Chapter three

Jefferson's p.o.v

I took Pearl to her room as I laid her down after she lost consciousness. I knew I have a lot to deal with when she wakes up and to be honest, I don't think I am really ready for it yet.

The neighbors helped in discharging the father's body since it had already decayed and it was giving a awful smell. I thanked the neighbors as they went home smiling and sad at the same time.

I helped her to arrange the house before she wakes up. I saw the picture of she and her parents smiling and surprisingly it brought a smile on my face but the smile later turned into a frown. Would life ever be the same?? would Pearl be able to smile again? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a crack upstairs. I quickly rushed there only to see that her room had been disorganized. Most of her belongings were shattered. I ran to meet her and despite her effort to push me off, I held her hand really tight making her lose her strength to fight as she bursted into tears.

"Pearl". I called her just to see if that could bring her back to her senses. "Pearl stop this... please".

The sound of her sobs made me feel really sad and I knew the time for me to answer her questions would soon arrive. I put her on her bed as she continued crying.

"why do every bad thing have to happen to me Jeff?". she asked as i raised her chin so she could look into my eyes. "I had a dream that dad is dead too. It's not possible right??". she paused as she looked at the picture frame on her shelf close to her bed. "I dreamt that he took acid and..."

"That's not a dream Pearl". I said as she looked at me and I felt a Sharp pain in my chest. I couldn't avoid lying to her just to make her feel better. She's got to handle it now. "it's neither a dream nor an imagination Pearl, he's dead". I said as Pearl almost dropped to her knees but I was fast enough to hold unto her, making her rest her hands on my knees.

She tried so hard to hold back her tears but she couldn't, everytime she tried holding back her tears, she touches her heart and I knew it would hurt more if she's holding back her tears. "let it all out Pearl". I said as she slowly started letting the tears out until she finally cried her heart out.

"I'm all alone now Jeff. I thought life would be alot easier with my dad with me but now he's gone, what exactly am I supposed to do".

I held her hand and looked into her eyes to show her all my sincerity."Pearl, you're stronger and you know it. I know you can deal with this. I want you to know that I and my mother will do everything you can in order to be happy".

"Can I ever be happy again??" she asked as she sighed. "I feel like all my happiness has been stolen away from me Jeff"

"Not every". I told her as she looked at me in confusion. I knew the look meant I should explain. "You still have your life Pearl, that's your number one happiness". And with that she smiled for the first time and that really warmed my heart.

I know it's a gradual process but I am willing to go through with it in order to make her smile again and accept her one true happiness.

"You've been a great help to me so far Jeff and I appreciate you so much for it." she said as I waved it off.

"You do not need to thank me, what are friends for??" and with that I hugged giving her a world of assurance.

"Promise you will not leave me Jeff". Now this actually stroke my heart. Is she scared?? How I wish I could tell what's going on in her mind right now. "Promise me you won't disappear. Promise you'll be here when I need you. Promise me that you..." I put my finger on her lips to make her stop.

"Come on Pearl, that's a lot of promises. I'm not getting married to you but I feel like you giving me more vows that the priest would". I was expecting her to give me a smile but she frowned at that? I mean it's supposed to be a joke and not a tragic story.

I released my finger from her lips as she turned away from me. "I'm sorry. You're right, you're not my husband and..."

I made her face me as I grabbed her hands. "This is how I was expecting the story to go. Listen, there's only one thing I can promise you" I think with how focused she is, I got her attention. "I promise to be there when you really need me Pearl. I might not be there for you all the time but when you really need me, I'll be right by your side".

"promise??" she asked as we did a pinky promise sign.

"I promise Pearl. I cross my heart".Finally she smiled as she hugged me. "we should probably clean up your room". I said as she stood up.

"You're so right, my room looks really..."

"unclean". I helped her finished the words as she nodded.

We arranged her room as I saw her took the picture frame in her hands and staring at it intensely. She's got to move on but how could she when everything reminds her of them.

"I was thinking, would you like to relocate somewhere else?" I asked as she looked at me then back at the picture frame in her hands.

"I don't want to run and hide Jeff. I do not want to forget them either. There are good memories here that I don't want to miss out on. I love it here and I am going to stay here". She gave her reasons to stay and I kind of agree with her. What's the point of running away when sooner or later, you will still have to face that problem again? I must be honest, I love her determination, her zeal and her will, if she can keep up with this, she will make it in life.

"what are you thinking about?" she asked as she dropped the picture frame.

I shook my head. "Thoughts I cannot let out?"

"You're really weird Jeff". she said as a smile crossed her lips again.

"And you look beautiful when you smile". I said and she frowned again. Seriously??? I can't even compliment her without her face getting gloomy?

I know she's healing and I decided not to force it. I am ready to take it a step at a time, if she is too.