Doing my Job

A long exasperated sigh escaped Hank's mouth while rubbing his eye. Visible bags were seen under his eyes with a can of beer in his hand. Since last night, Hank was up reading the folder and just drinking till morning. Jimmy had to kick him out of the bar just for him to leave which he did while grumbling all the way.

Hank takes another swig at this beer and realized that not a drop remained, he threw the can into a trash can while grumbling yet again. " Agh, stupid beer can't even do its own job." Passerbys were looking at Hank grumbling to himself like a mad man.

After taking a walk through another alley, Hank finds himself on a familiar road. He continued to walk until he was in front of the same two-story building. Before going in, Hank stretches and lets out a loud satisfied groan. He smelled his breath and contracted from its stench.

"Jeez, I need to get some bloody mints," Hank said before clearing his throat and entering the door.

He was greeted by the always fluorescent and generic workplace atmosphere. Hank stepped inside swiping his feet on the doormat.

"Jen's not here that's odd." Hank mumbles out loud while walking past her desk. Her desk was completely different from what it normally looks like. The usually neat desk was now filled with empty plastic cups and a variety of food wrappers, with the area emanating a strong odor of caffeine.

The elevator doors opened with a ding as Hank stepped onto the second floor. While walking, Hank noticed the slightly dusty floor. ' Those two must've been very busy for the couple of days.' Hank simply shook his head and went into a bare office, adjacent to the entrance of Jack's. The office had a blue worn-out chair with an old table with it. There was an empty bookshelf on a wall. Hank approached it and pushed a backboard which slid aside showing a pin lock. After inputting the numbers, the panel let off a beep. Hank pulled the shelf as it opened like a large door showing a flight of stairs. Hank went down the darkness with dust flying in the air. Upon reaching the bottom, Hank started to feel for something on the fall, after feeling a light switch he turned flipped it on.

The light showed a large spacious room, many objects covered with white cloths slowly picking up dust. Hank starts to slowly walk towards the structures, he stopped in front of one. Slowly, he starts to take the cloth off. Suddenly, he quickly pulled yanking the sheet off. It was a wooden workbench filled with papers, and different parts and scraps of metal. A feeling of familiarity starts to appear in Hanks's eyes.

He then starts yanking all of the sheets off placing them on a large basket with cobwebs and a small hill of dust on it. The sight in front of him was off an old base filled with weapons, and ammunition. Different tools were hung on a wall with visible wear on them. Hank then starts to run his fingers on the area with dust slowly piling up on his fingertips. He then stopped in front of the weapons cabinet, with a particular weapon sitting in front of him. It was his old revolver sat upon a stand. It glistened under the pale light from the bulb, Hank slowly picked it up rubbing it as if he was reunited with an old friend. It shone as if it was happy to see him again for so long. Despite how long it was, the revolver still looks brand new like yesterday that Hank had bought it.

"Nice to see you again, old friend." Hank said while twirling the gun in his hand. Hank then took a deep breath while staring at the old room. After a few moments, Hank sneezed and rubbed his nose. "Damn, I really need to clean this room, Je-" Realizing he hasn't seen Jenny yet, Hank gave off a large sigh and decided to clean it himself.


Cindy was seated on her desk rubbing her head in annoyance. She was tired of doing an errand for a certain someone. She had been in the hospital interviewing all of the nurses, doctors, and cleaning staff if they ever found on whatever Aiden had lost. She and 4 others searched the whole room and even the trash cans, but still couldn't find them. After a while, she gave up and continued her day with calls coming from her boss. Right now she was just planning another fashion show that will be held at 10 A.M today.

A butler entered the room carrying a cup of hot coffee. " Good morning ma'am." He politely said placing the coffee beside Cindy to quickly thanked him and took a sip from it. The butler bowed again and exited the room.

Cindy now leaned back onto her, taking a break from her job. It was still the start of the morning yet, Cindy already wants to die. Her mind filled with different things and all of the aspects and factors on the fashion show later in the afternoon. After relaxing for a bit an email notification popped up. She opened the email, reading it now learning that the lights and stage devices have already arrived. Cindy gave off a tired sigh as she picked up her phone on the table.

The phone rang only once as it was quickly picked up on the other end. "Prepare a car please, I'll be right outside in a moment." The voice on the other end agreed. Cindy then stood up and started going towards the front of the house. While walking, she met Dr. Carter who had a burger in his hands. "Good Morning, Dr. Carter."

"Hm? Morning Ma'am"

Cindy stopped and talked to him. "How are the Candidates Doing in their training so far?" Dr. Carter took a bite."They're need of training." Dr. Carter took another bite and seeing that indy was about to say another thing. he quickly swallowed to interject. " Young Agrest still lacks so much training, I don't know if having him as a candidate was a good idea but among all of the others, he lacks the most." Dr. Carter sighed "And as much as I hate to admit it, he seems to learn quickly." Dr. Carter then starts to walk away. " I don't know nor do I dig into their personal life but during training, he seems to be very distracted. He seems to miss someone , but who am I to care." Dr. Carter then said goodbye to Cindy and walked back into the gym.

