Meeting the Others

Aiden walked with Cindy who led him deep into his own house. He was deep in thought as he suddenly had a huge responsibility on his shoulders. 'Is my dad crazy? Me being a Candidate or whatever they are, a hero? This is just stupid when I think about it.'

Aiden then rubbed his forehead as his continued to reason himself on what he just learned and the level of nonsense it seemed to sound like if it wasn't for the seriousness his father told him. ' My father, I know him to be someone who cares for family and work. And I know that he isn't a liar, but no matter how I just it myself it still sounds like a bunch of nonsense.'

Aiden then gave out a sigh in which caught Cindy's attention who took a glance at Aiden in which she shook her head a bit as she sped up her walking pace. "Cindy, wait up," Aiden said as he tried to catch up to Cindy. They then arrived in the library as Cindy opened the doors as she then quickly entered the room. The library was a very large hall room. Countless books lined up on shelves which made up a maze of shelves filled to the brim with different forms of literature. there was a 2nd floor with a balcony in front of a large window letting in light into the large space. Aiden, even if he has entered this room countless of times it is still a sight to see as he looked around the all so familiar surroundings. HIs eyes then landed on Cindy who stood in front of the shelves waiting for him. They then stood in front of a shelf as she took out a book, she then touched the wood which then opened to a small touch screen pad. She then placed her finger upon the screen as it scanned her fingerprint, after a few moments the shelf then quickly opened apart revealing a hidden hallway.

Cindy entered the dark hallway as Aiden reluctantly followed her. Aiden walked through the dark hallway following after the echoes of Cindy's heels. Aiden then sees light around a corner and Cindy's shadow disappearing from his sight, he then turned the corner to be greeted by a sight.

Aiden entered upon what seemed to be a foundation under his home. The walls were colored with a cold light blue as the air conditioning matched the temperature of the walls. The floor was a color of grey as he sees Cindy standing in front of him. "Follow me, they are waiting." She then guided Aiden through the facility as Aiden looked around seeing on what they are doing here. He sees many scientists, in many labs testing upon subjects and researching on different types of chemicals and such. There were also many large offices showing many workers who seem to be watching the news as they were talking with subjects Aiden cannot hear. Then they both arrived on a large metal door guarded by four men in suits and by a glance, one can tell they are trained well.

As they saw Cindy and Aiden two soldiers opened the doors to reveal a lounge. And upon the chairs in the middle of the room were 5 individuals both ranging from teenagers to young adults. They were chatting with each other as Cindy and Aiden entered, Cindy cleared her throat catching their attention. "Candidates meet the 6th Candidate, I hope you get along with him as well. Dr. Carter will arrive in a few minutes, your training will then begin." Cindy then exited the room as Aiden approached the other Candidates.

"Hey there!" One of the candidates who was standing approached Aiden with a cheerful demeanor.

"I'm Alexis Wynch, the 3rd Candidate. It's nice to meet you Aiden." Alexis was a short girl who seemed to be a year younger than Aiden. Her height made as tall as Aiden's chest as she had a large grin upon her freckled face. Her hair had messy curls all kept in pony tail as she reached out her hand to shake Aiden's hand. Aiden then reached out and shook her hand, but she then quickly grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. Aiden then noticed her physique and clothes. Even with her small body, she had a strong grip. She wore a tight shirt with a faded green jacket with tight leggings similar to what a ballerina would wear. Aiden then gave a nervous smile as he replied to Alexis.

"Aiden Whitlock Agrest." Alexis then lit up." I knew you were familiah! You're the prince of Paris, man this will be something I will never shut up about." Alexis said as she cupped Aiden's hand.

"Turn it down Alex, you're creeping him out." An older young woman said as she stood up from the couch and placed her hands on Alexis shoulders. Alexis then pouted as she returned to the couch but not before turning to Aiden. "This conversation ain't over yet." she then plopped down the couch eating some chocolates beside the couch.

"Well, hello there. I'm Shaniah Linchiz. I'm the 4th candidate, the one that Ms. Amanda selected. And let me introduce you to the others." She then placed he hand on your shoulder as she pointed to each Candidate in the room while giving their names to Aiden. "That's Donatello Sichio, the 5th Candidate." She pointed to a teenager in a black suit sitting on a couch with his legs crossed while drinking hot coffee and reading a file while being constantly asked countless questions and remarks my Alexis who sat beside him spouting out random words. "He is a serious a very person, he doesn't really want to mess around as he only ever focuses on his tasks, and at the moment he is just trying to stop himself from murdering Alexis."

She then gestured to a hooded figure with a black face mask as he/she is listening to music from his/her's phone he/she held with arms folded and is just blocking the outside noise. "That's the 2nd Candidate Umbra, and well we don't really know anything about him, or her since even we don't even know Umbra's gender. And despite Umbra's looks he's a great listener and a great comforter."

"I thought no one knows Umbra's gender?" Aiden asked in which Shaniah just waved her hand. " Well we all decided that he is a boy." Aiden then just looked at Umbra who looked up at Aiden and just slightly nodded. " And finally this is Zarrah Carrigan the first candidate, she is basically the leader of this small unit." They both approached Zarrah who was reading a book she took from the shelf. "Hey Zarrah, how's the book?" Zarrah then place the book down as she looked at Shaniah."Pretty amazing, you should try to read it too Shan." Zarrah's eyes then landed at Aiden's as they stared at each other. "Oh yeah this is the new guy Ai-"

"Aiden Whitlock Agrest 'the prince of Paris', great to see you again." Zarrah said the prince part with sarcasm as she shook Aiden's hand. "Well its great to know that you guys are acquainted already. Well I'll have to go now, I have to go and get Alexis before Donnie murder her." Shaniah then walked away and towards the noisy Alexis.

"So prince, do you have any hobbies" Zarrah asked as she continued to read her book. "Well, I usually play the piano and go to model shoots but I also like to paint a lot." Aiden said as he sat on a chair in front of her. "Well, do you train a lot as well, seeing you have a decent build." Zarrah asked while observing Adien. She had a hard to read face yet her head was in chaos as she tried to act calm and not to reveal herself to him. ' Dear gosh, please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me.' Zarrah of course remembers him.

But Aiden after a few moments of silence then gathered the courage to ask Zarrah. "Hey, have we ever...met before?" Aiden asked as Zarrah knew he would eventually ask her, but before she could answer, the Lounge doors opened revealing a 35 year old man with a messy beard yet with a cleanly cut haircut who wore a lab coat entered the room and caught the Candidates attention.

"Hello, Candidates. I am Dr. Carter and I am the one who will facilitate and over watch your training and your progress in becoming Candidates who are worthy for the name. Now let's go now shall we?"