Aizawa and Nezu tear a mother a new one

"Excuse me."

A tiny plump lady with green hair and eyes approached the homeroom teacher of class 1-A.


The bitch had arrived.

"Midoriya Inko?"

"Yes. I was told to come pick Izuku up." he suppressed a scowl at the name. "Is he alright? He didn't injure himself, did he?" The boy could use his Quirk to heal but you could never be sure.

"Oh no, I'd even say he is doing better than he ever has before. How about I show you how good he's doing right now? Because he sure wanted to show you." She rose an eyebrow, obviously intrigued by how the man was acting, but followed him through the corridors of UA.

She still hardly could believe Izuku survived long enough to get in the school.

Ever since the ...divorce..., her son's heroic streak became increasingly big until his own life held no value in the face of danger. He became obsessed with the idea of All Might and she hadn't seen him without a copy of the man's smile in multiple years.

It was creepy.

She still cared for him in some ways, but how he only lived for heroics...

As long as she fed him and kept a roof above his head it should be fine. She couldn't be a bad mother if she was caring for that. And it's not like he would ever be able to hold a grudge if she forgot about him from time to time.

"You ought to know, the children were attacked by villains this afternoon." The man interrupted her train of thoughts.


"None of them were injured," he assured her. "However, your son had a rather interesting interaction with one of the villains. I'd even say he was transformed." He added with a grin, privy to a joke she was not let on.

Damn, Shouta usually was not a blabbermouth but he was feeling very petty and right now this was hilarious. But also infuriating. But mostly hilarious.

"Apparently, the villain was a victim of Quirk abuse."

"Quirk abuse?" she asked, curious.

"It's the act of harming someone by forcibly making them use their Quirk. Not only can it cause the person, in this case a child, to fear their own Quirk but it can also cause a big number of other mental problems since some Quirks affect the mental state of the individual."

"Oh dear, that's awful. I can't imagine what that person must have gone through..."

Oh geez. She really wasn't getting the hint.

They turned a corner, the principal's door in view and Shouta continued.

"At least they'll be able to avoid jail. The parents will be held accountable for any harm caused by a child under parental Quirk abuse influence so his mother is in for a not very fun time."

"That's good. Such an awful person, to hurt her child that way... I hope she rots in jail!"

The man smirked her way, a glint in his eyes before knocking at the grand doors that hid Nezu and his fancy office. "Glad we agree on this."

The squeaky voice of principal Nezu beckons them in and Eraserhead subtly places himself behind the woman, blocking the doorway.

Sitting on a beautiful lacquered desk was a sort of rodent the size of a large dog.

"Hello missus Midoriya! I assume Eraserhead here has filled you in on the situation?" The rat smiled, filling up two cups of tea for the both of them and handing one to the woman.

"He did. I'm sorry, where is Izuku? I was supposed to pick him up but I was brought here instead."

"That's right, your son!" He smirked a little wider.

"We took the freedom of taking his account on the en-ti-re situation down to every single detail! He was a big help. Thanks to young Hisashi we managed to amass evidence and witnesses of the abuse in record time!"

The woman dropped her cup.

"Did you say 'Hisashi'."

As if to answer her not-question, the wheelie-chair that stood back to the desk turned around and revealed a young teen with wavy mint green hair, yellow eyes, freckles and a very recognizable mole.

"Hey mom! Guess who forgot to forge Izuku and Tenko birth certificates!"

Her faced turned white as a sheet. "Hisashi."

"Nopetty-nope! It's you and dear old dad! Unless you meant him by Hisashi."

Nezu took the lead. "You see Miss Midoriya, young Hisashi here surrendered peacefully after calling off the attack he organized as Shimura Tenko. We took him in for questioning and little did we expect to learn that Midoriya's obvious problems originated from a prolonged forced use of his Quirk more commonly referred to as Quirk abuse."

Oh. Oh fuck.

"Of course, we had to verify his story. It was disappointingly easy." He raised a thin binder "This is Midoriya Izuku's files. School registrations, health certificates, school certificates..." then raised a way thicker file "And this is an average person's files. Would you like to know the difference between Midoriya Izuku and Shimura Tenko's files and Midoriya-Shimura Hisashi's?"

The rat takes great pleasure in seeing her gulp in fear, frozen in place by his menacing gaze and continues.

"The first two have no documents dated prior to July 2309 whereas the latter stops at that time. Interesting coincidence. Especially considering your divorce to Shimura Hisashi also happened during that span."

Just when she thought he was done, Nezu spoke again.

"That only answers the question of whether or not your son has in fact spent the last ten years as two separated entities.

What we do have to show for the forced and harmful scission are several eye witnesses of his increasingly strange behaviors since childhood, a lack of a missing person's report despite Shimura Tenko having being taken away by villains for several years and the use of violent measures caught on camera to ensure he could fuse back into himself without anyone's intervention this afternoon."

The principal sips gleefully at his tea, not bothering to hide how proud he is of himself.

"What I'm trying to tell you, Midoriya-san, is see you in court."

She later woke up in the infirmary only to faint again when she realized it wasn't a nightmare.