Cindy then started to think. She then starts to remember the times she sees Aiden in training.

'He seems to be somehow distracted now that I noticed it.' She then starts to remember the times when he and his best friend would be together. And now that he has to train, his morale starts to decline. Cindy thought about it for a moment till she remembered that she had somewhere to go.

In front of the manor was a black SUV with a guard waiting for Cindy. Cindy walked down the stairs, and when she was a couple of steps away from the van, the guard opened the door letting her in.

" We'll be going onto the atrium at the Le papillon d'or HOtel please." The driver looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Yes ma'am." And the SUV started and exited the mansion. Throughout the ride, Cindy leaned onto the window with a bunch of thoughts in her head.

She scrunched her face as she rubbed her forehead. " This is just stupid." Cindy mumbled to herself. The guard noticed her grumpy mood and decided to play some songs on the radio.

"Good Morning yet again to you Paris this 96.3 FM and now we'll be playing another classic, ladies and gentlemen I present Backstreet Boys- I Want It That Way." The song then starts to play, Cindy turned towards the radio and onto the driver. He gave a quick glance and continued watching the road. A small smile starts to creep on Cindy's face as she starts to softly hum with the harmony.

The van parked itself on a large parking lot. The guard opened the door yet again; getting Cindy out and getting a view of the large hotel. The building rose to the sky disappearing from the perception of the eye due to its countless floors. it had a large area that might be equal to the size of the Agrest Manor. A couple of cars away from them was a larger van with a couple of guys loading out boxes and carrying them into the hotel. Cindy then entered the hotel together with the men. The hotel truly lived up to its name, the air filled with a cold and fragrant smell. The selected light colors brought relaxation and a moment to breathe as the main color gold was supported with other colors with different hues and intensities. Flowers with different bright colors hung around the hotel, dandelions, daisies, yellow and golden roses, yellow bells, and even more. Cindy just kept walking while being greeted by the hotel staff. The chandelier above her gave light mixed with different colors that were reflected and refracting from the light it emanated giving an enchanting scene on the whole level. Cindy after navigating a few halls arrived at the Atrium. She entered it with a couple of staff members pushed it open.

The Atrium itself was spacious is equal to an opera house. There was a custom-made walkway with a lot of staff and workers fixing the frames of the stage, some were pushing in large containers that were filled with clothes, and the models were practicing their walks on the walkway.

A couple of staff members were talking to each other until one noticed Cindy. She then rushed towards Cindy. "Good Morning Ma'am." She said respectfully as Cindy gave a small nod. " How's the progress so far? The sudden change of schedule was very unexpected in this end as well."

"So far we have managed to prepare most of the show for now. walk way was finally finished assembling with the models all prepped and ready. And the clothes arrived earlier than the lights that were requested which should be here right..." The doors were then opened to the men carrying the boxes finally arrived. "Now."

Cindy nodded as she looked at her watch. It read 8:57 A.M

"Damn it!" The girl cursed to herself. "What's wrong?" Cindy asked with a pressing tone. The girl didn't flinch from Cindy's tone as she quickly texts something on her phone. " A model called in sick because of some food poisoning, and the second batch hasn't arrived yet." Cindy then quickly gave off a sigh and took out her phone. After talking to someone Cindy gave another sigh, she then looked back at the girl.

"You don't have to worry about the second batch, it'll arrive her around five minutes and as for the model, well 4 more are coming over since the 2nd batch has twice the amount as the 1st one." Cindy said while pocketing her phone. "Thank you Ma'am." The girl bowed as she hurries off and starts to direct the crew on where to place the lights.

Cindy then stares at the girl. ' She's a pretty decent at her job.' Cindy was a bit impressed with the girl's responsible nature. She then got another call, Cindy checked her phone and saw that Francois called her.

"Hello sir?"

"Cindy, I will have to leave for a business trip tomorrow. And I need you to attend some meetings and selection for new designers, and I need you to move any meetings I scheduled for two days."

"Of Course Sir."

"Thank you."

The call ended with a tired sigh escaping Cindy's mouth. "Just another day in my life."


In an abandoned area in the city, Hank was slowly walking through small streets and alleyways. The whole area is called the Sinners Pit, the clue is already in the name. The area was one of many areas with the highest rate of crime which resulted in residents leaving it thus making it abandoned which made it a perfect place for thugs, hobos, and gangs to hang around. After stalking around the area, He finally found the place he needed.

It was a large abandoned apartment, in front of it were a couple of men who wore black clothes and had some metal bars with some bulges at their sides, possibly their weapons. Hank was inside an apartment looking through a window with its blinds pulled down hiding him. He gave of a grunt and started to stretch his body. He dug through the bag that he carried and took out a mask. It was a black mask with a large smile that was painted on it. It had two cartridges on the side with a filter in the middle where the painted smile slightly opened. He put on the mask the lenses had a red-colored filter giving it the illusion of shining blood-red light.

"Well." Hank said while taking out a knife and slinging a rifle on his back. "Time, to do my job." Hank said with a small hind of sadness and hesitation before shaking them off.