School Without you 1

Mari is now walking towards her school in a somewhat bleak mood. Now that Aiden's location has been leaked to the press, in order for him to be safe he is now to be homeschooled. She wore a Midnight Blue sweater as the cold morning air blew across her face making her shiver slightly. Her thick black jeans with the same Converse shoes matching her sweater as she adjusted the lighter shade of blue-colored beanie covering her hair and the white scarf she had as she played with the strap of her sling bag while listening to soft classical music in her earphones. She then arrived at Jason Haprèle High School and students entering the school. As she entered the school, she felt bored and empty as going to school usually is her favorite time of the day. But ever since Aiden was hurt in the ball, which caused him to be homeschooled for his safety, she had now lacked the motivation she needed. She then walked the school hallways with bored eyes and just ignored everyone and everything in her surroundings.

As she arrived at her classroom and sat down at her bench and glanced at the empty seat beside her with eyes of longing as she missed the boy who she would annoy on a daily basis.

"Ms. Fortunne, you seem to be earlier than usual." Mr. Oliver said as he placed his book on the table. Mari then looked at Mr. Oliver and around the classroom. By this time she realized that it was only her, Mr. Oliver, and 2 more people in the classroom, one was a guy with headphones playing with his phone while the other wore earphones while sleeping. "Oh, yeah." Mari just said as the silence returned. Mr. Oliver stood up from his desk and approached her and sat down on the seat beside her with a distance to respect Mari's space.

"You know, I am a teacher in this school for 8 years, and in that time I have seen many types of students some I really adore and some that piss me off, but Mari you are one of the greatest students I have ever seen. And for the time that I had you in my class, you were an energetic and caring person and I know when I see someone who needs someone to talk to.".

"I..." Mari stopped herself as she looked at Mr. Oliver's concerned eyes, she then sighed. "I kinda miss having Aiden here in school, I would usually tease him and just spend my time with him. And he and I would spend the time together, and he was my best friend and we were inseparable. But without him, everything just feels bland and lacking, and the day just feels empty and boring."

Mr. Oliver then nodded and adjusted himself and looked at Mari. "Mari, you depend on him too much. You see, I know that you and Aiden are close and it's sweet to see your strong bond, but now you are becoming too attached to him. I know what I said doesn't make sense but what I mean is that: because you have him as your best friend, doesn't mean that you don't try to socialize with others. And I know that some students here are a little...difficult."

"Vicky." Mari interrupted Mr. Oliver as he simply chuckled. "Yep pretty accurate, but Miss Victoria isn't the only student here in this school. Mari, you are in some clubs, and aside from Miss Victoria, you are popular in this school. You have so many opportunities to find other friends." Mari then just looked down as Mr. Oliver had a sympathetic look. He then outreached his hand but stopped. "Is it ok?" Mr. Oliver asked as Mari looked and just nodded Mr. Oliver then placed his hand in her upper back to comfort her. "Mari, if you need someone to talk to then I am here, if you need someone to talk to you can find me. But you don't have to always focus on Aiden, trust me, Mari, with your attitude and kindness you will find more friends and you don't have to be alone anymore." Mari then looked at Mr. Oliver with a small smile."Thank you." Mr.Oliver then returned the smile happy that he helped one of his students in her troubles. He then patted her back and stood up.

"It's already 8:00 a.m and students are gonna be coming in. I believe in you, Mari." Mr. Oliver said this while walking back to his desk as the door opened letting a lot of students in and the silent room then became alive with chatter and students playing and messing around with each other. Mari then glanced at Mr. Oliver who just gave her a nod, as he told the class to settle down.


10:20 A.M

Mari exited Ms. Shaniah's classroom and decided to go to the cafeteria and get some snacks. She then entered the cafeteria and was then greeted yet again by the all too familiar grand cafeteria. ' Sometimes I wonder if 60% of the school's budget was used for the cafeteria alone.' Mari thought as she continued in. The cafeteria was buzzing with life with so many students chatting in the 20 minutes of free time they have. Mari simply ordered a cheese burger with fries with a glass of water and went towards the usual seat that she and Aiden took. As she sat down she glanced around the cafeteria and at the students who ate and talked to each other.

'Can I really do this? I wish Aiden was here.' She then remembered what Mr. Oliver told her. She then stared at her food as she was deep in her thoughts.'I really am just depending on him, I'm just latching onto him and not really caring much about my well-being.' Mari then just continued to stare as the same sad and longing feeling overtook her face. She then picked up the burger and bit it while chewing slowly.

"Hey, there you won't mind if I seat here?" A voice called out to Mari who then looked up and see a boy asking her in which she just nodded to and went back to her food as he sat beside her.

"Do you usually eat alone?" Mari then replied nonchalantly not looking up from her burger. "Not really, it's just that a friend didn't really attend school today, or maybe ever again."

"Oh man that's bad, anyway I'm Joshua Acton." Mari then finally stopped eating and looked at the boy more as he outreached his hand. He had messy black hair that lightly covered his eyes and outreached to the sides of his head. He had blue eyes with a joyous spark in them. He had a smile showing a crooked tooth. His body showed that he may not have worked out but he practiced a good and healthy diet. Mari then looked at the hand and hooked it with her own. "Mari, Marisol Fortunne."

"Well Miss Fortunne, It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady," Joshua said while doing a little bow, as he did Mari then noticed him being a bit taller than anyone else. Upon seeing this, Mari let out a small chuckle which Joshua noticed earning a smirk to appear on his face. But after this Mari then returned to her morning look as if he reminds her of someone. "Mari? Are you ok? Are you thinking about your friend?" Upon hearing the questions Mari simply nodded. "Hey hey now," Joshua said as he inched a bit closer to her. "I'm sure you will be ok, I mean you can always call him and if you ever needed a friend here I am, that's plus one."

"You being my friend?" Mari asked with a questioning look."Do you want me to be your friend?." Mari then thought back to Mr. Oliver's advice to which she then smiled. "Yes."

"Well then I guess that's settled, you and I are now friends. So, friend, you cool to hang out at lunch and after school" Mari then finished her burger and is now quickly eating her fries. "Well, I can't really since I have to go home afterward. But I guess I'm free in lunch." As Mari says this the school bell rang. "See ya, Josh," Mari said as she got up and walked towards the doors.

"Josh?" Joshua asked in a teasing way and Mari just sighed and returned the smirk. And she left the cafeteria as Joshua watched her walk away as he ate his sandwich.