I am me again

The lights of the warehouse were dim, barely enough to see the veritable army of villains that were assembled within the abandoned building.

Shigaraki Tomura stood at the front, turned towards his underlings for the day and spoke with purpose his pale blue hair whipping in the wind from the many holes in the building , Kurogiri on one side as his mist floated around him and the abomination that would destroy All Might on the other waiting for orders.

"We are here today to change this society. To destroy it and rebuild it to our image. To defeat All Might."

The crowd went silent as the many eyes focased on the boy in front of them.

"All Might has weakened in recent years. And today we will make use of that weakness to accomplish our goal.


A wide circle of dark violet mist appeared behind the light blue haired teen.

"I trust you all will follow the plan established." he said with his red eyes glaring at each ofthe npc's

And he stepped into the dark.


Tsuyu jumped off the boat just in time for it to crash into the edge of the flood zone after Midoriya pushed it in a super powered kickas the green lighning of his quirk swirled around him . The villains had all swam away in fear of being killed by the almost missile and so the two greenettes were safe and somewhat sound.

The frog girl grabbed her strange classmate who was still holding on to the boat by his collar and pulled him along to the edge as he ungloved a hand to rewind the state of his shattered legs.

Tsuyu often spoke her mind, and so it was no wonder she had already questioned her classmate about his strange behavior and his Quirk that seemed like two.

Although it could be argued to have come with practice, she couldn't help but be unnerved by how he never seemed to stop smiling, even when Bakugou was barking in his face or when they were threatened with expulsion.

He didn't flinch at his broken bones even after admitting he was actually in agony and right now, when threatened by villains.

Midoriya pat her shoulder with his gloved hand and she took it as the signal that he would be fine to keep going so she let go and they stopped at the edge of the giant pool.

Further away was the Plaza which they had full view of as well as the battle that took place there.

Tsuyu was honestly in awe at her homeroom teacher's combat skills and she would have expected her classmate to be as well, he who was obsessed with heroes and who she had noticed writing about them more than once during the first few weeks of the school year.

But when he opened his mouth, it wasn't to gush or mumble creepily like they were already used to.

He lifted his arm to point at a villain that was watching the fight as well, waiting close to a mass of muscle with a beak and it's brain exposed.

"Say, Asui... Does that guy remind you of something?"



Tomura launched himself towards the goggled hero, counting on his previous victories to have tired him out, and mostly to limit his use of Erasure.

Kurogiri was always praising him when he analysed Quirks so he made sure to work harder on his skills.

Eraserhead pulled him closer and elbowed him in the stomach. No biggie, it hurt but he would definitely benefit from close combat, no matter how efficient the hero was himself at it.


"It's hard to see because you keep moving around, but there's an instant when your hair falls."



"That's when you've finished an action."

He felt the familiar buzzing in his palms and his opponent's elbow aged so fast the skin skipped the rot step and got right to falling into dust. "And the space in between has gotten shorter."

Tomura fell back after being pushed but his minions took over.

"That Quirk isn't suited for..." he stopped.

Something wasn't right. And that thing was...


"Midoriya wait!" Tsuyu pulled at his arm but she was thrown as though she weighed nothing and fell backwards into the water.

The greenette walked forward and climbed out of the flood zone at the same time the other villain, the one he had previously pointed out rose back up and set towards them.

"I know you." they both said at the exact same time which creeped the trembling Tsuyu out further.

The two stared at each other, separated by only a few meters.

"Sensei!" The frog girl called desperately as the man fought off the last of the plaza villains not counting the white haired boy and his monstrous companion.

The hero rushed forward, support item ready to take down the Decay user before he could touch his student however he was stopped in his attempt.

"Nomu! Hold him down!" the creature obeyed the two synced voices.

The man yelled "Midoriya, what the hell?!", surprised that the teen seemed to be joining the villains.

The two had finally reached each other and grabbed the other's hand before scowling and turning to glare at the restrained Eraserhead whose eyes were glowing red.

"Nomu." Tsuyu held her breath, petrified. "Make him stop."

Once, twice, thrice and then another time, the man's face was smashed into the ground.

Blood seeped into the tiles of the plaza and with a sigh of relief, Shigaraki Tomura and Midoriya Izuku made contact.

There's light, and the two shapes seem to melt together, mixing until there's only one person left and the light dissipates.

Tsuyu gasps in surprise.

A boy is left behind, pale green hair flowing from under the villain's gray hands and wearing Midoriya's equipement and sport uniform over Shigaraki's clothes. There's not a trace of the villain or the hero in training.

Thoughts and memories are a jumble.

His name is Izuku yet it's also Tomura- no, Tenko.

But that's not it either.







Long time.


… Hisashi.

His name is Hisashi.

His mother is Midoriya Inko.

His father is Shimura Hisa-

He rips the cold dead hand off of his face revealing freckles, dry skin and a mole and throws it away as far as he can then frantically does the same for every cold hand that's touching him.

He can feel the nausea climbing, either from the realization of everything he was robbed of and had taken away himself or from the side effect of having two full stomachs merging back together.

Too late to keep it down.

Retches and gasps for air fill the silence that had formed from everyone but Nomu, the frog girl- Tsuyu, he recognizes -and himself being the only conscious people in the plaza.

He feels horrible, like he wants to die but at the same time he hasn't felt so good and so much in ten years.

Ten years his parents stole from him.

Ten. Years.

He wipes his mouth on the back of his gym uniform's sleeve which he then takes off and its only once Hisashi is back on staggering feet that the entire situation comes back to him.

He was here for rescue training. He was here to kill All Might.

He escaped the flood zone. He hurt Aizawa sensei- SENSEI!

"NOMU! LET HIM GO!" he ordered angrily but the creature wouldn't respond. Right, he got his own voice back as well. He rushed the experiment and slammed his un-gloved hand against it, green crackled surrounding them both.

Tsuyu slowly climbed onto dry land and approached carefully, ready to run if this strange amalgamation of Midoriya and that villain decided to turn on her.

She didn't have to and was shocked to see the black monster shrinking in size until the newcomer took his hand off, leaving in place of the nomu an average looking, albeit terrified man fleeing.

"Tomura? What on earth happened to you?" Both Tsuyu and Hisashi yelped in surprise at the purple apparition.

"Kurogiri." he bit his lower lip. "I-is Thirteen still alive?"

"... They are out of action but not yet fully disposed of. There were a few students I was unable to disperse also and one of them was able to escape."

Hisashi sighed in relief. "Good." Under the wide eyed stare of his caretaker and his classmate, he crouched down and put his un-gloved hand on the back of Aizawa's head letting the green sparks flow through them both. "I want you to go back alone and tell Sensei the mission failed."

Aizawa groaned, starting to come back to the world of the living.


"Tomura what is the meaning of this?! You can heal?! How?"

The doors were blown open in a deafening sound.

"Kurogiri go."

All Might was here. His mentor and his enemy. Although what role he would take on here remained to be seen.

"I'm not going to leave you-"



It's only the look in his protege's eyes that makes the man of mist leave, a worried expression hidden behind the purple smoke.

Hisashi can only close his eyes and be glad Kurogiri won't see his end.

"... SMASH!"

Tsuyu runs. She runs, jumps, does anything she can to save that person that couldn't possibly be a villain if they saved Aizawa sensei but she knows she will be too late.

All Might's fist is only a few centimeters away from the boy's face.

But then in his place is a skeleton of a man in a way too big outfit and instead of being thrown backwards, breaking like a porcelain doll, the boy is merely stumbling, pushed by the wind pressure.

Aizawa had saved him.

"All Might..." Hisashi murmured in awe. "... I'm me again."