Chapter four

Pearl's p.o.v

After Jeff left last night I became really sad but I didn't let it get to me. I thought of the guy that stood by me half of the day to make sure I'm ok, to make sure there's a smile on my face. I can't disappoint him, I've got to work on myself not just for him but for myself and also for my parents because I know they would want that.

Well, today is another day and I'm not going to let any negativity into my life. My life has been renewed to a new world of positivity. Although it's not impossible, it's just a little bit difficult.

I have to be at work around 8 a.m or my boss would really chop my head off. I can't forget how he almost bit my left ear just because he was making a point. The sight of it really brings smile to my face.

I left for work but on my way, I saw someone or something that really made me almost lose my balance.

"I want to die". I heard the voice say as I went closer to the scene. It's a school but the boy is standing on top of the railings and instead of people getting help, they brought out their phones to take a video of him. I turned around and everyone there was with their phones videoing. I really couldn't believe my eyes. This boy would jump down and die and they wouldn't even mind??? I mean, what exactly is this world turning to?? "I just want to die" and with that, he took one of his feet and placed it on the railing.

"Wait!" I noticed everyone giving me a strange look. Trust me I had no idea how and why I said that. "what happened?? I mean why do you want to kill yourself?"

"No one likes me, everyone detest me, no one cares about me whether I live or I let me just die.." he placed his hands on the railing and I knew he wasn't joking.

"That's so not true...there are people who don't just like you but also love you...for instance your parents" I knew this would help him think things through but I was wrong.

He gave a sarcastic laugh. "my parents threw me out of the house when I was four years very late in the evening just because I did something to tarnish their reputation...they threw me out and called me names". I could see the tears in his eyes. I could understand what he was going through. Nowadays, parents care more about their reputation than their own children's life.

"Ok and is it because of that??" I had to ask because looking at him, he looks twenty and there's no way what his parents did to him would get to him now.

"I have a girlfriend and she loved me at least I think she did but I found her cheating on me with my own best friend. Despite the fact I didn't have much, I tried my best to make her happy...I am ok if it was with someone else but not my own best friend..." he paused and looked down at me and he jumped hitting his head on the ground.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The people just continue with their photos and videos. I knew whoever this guy is must have suffered so much but is it worth dying for???

I decided to leave since I couldn't tell if I made matter worse or not but as I was about leaving, two figures rushed past me; a boy and a girl. This must be the girlfriend and the best friend. I shook my head. They went to meet the dead boy as they started telling him to come back blah blah blah. I mean didn't they know about this???

I guess I should really mind my business. I checked my time and I was a hour late. "seriously???". I quickly ran to work, expecting complain number 10.

Arriving at work, I saw my boss already standing next to the counter and stamping his feet on the ground. I took a lot of air in before letting it out. "it's now or never". I opened the door and walked to him. "good morning Mr. Tom".

"what's good about this morning pear?" did I forget to mention that's what he calls me like I am some kind of fruit. "tell me, what's good about this morning? you're coming to work around 9 when you should be here on or before 8... it's like you don't need this job" and with that said, I quickly got down on my knees, touching his trouser.

"sir, please don't do this to me... I'm sorry, something came know I'm not u...". I paused, realising that I was late on my first day of resumption due to mom's death and today is due to dad's death. I quickly cleared my throat, despite the fact I wasn't looking at him, I knew Mr. Tom would be giving me a 'go-ahead-with-your-lie-look'. I stood up and apologized to him since the customers were giving us suspicious stares.

Mr. Tom was kind enough to make me resume but warned me not to let such repeat itself.

I was attending to customers when some group of people walked in. I stared at them then at my boss who was looking at me since these group of people were walking to my direction.

"Hello". A woman who seems to be in her early thirties said to me as the rest stood afar of.

I was speechless that I only nodded to her greetings. You know you get speechless when something surprising happens to you at a time you do not expect, this is one of those times. Regaining my voice and I greeted back. "um...good day ma'am. What can I do for you??".

The woman looked at the rest of the people then back at me where it lingered. We just kept staring at each other for a long period of time till my boss came to interfere. "Hello, how can we help you?? is there something you need?" my boss asked and finally she spoke up.

"We need her for few minutes, she got involve in a matter and we..." "wait! is this about the dead boy?? but I had nothing to do with that. I was only trying to help...I had no idea he would go ahead and commit suicide". I explained as my boss looked at me with his arms folded in front of him.

"when you said you were caught up with something, it's actually that you killed someone??" my boss asked.

"No Mr. Tom, I'm not like that...I would never do that". I said defending myself as the woman smiled.

Why is she smiling at a time like this???

"You didn't even let me finish at least to hear what it is I have to say" the woman said as my boss and I looked at each other before looking at the woman in front of us.

I kept quiet as I listened to what she had to say.

"We watched the video and we were delighted that someone as young as you was interested in another man's life. It's unheard of and we want to appreciate you for that". I couldn't believe my ears, I didn't expect this.

Mr. Tom was feeling sorry for the words he said but of course I understood and smiled at him. "But how, I didn't expect any kind of reward and the person I wanted to help, still lost his I don't think there's any need for..." I paused when the woman gave me a slip.

"We are giving out scholarships to any student that can pass the entry examination that is coming up next month. Here is the form". I collected it as I opened it. "welcome to East High". The woman said as my heart leaped for joy that I had to hug my boss and even the woman.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity". I said as I got down on my knees but they gestured me to stand up. Jeff must hear this. I said to myself as the joy I felt in my heart knew no bound.