Chapter five

Jefferson's P.O.V

I was washing my mom's car when I saw some blood stains on the vehicle. I stopped the washing as I inspected the car. What can this be?? Did Mom kill someone or how did this happen??. I stopped washing the car as I went into the house. If I want to get answers to my questions, I need to get it from the rightful source.

"mom". I called and she appeared to me from the kitchen.

"What is it? why do you look like you just saw a ghost?". She asked with a smile on her face.

I was pacing in circles not knowing if I should tell her or not. Or maybe I am scared of figuring out the truth.

"Will you stop pacing around like a lost puppy and tell me what's bothering you". She demanded as I said to myself that I am ready to accept the truth.

I stopped pacing and cleared my throat. "I was cleaning your car and I um...saw some blood stains on the car".

My mother lost her balance as I rushed to help her up. "Which of the cars?" she asked.

"The one you always tell me not to take....the one you stopped me from using...the red black car".

My mother became so weak that I had to sit her down on the chair. She sighed. "Mom, is there something I should know?".

"I guess I can't hide this forever".

" what are you talking about?".

"I was the one that killed Pearl's mother".

I didn't know when I stood up from my seat. I couldn't believe my ears. Maybe I heard wrong, I should ask her again. "You did what?".

"It was on your father's anniversary and I went out for a drink".


Her P.O.V

It's my husband's anniversary, it's 3 years now since he died and I can't seem to forget about him. He was the sweetest man I ever knew. The only man that knew how to put smiles on my face. He travelled to Zimbabwe for a contract but on his way back home, the plane he took crashed and there was no survival. Most of the bodies were burnt to ashes but his was burnt but not to ashes. When I received the news. I hid it from my son but somehow he found out about it and life became really hard for us.

Today is his 3rd anniversary and I decided to clear my head. I went to the bar he loves coming to as I requested for a glass only to figure out I had already drank ten glasses of vodka.

I was tipsy and I knew not to drive but right there I wasn't really scared of dying. I received a text from my son that he's back from school and he requested I should come home. I took my car key and left. I opened the door of my car as I got into my car. I wasn't seeing clearly any and it was hard to find the key-hole so I can ignite. It took me several minutes till the key entered it's hole and I started the engine and drove off at a speed.

I saw traffic officers and police officers telling me to slow down but I drove right past them in a flash. My visions became really blurry that I couldn't see anything when I had a thud, it was then I realized I had hit something with my car.


Jefferson's P.O.V

"I came out of the car to see what it could possibly be. Even though my vision was blurry, I could recognize it was Pearl's mother".My mom paused as tears rolled down her cheek.

"and what did you do??". I asked as tears rolled down my cheeks as well. "what the fucking hell did you do mom?".

"I was really scared...I didn't know what to do so I..."


Her p.o.v

I was scared, I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I tried with all my strength to carry her body into the car. It was a good thing because she is a skinny woman. I drove my car to her house as I got down to see if anyone was home and since there was no one in sight, I carried her and place her where they will see her and I got into the car and drove off.


I couldn't believe my ears. "How could you??? How could you...kill her mom and you have to dump her in her own house like she's a kind of animal.... You're heartless". I said as my mom knelt to beg me.

"Son, I am sorry....I haven't been able to forgive myself...that is why I'm trying to help Pearl the best way I can".

"Oh and you think she's just going to walk in and tell you thank you after she finds out you killed her mother??" I imagined the tears Pearl went through. How her father took acid to kill himself because he couldn't bear losing his wife and I was there helping not knowing my own own mother is the killer. "You could see how sad Pearl she's trying so hard to get her smiles she's trying so hard to move on mom and..."

We heard the door open as Pearl walked in. I could see the surprising look she gave me as I helped my mom stand up and quickly wiped my tears. "I'm sorry. I saw the door opened and that was why I didn't bother knocking". She said apologetically.

"No it's fine Pearl" my mom said wiping her tears. "what's that in your hand?".

I couldn't even say a word to her. Looking at her, I knew I can't be close to her anymore not especially when the person that killed her parents is my mother. I allowed mom do the talking.

"I was um giving a form to attend East High and since it's Jeff's school I thought he would like to help me study". she explained holding the form against her chest.

"He would love to". My mom said earning her a 'seriously?' look from me. "when is the examination?".

"Next month".

"That means you have 3 weeks to prepare for the examination. Jeff wouldn't mind." She said as I bit my lips in frustration.

"Oh ok. Um...I will see you tomorrow then around 5?". she said as I reluctantly nodded. "Your place or mine?" she asked as I took a while before replying.

"Your place".

She nodded and walked out of the house. It's only a blind man that won't notice she was hurt but what can I do?? the news is shocking and I do not even know how to react around her anymore.

"What did you do that for mom?" I asked facing her.

"She just gave you a good news, you are to feel happy for her".

"and what makes you think I am not but let me ask you mom, how exactly am I to face her tomorrow or for three weeks?".

"She doesn't have to least till she gets into school and I'll tell her".

That was reassuring enough. "Promise??". My mom nodded as I hugged her and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry I was being hard on you".

"It's okay....I understand".

I knew I had some explaining to give to Pearl. I have to apologise for treating her that way. I went to my room and texted her, telling her how sorry I am but she didn't reply back.

You can be mad at me for today Pearl but I'll be putting a smile on your face tomorrow.