The Ball

The time has finally come. The streets of Paris are not as lively as they usually are, which is an odd sight. The city is supposed to be even more lively in the evening, but right now the streets seem to have lost their vigor and excitement. Though the lights are still on, the youth who used to wander the streets were nowhere to be found. The young adults with their passion seem to have gone somewhere. All we see are the elderly, going about their routine activities. But away from the lonesome streets, your attention would then be directed to a wonderful sight. As you look up you can see the top of the Agrest Mansion, with its large and looming presence now adorned with enchanting Gothic decorations. The dramatic lights create a golden feel filled with mystery. And entering the gates were people of varied ages but mostly teens. Each enters with a different gown filled with designs eager to impress. Each one wears a mask which had the themes of animals. It is a sight to behold but nothing can comprehend the awe that the Agrest Mansion holds.

The Agrest Mansion had an area of 34,500 square feet, its gate towered over those who wish to enter which was wide open with guests pouring in. The garden in front had a magical feel to it with many various flowers growing around which shone under the moonlight. As they walked up the white marble steps the guests were faced with the giant doors of the Mansion. The doors had a golden amber glow to them as the lights reflected on them. And finally, as the doors were opened, the guests were then greeted with the heavenly sight of the Agrest Mansion.

Marble walls with gold lining, giant pillars with intricate patterns, and full-scaled paintings hung among the walls with a giant red carpet down the hallway. As the guest walked down the hallway, they were then greeted by a butler who then opened another large door. As he did, a light shone over them, blinding them for a moment. It was a very large ballroom with a shiny floor which showed the guest's reflection. Huge windows showed the beautiful night sky as the chandeliers shone an amber glow.

As the guests started to pour in, on top of a balcony was a man in a black suit with a large coat that had the designs of silver butterflies and he had a silver mask that had the design of a butterfly sitting on it. The mask's unique design gave the man's eyes a silver color that shines under the light.

The man tapped his cane onto the floor which echoed through the room, stopping everyone's conversations and giving their focus to him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for coming to this party. As we all gather here tonight, I will give you the greatest night you will ever have. Enjoy the party, and let the magic of the night engulf your selves with mysticism and fantasia."

After the man finishes his speech, the orchestra placed on the balcony plays the piece, The Song of the Prince's Fantasy.

As the song filled the room, the guests then started to get in pairs and dance with the music. And as the ball continued, the masked man watched on the balcony smiling.

"Mr. Agrest, Aiden is now ready." Francois' assistant Cindy said while standing behind Francois with a stoic face. "Thank you, Cindy, please bring him in."

Cindy bows her head as she exited and walked towards Aiden's room with her heels making a clicking sound on the tiled floor.

Cindy then knocked on Aiden's door. "Aiden, your father wishes to see you." But there was no response. "Aiden, your need to come out the party is starting."

But there was still no response, Cindy then opened the door. The room was very neat but all of the lights were off with only the moonlight coming from the window illuminating the room. Cindy enters the room, and as she did the cold wind of the night hits her face in front of her is an open window with the moon in its frame. The curtains danced in the cold air of the night as the whole room is now cold.

Cindy pinched her temples and then released an annoyed sigh. "That kid will seriously be the one who'll kill me."

In front of a small apartment is Marisol Fortunne in her beaded blue silk gown, which sparkles under the front light of the apartment. Her dress exposes her shoulders and shows her soft white skin. It hugs her body perfectly thus accentuating her trim figure. She had her hair fashioned in large soft curls and her lips in a soft pink tint. She looked like a royal princess waiting for her Prince.

"Hey, Mari." Walking towards her was Aiden with Willow who was in a white satin gown accentuated with powder appliques. Her look perfectly matched her personality.

"Aiden you really came!" Mari said with a smile with a faded blush on her cheeks.

"Of course, I promised to take you out didn't I?" Aiden was wearing a dark grey tuxedo with a dark purple undershirt, he had a necktie with a lighter shade of purple. He had his hair in simple layered curls which now gave him even more charm, he then had a bit of makeup to cover his eye bags. His look gives him a commanding charm that puts him at the level of top male models of the time.

And when Mari stared at her date, she then noticed Willow fangirling silently behind him.

"Hello? Mari?" Mari was then snapped out of her thoughts by Aiden who was now in front of her face. This made Mari embarrassed and blush.

"U-uh I'm fine, l-lets go to the ball." Mari then looked away trying to hide her blush while Aiden then straightened his posture then went to a corner, after a few moments he then emerged back with a large motorcycle. The motorcycle was black with a soft leather seat that was large enough to fit three people conveniently.

Aiden then started the motorcycle and looked at the two ladies. "You guys gonna stare or you gonna ride already?" Aiden said with a smirk.

