The Raid Part 2

Outside at the front of the factory, Men in black were slowly being pushed back from the assault of the masked men. The masked men were now advancing as the men in black retreated into the warehouse which now has a large hole from the van that one of masked men crashed into the front entrance.

"Fall Back!!!!." An older man in black shouted into his comms as he gestured for the others to retreat. Bullets wheezed by the man as he quickly ducked back down. An irritated expression over his face as he clicked his tongue. He quickly picked from a corner and fired bullets from his gun. With precision, he managed to take down 3 masked guys who hid behind a van. After taking them down, a bullet wheezes by cutting his cheek and hitting his ally behind, in the middle of his head.

"Dammit! Everyone Fall Back!!!" The man curses out loud while repeating back to the comms . The men defending the factory all heard his command and started to retreat back into the factory. The men in the adjacent buildings start to pull away from the windows and retreated back into the factory.

Upon seeing the men from the factory retreat, the masked men increased their firepower upon the retreating forces. The hail of bullets quickly terminated many retreating men. Many fell upon the pavement as the others finally retreated back into the factory.

Suddenly, the bullet shower quickly died down. The men were quickly confused and suspicious of the silence. The leader and a few other men slowly peeked to see what their enemies were doing. S

The masked perpetrators were quickly gathering their wounded men and starting their vehicles. After staring for a while, the masked men threw flashbangs and smoke grenades at the factory. "Flashbang!" A man yelled out, the rest of the factory men quickly ran away and covered their eyes. The grenades exploded with pulsing lights and all of their ears ringing combined with the smoke making the men cough heavily as they try to run away from the smoke. The Masked men quickly entered the factory, but instead of shooting them all down, they only killed the one in the smoke as they tried to quickly start up the van that crashed into the factory entrance which luckily was still active. Now obtaining the final vehicle the masked men now finally retreated. The masked men threw a few frag grenades and more flashbangs which resulted with a lot of shrapnel flying through the air piercing a few men and stunning others.

Through the confusion, the masked men successfully left the factory leaving the factory men in a lot of casualties and confusion on why they suddenly just left.


On another side of the building and in a hallway is Zero and his elite team.

"Adelaide, Lyon, take care of LaReu. Bring him outside and call Manuel's Hospital." Zero said with Adelaide and Lyon carrying LaReu who had a cast at his broken arm onto the back exit. The time that the three of them were now out of his sight. Zero now drew his attention onto their knocked out attacker. Chetion stared at the attacker with his hatred aimed towards the gas-masked attacker. Chetion pulled out his knife in which Zero noticed. Zero quickly held Chetion's arm which made Chetion look at him with the same hateful gaze.

"Chetion, don't." Zero said in a stern tone. Chetion pulled his arm away from Zero's grasp. "Don't? Zero he killed Alarie and Dupont!" Chetion gestured towards Alarie and Dupont's bodies who were sat against the wall. Chetion starts to approach the gas-masked man. "Chetion!" Zero placed his hand on Chetion's chest and pushed him back. "Back off, that's an order." Zero said to Chetion with his commanding voice. "To hell with orders! He killed our family Zero. I am not letting that bastard get out of here with out breathing his own blood."

"If your so determined on messing him up then tell me, how do you expect us to get any information Chetion? If your plan is to just rough him up then in all honesty, that's just an idiotic idea." Chetion grunts in annoyance as he glares at Zero who returned it with his own, piercing right through Chetion. In annoyance, Chetion clenched his fist and gritted his teeth while placing his knife back to its pocket.

"Even if you would've avenged them, it's not what they would've wanted." Zero said while he and Chetion finished taking all off the man's gear and his gas mask showing Hank's face with a few bruises.

"Let's get out of here, the others can get Alarie and Dupont's bodies." Zero said. Chetion and Zero starts to pick up Hank's unconscious body, but before they can get good grips upon him. Another explosion echoes through out the building.

Zero immediately shouts towards Chetion. "Let's get the hell out of here!!!" Zero then grabbed Hank, and together with Chetion. "Zero their bodies!" Chetion said while looking at Alarie and Dupont.

"We gotta go now!" Zero argue back.

Chetion with a heavy heart turned away from Alarie and Dupont. Him and Zero now dashed through the hallways desperately rushing towards the exit, running through the wounds and bruises they sustained from their fight.

Zero and Chetion start rushing through different hallways as the building starts to shake with its risk of collapsing increasing in every step they took.

The ceiling tile slowly starts to crumble down onto the pair. "Chetion we're almost there." Zero said upon turning a corridor. Debris and ceiling tiles start falling down upon the pair. "Dammit." Chetion swore out loud. A ceiling tile fell right on his shoulder annoying him and covering his shoulder in dust.

After turning one last corner, both men now sees the exit. They wasted not time and sprinted even faster as their damaged bodies could let them. Zero reached the door and rammed into it, slamming it wide open. Because of the force, Zero stumbled and dived towards the pavement with Chetion following right behind him while Hank was violently slammed towards the ground who by now already gained consciousness and was groaning and still disoriented from the sudden rush. The factory behind them now started to crumble and the center part now fully collapse towards the ground.

Zero and Chetion stared at the now ruined factory which they called their home. Zero looked down in silence as Chetion continued to stare. Zero then broke the silence with a defeated sigh.

Zero then approached Chetion and placed his hand on his shoulder. Chetion then looked at Zero with his stare full of loss. Zero only managed to give him a sympathetic look. The look comforted Chetion who closed his eyes trying to accept the loss. After a few seconds they now placed their attention onto Hank who was still tied down on the ground.

"Lets get this guy out of here." Zero said in which Chetion nodded. Both of them now picked Hank up again. "What the Hell? Get your hands off me!" Hank said trying to get out of Zero and Chetion's grip. Chetion kneed Hank on the stomach which earned them a groan from him. Zero then turned on his comms.

"Adelaide, we got the guy. Tell us your location." Zero said to the comms, there was only silence that replied to his order. "Adelaide, come i-."

Zero was cut off from his sentence when he and Chetion were both shot multiple times. Both were knocked back and towards the ground. The bullets didn't puncture their bodies but due to their injured bodies the force was enough to knock them to the ground. Both writhed in pain as a man emerged from behind some trash. He was wearing tactical gear that seems similar to theirs. But the factor that stood out and immediately caught their attention was the figures mask. The figure wore a gas mask the same that their attacker wore, it had the same design but instead of a large smile and frown was painted onto it like the masks used in theater. And the masks lens, instead of having the blood red color, it had ice blue tinted ones, the same color of the ice found in the coldest regions of the earth, casting its ice cold stare upon the downed men.

The other masked man then raised his pistol and aimed it towards Zero, his cold stare similar towards a predators spine chilling stare upon it's prey. Zero stared back towards the iced-demon with a stare that just dared him to pull the trigger. The man noticed his stare, but instead of shooting Zero, the man changed his aim towards Chetion. Chetion who was filled with hatred and anger moments ago now had fear upon his eyes. Zero noticing the change, starts to move towards the man trying to knock him down. But before he can really act upon his thoughts, the man shot his pistol upon Chetian with the bullet piercing through Chetian's right eye.

Zero widened his eyes with a face of shock while staring at his teammates dead body. He looked back towards the masked man with his lips quivering and his eyes with loss and grief he looked back at the man who murdered his collegue. The masked man turned the gun towards Zero, and with his Zero's final look. The man shot another bullet at him. Zero's last memory was a flash and a bang.