experience the mystique of the night.'