"I call dibs in the front!." Willow said while dashing towards Aiden, she then sat in front of Aiden and snuggled into his chest while Aiden had a small giggle at Willows's actions. Mari then just walks towards him and just sits behind him and hugged him as he sat down.

"Alright ladies, let's go!" Aiden then drove among the quiet streets of Paris with the cold air hitting their face as they drove towards Aiden's mansion. As they finally arrived at the Mansion, Aiden then stops and parked the motorcycle. As they got off they started to put on their masquerade masks except for Aiden.

Mari's mask was in a dark blue color which seemed to be made of porcelain but was really light. Small blue gems decorated it and the eye holes are edged with shiny blue silk. Willow had a white one with some light tint of faded sky blue on the edges. Willow then wrapped her arm around Aiden's pulling him towards her while Mari just holds his hand.

"Woah, the flowers are so beautiful!!!" Willow said as they walked through the front garden.

"I'm glad that you like it," Aiden said, and when they entered through the doors Willow's eyes then lit up even more as Mari just stared in awe. And as they walked down the hallway, the butler greeted Aiden as he then opened the door. And when he did, Willow then let out a small gasp of awe while Mari just smiled as she scanned the ballroom with the beauty it held.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like to introduce my son, Aiden Whitlock Agrest." Francois then gestured towards him from the balcony which grabbed everyone's attention. And after his announcement, everyone then started to talk among themselves. Some stared in awe, others fangirled, and others talked about Mari and Willow walking with him.

"Those are his dates!?! Lucky girls." "Why didn't he pick me." " It's Aiden honey boo!" Aiden slightly cringed on the last one knowing who it was. And when they were in the middle of the ballroom, the orchestra then started to play a slow song. As they played the song, the light started to slowly turn off filling the room with a cool bluish hue that blended perfectly with the moonbeams spilling through the partly opened curtains of the giant windows. The butlers and maids started to open the windows letting in the cold night breeze which made the clothes of the guests and curtains slowly sway as if dancing to the music of the orchestra.

Aiden then turned around and outstretched his hand toward Willow and Mari. "Ladies, may I have this dance?"

Mari just slightly blushed but Willow on the other hand was as red as a tomato. Mari noticing Willow decided to let her dance with Aiden first. " Why don't you go and dance with him Willow, I'm fine if you go first."

Willow started to squeal softly and took Aiden's hand while grinning so much. When they reached the middle of the ballroom, Willow placed her hand on Aiden's shoulder, and when Aiden placed his hand a little above her waist. Willow jerks a little but quickly looked away to hide her embarrassment.

The moonlight grazed over them like a spotlight. The soft light hit Willow and caused her dress to shimmer. The entire atmosphere gave a dreamy-like feel. As Aiden guided Willow in the dance, the image was like a young Prince dancing with a snow angel. Everyone's attention is on them. Some girls on the side sighed with dopey eyes, imagining that it was them dancing with Aiden in this fairytale-like scene.

"You look wonderful ", Aiden said to Willow. Are you enjoying the party?

Willows stuttered with her answer. "Th-thank you. I am enjoying it very much!" Willow shyly answered. She once again blushed and looked away to hide it.

"Why do you look away? Is there something wrong with my face? " Aiden said with a naughty grin, teasing willow.

"No, nothings wrong! it's just that I,…I…I."….. Willow can't continue but just blushed even harder. She was left with no choice but to look Aiden in the face and smile. Aiden also responded with a smile and the pair continue dancing.

Mari is sitting in a corner looking at Aiden and Willow who are enjoying the moment. She feels happy that Aiden is enjoying the party but a part of her heart is also jealous. She is wondering how it would feel if it is her dancing with Aiden right now. Just thinking about it makes her embarrassed but at the same time excited. She was in this mood of reflection when a voice interrupted her.

" Good evening madam." This slightly startled Mari. She quickly looked up and see a handsome man standing beside her with a friendly smile. He is dressed as a butler. He looks like to be in his mid-twenties and is about 6 feet tall, with blond hair and green eyes. His strong foreign features were softened by the warm smile on his face.

Mari slightly raised her right eyebrow and curiously replied, "Y-yes? May I help you?" This butler looks familiar. Mari swears she has seen this man before. After a few seconds, Mari remembers. This is Aiden's driver. On one occasion, Mari saw this man drive the car that picked up Aiden after school.

The butler then sat down beside her and looked at what she was staring at. "I see you are Aiden's other dates. Many wanted to be in your place. You are one lucky Lady."

After recognizing the man, Mari relaxed and returned her gaze back to Aiden and Willow. Mari replies with sarcasm, "Yeah, if you consider being the OTHER DATE as lucky, then perhaps I am lucky."

