Aftermath Part 1

Sirens filled the air with their flashing lights as it illuminates the carnage that was displayed in front of the police. Police cars were littered around the entrance of the ruined building which was once a factory.

" Oh god." A man said while approaching a body. The man was a detective, he had a large body which seemed to be on the fatter side, he wore a brown jacket and a white polo underneath. He seemed to be in his early 40's with an unkempt beard that slowly grayed just like his hair, he slightly scratched his beard while looking at the corpse.

The corpse that is laid in front of him is mangled with bullet holes that seemed to morphed it far from a human body. The body lay face down showing the countless holes where the bullets punctured him. The blood covered his entire back causing his black attire to turn into an even darker shade with his exposed skin covered in his blood that left nothing untouched. A portion of his throat has been ripped open showing his inner gore. The sight made the man turn away in disgust as he swallows down his vomit.

The whole scene was a slaughter, bodies laid around each one more messed up than the last. There were others that were buried in the rubble with a hand or leg poking out. With the flashing lights from the police cars and the roaring noise of reporters, one can mistake this as a scene from hell.

"Oh jeez." The detective said with a bit of sympathy for the poor man, in his grim way of kicking the bucket.

"Laurence." Another man approached the detective. "We got more bodies in the back." The partner of the detective said while wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. The partner then looked at the body and gagged at the sight. Laurence noticed his partner's discomfort. "I think you can sit this one out Chase." Chase sighed in relief. "Thanks, Laurence." Chase then walked back to the car leaning onto it while Laurence goes to the back of the factory with another detective.

The pair of detectives arrived at the read end of the factory. Unlike the front, the rear was almost clear from swarms of reporters trying to get some photos. A few who were smart enough to try going to the back were immediately blocked by police obstructing them from getting any decent photos. The back exit was completely covered by large debris but fortunately, the rear area's structure in the majority seemed to still be intact.

A few meters from the building laid two bodies. The detectives saw the bodies and decided to approach them. But after a few steps, they were stopped by an officer.

"You guys need to wear some wrappers over there, we don't want to mess up the crime scene." The officer pointed towards the back of a police car. The detective thanked the police officer and started putting on the foot wrapping and gloves. After putting them on the detective were finally allowed to approach the bodies. The other detective approached some police officers for some information while Laurence went towards the bodies.

Laurence now stood in front of the bodies. He squats down and starts to scan the corpses. Both corpses were littered with bruises and cuts while being covered from head to toe by dust and rubble. Their gear was torn up significantly as if they were fighting a wild animal. The bodies' faces were filled with bruises and blood that's mixed with the dust, and each had a bullet hole that pierced through an eye.

"Detective Demeauxtrix." the other detective called Laurence from behind while approaching him. He then looked towards the bodies. "Dear God, these guys have been through a different type of hell. They looked like they were beaten to death by a whole group."

"It is what you say it is Detective Châtiée. And it seemed that they were going at it for a while." Laurence remarked as he pointed to a body's hand. " The gloved has some blood on it, it could've been from him or from what he was fighting. The bodies both have a large number of bruises, broken bones, and cuts. What the hell were they even doing in there?"

"Even after all of that, they managed to escape, but were somehow shot by someone else," Châtiée said while gesturing towards the bullet holes. "They were too weak to fight back, they couldn't stop their murderer." Demeauxtrix stood up and turned towards Châtiée. "So did you get anything from the cops? Surveillance, eyewitnesses?"

Châtiée shook his head. "Nothing, the cameras were down, deactivated possibly by an EMP or of the sort, but through the eyewitnesses' testimonies, we got a few that could help." Demeauxtrix let out a small sigh of relief. "At least we know where to start.". Demeauxtrix said to himself. At the front of the destroyed building, Laurence and the other detective are now at the front, surveying the area for clues that can help them, and mostly to write them on the record. Laurence is seen crouching on some tire tracks on a road. "Well, this is a HUGE lead," Laurence said to himself, with a bit of disappointment on the lack of effort the other party of the shooting in covering their trail. Laurence then stood up and started approaching the other detective. Laurence then noticed a small young man with a camera, taking pictures on the crime scene far away from the other reporters and the police in order to get better pictures. "Hey kid, you shouldn't be here," Laurence called out to the young man.

The young man upon hearing the detective immediately stood up. "Uh! Sorry, sir." The young man said in a nervous voice. "No need to get all shaky kiddo, just get out of here and stay where you should be." Laurence then shoo'ed the young man away. When the young man got back outside of the crime scene, Laurence then directed his attention again at the tire tracks and decided to call the other detective to him.