After seeing the sadness in Mari's eyes, the butler's face becomes serious and he moved closer to Mari. " Aiden is a... complicated boy. He may have what everyone desires but he is still a young boy. But still, he chose you because he trusts you" The butler said with a smile.

Mari then stopped looking at Aiden and Willow who are dancing. She looked at the butler with a smile "Thank you, sir."

The butler smiled back and leave to serve a cocktail to the other guests. Mari stared at the butler as he walked away. She just ponders on what the Butler just said. She was still thinking when she was interrupted by Willow who is standing in front of her giggling like a little girl who got her Christmas present.

" I just danced with Aiden! It was just like in my dreams and even better.", Willow uttered

Mari then chuckled at Willow's reaction and did not Aiden standing beside her with an extended hand.

"My Lady?, may I have this dance"

Mari turns her head to face Aiden and placed her hand over Aiden's palm." I would love to."

The music was over and the guests were now all on the side of the ballroom chatting with some glasses on them drinking wine. And when Aiden and Mari were now in the middle of the ballroom, the Orchestra started playing Once Upon December, Aiden's favorite. Aiden closes his eyes, feels the nostalgia, and had a smile.

Aiden never smiled much in public and the only people who ever saw him truly smile were Mari and a few butlers. This warmed Mari's heart as she then placed her hand on his shoulder. This snapped Aiden out of his trance and placed his hand on her waist.

"Oh, Sorry." Aiden apologized and Mari just gave him a smile.

They started to dance which immediately grabbed everyone's attention. There was suddenly a soft breeze that blew into the room, it played with Mari's hair, and the soft gown started to dance as well. Each step seemed lighter than the last one making it look like they were dancing in the air. It was a magical moment; the guest saw a Princess dancing with the Prince of Paris. The moonlight gave Mari a soft blush, her brown eyes captivated Aiden's as he stared back at them. Mari couldn't take away her gaze from Aiden as well. Her lips trembled as she savored the sweet moment she shares with Aiden. It was truly a scene from a dream. They twirled and swayed with the music as it melted everything away only leaving them in their own little world. And when the music stopped, their eyes are still closed while their foreheads touched. The crowd clapped and cheered them and at this time, Mari interlocked her hand onto Aiden's which shocked Aiden but he didn't return the favor. Aiden then led Mari back into her seat as François emerged again from the balcony.

"That was truly magical. A dance between a Prince and Princess; something straight out of a fairytale. But Ladies and Gentlemen I will now give you even more entertainment. I would like to introduce, Heart Strings." Upon hearing this, the audience had audible gasps. And underneath the balcony, a thick red curtain was then raised showing a band of 3 young men and a girl which the audience then cheered. "GOOD EVENING EVERYONE!!!" the girl yelled as the audience started to cheer louder while trying to reach them but were blocked by butlers who despite their small builds were able to hold back the crowd. "Mr. Agrest said this is going to be a night you won't forget, LET'S MAKE IT THAT WAY!!!!!" The cheers were then even louder with some shouting now. "3 2 1!" The band started playing while the people were now dancing with some jumping and singing along with the band, there were some girls screaming and the orchestra joined in giving it a better sound. Willow and Mari were among the crowd dancing with the guests while Aiden just looked at them smiling and laughing at their goofiness. But despite this, the music was a bit too loud for him so he decided to leave the ballroom and walk along the hallways.

Aiden then looks out of the windows and stares at the large garden.

"Good evening sir." A butler greeted him. Aiden nodded, then the butler continued with his own business carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses. Aiden then continues to stare at the garden. It is his favorite place in the mansion. Aiden had many fun memories here. Aiden sighed as he reminisced the memories he had with his father and his mother who sadly passed away. He missed those memories before his father changed. Those were the times when his father spent time with him and played with him. When Aiden's mother died, his father's affection for him also died with her. Aiden's eye became a little watery.

Unknown to Aiden, a man wearing a mask and a black robe lurks in the shadows. He has been observing and following Aiden even before the ball started. Patiently, he waits for that perfect moment to strike. Seeing Aiden strolling near the garden all by himself, got this assassin excited and is now filled with the rush of joy, the joy of capturing their prey. He looks like a wild animal drooling over his unsuspecting victim.

When he was sure that nobody else is around and after sensing that Aiden is oblivious to his plan, the man slowly sneaks towards Aiden's location holding a sharp combat knife in his hand. By the time he was a few meters away from his target, he quickens his steps and was ready to charge!

Though his mind is filled with longing and nostalgia at the moment, Aiden suddenly felt that danger is coming and dodge to the side. As soon as he did so, his face felt a whizzing breeze caused by the sharp knife that missed him by an inch. when he turned around, he came face to face with the killer. Aiden was overtaken with dread and fear and was paralyzed for a few seconds. As soon as He came to his senses, he bolted toward the other end of the hallway and screamed for help. But the masked man quickly caught and slammed him against the wall. The impact was so hard that the wall cracked.

Terrified and unable to move Aiden's mind was thinking fast. "I can't die, not now!" When he sensed that the man is also breathing hard after chasing him Aiden felt that this is his only chance for escape. Before the man can flex his hand to stab him, Aiden gathered all his strength and banged his head on the man's face. The impact broke the man's nose causing blood to flow.

When the man realized that he's having a nosebleed, he cursed; "You'll pay for this kid!" he then blew his nose so he can breathe.

Aiden seized the opportunity and quickly moved away from his assassin. He used all the strength of his legs to pedal himself as far as he can from the man.

But the man quickly gained his senses. Seeing a chair in a corner, he threw it on Aiden and hit the boy on his back causing him to fall to the ground face down.

In a flash, he approached Aiden and planted his right knee on Aiden's back. Aiden attempts to get up, but the assassin is way bigger so he used his weight to pin Aiden down. "Do you think you can escape from me that easy?" Bang! He planted a strong punch on Aiden's back. Before Aiden could process the pain of the punch, another one followed, then another…then another…

The assassin's strength overpowered Aiden. But the boy never lost his fighting spirit. Despite the pain he received, he keeps trying to escape with the little strength he has left.

When the assassin was sure that Aiden could no longer run, he dragged him away to a corner. He turned Aiden to face him and raised his knife to finish the job.

At this moment Aiden felt helpless, he couldn't move. Lying on his back, he stared at his attacker who was about to stab him. When the assassin strikes his hand, Aiden closed his eyes and anticipated the pain.

The assassin's excitement was evident in the swift strike of his hand holding the knife. He put great force on his strike. But when the tip of the knife was just a few centimeters away from Aiden's chest, what seemed to be a rock hit his hand with a great impact causing the knife to fly into the air and land on the marble floor. As he turn his face to the direction where the rock came from, his jaw was kicked by a figure who leaped out from one of the windows. The force of the kick startled the assassin who then scrambled away to defend himself. But before he could regain his composure, he was again kicked in the chest which caused him to couch and take three steps backward.

He quickly looks up to assess the position of the person who hit him. It was a masked female in a baggy pink-outlined jacket and gym pants. She wears some sneakers and gloves which seem to have some metal plating on them. When the assassin attempted to check the face of his opponent, he was attacked with a flurry of punches which all landed on the different parts of his body. But being a professional, the assassin put up a fierce fight and counterattacked. Both fighters had an all-out brawl as the band from the ballroom played some music that seemed to muffle the sound of the fierce fighting that was going on.

Pinned down on the ground, Aiden was expecting the knife to cut through his chest but was surprised that he did not feel any pain. Instead, he heard the clanking sound of metal when the knife landed on the floor. He tried to crawl away from the fight scene but his strength failed him. He couldn't move and see much of the fight. '

What's...going on?' Once more, he tried to get up but keeps on falling. The fight continued as the man managed to land a left hook at the girl's right rib cage which made her let out a grunt. But before he can make another attack, he was kicked in the groin. The man fell down onto his knees and the girl sucker punched him in the face which caused him to pass out.

The girl massages the lower part of her right chest as she helped Aiden to a chair. She was starting to leave when Aiden grabbed her wrist. "Wait. …Thank you"

The girl turned around, briefly stared at Aiden, then tried to leave. But Aiden did not let go, hoping to identify the girl. He blinked his eyes trying to clear his vision but couldn't see her face because of the mask covering it. Disappointed, he just looked down.

The girl slowly removed her hand from Aiden's grasp, took off her necklace, and gave it to Aiden. Before Aiden could utter another word, she turned away and leaped out of the window. Aiden saw her run through the garden and climbed up the garden wall with ease. She then stared at Aiden one more time, making sure that he is safe, then quickly went out of sight.

The same butler came from the corner with an empty tray which he dropped upon seeing the scene. He dashed towards Aiden checking if he was alright and called security who arrived quickly to apprehend the unconscious man. Paramedics also arrived and further checked Aiden's injuries and were glad that though there are serious bruises, nothing was broken. Nonetheless, they placed Aiden on a stretcher and prepared him to be taken to the nearest hospital.

While lying on the stretcher, Aiden was conscious. He is still overwhelmed by what has happened. Somebody wanted to kill him! "How can this happen? Why would somebody want to kill me? I have no enemies!" And as far as he knows, his father is a peace-loving man.

What is even more surprising is the presence of the lady who saved him. "Why was she there? Is she watching over me?" But despite all his questions, the most important thing Aiden wants to know right now is; "WHO IS SHE?'.

Slowly, Aiden starts to feel so tired. His eyes become heavy. In a few seconds, he falls asleep.