Chapter eight

Jefferson's p.o.v

After the phone call I received from my mom, I had to leave Pearl and go over to see my mom. I knew Pearl would be somehow mad at me and I really owe that girl a lot already. I'm just really glad she totally gets me at least most of the time.

I got home and I saw my mom was receiving a phone call so I just sat down till she was done with the phone call.

"Alright ma'am. I totally understand, I'll take full responsibility of that. Thank you so much for reaching out to me". and with that she ended the call. "Hello son". She said walking up to me with two glasses of champagne in her hand which she handed me one.

"Mind if I ask who was that?". I asked, sipping the wine.

"well, that's the principal from your school". she said as I just gave her a surprising look.

"Did anything happen in school??". I mean I've got to ask if there's anything complaint about me in school.

My mom took a while before replying. "I'm taking responsibility for Pearl" and that actually left me with a shock.

"Mom, what exactly are you doing??". I asked, keeping the glass of the remaining wine on the table. "You can't just take control of someone's life like that, mom. She has a say on this".

"Son, I know but it's not like she has any choice or whatsoever. We're the only thing close to family she has. I don't think she will refuse".

"Mom, she won't refuse now but what about when she finds out she fucking killed her parents". I said in annoyance, making my mom put down her drink as she bit her lips in regret. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that".

"That's the whole point of this Jeff. I know I can't bring back her dead parents but I can make up for what I did. Please don't stop me from doing this". My mom pleaded.

I knew she's trying so hard to correct her mistakes and trying to give Pearl a better life but what the hell is going to happen if she finds out the truth. Would all these be worth it then?? I asked myself as I sighed, hugging my mom.

"I know mom but, it's just....". I paused as I thought about poor Pearl. "...What did you tell the principal?".

"I told her that Pearl is your distant cousin. It was the only thing I could come up with". Mom said as I pondered on the word 'distant cousin'. I love Pearl more than this and this just keeps me from going further.

"Distant....cousin". I almost chuckled at that but I just had to nod my head in agreement. "Distant cousin it is then". I said to mom as she pecked my cheek.

"I know this is really hard on you and I'm sorry I'm making you go through all these".

"it's fine mom...your burden is my burden". Just then my phone rang. I picked the call and it was Pearl. "Hey".

"Hi Jeff. Can you ask your mom if it's ok to spend the night over? I really need some company and I can't think of anyone else". That request struck so much like a thunderbolt hitting me right into my chest. I almost shed tears but I couldn't because I didn't want mom thinking there was something more.

I looked at my mom since she heard the whole conversation. She nodded with a smile on her face. To her, she was making up for the wrongs she did but to me, she was stopping me from a lot of things. "She said it's ok. I'll be there around 7 or do you need me to come a bit earlier?".

" is good". And with that she hung up.

"You see, even the odds are in our favor" in your favor mom. I heard my mind scream as I went to my room to pack some things I need.

I stayed in my room till it was time to meet Pearl. "Did you take a nap or something? I thought you'd be coming over for a little snack". Mom said handing me a lunch box.

"Packing took longer than expected". I said faking a smile.

"Do have a good time and remember she's like a sister to you now". You don't need to remind me that mom. I know that already, that's all she'll ever be to me.

"I should get going. You'll be ok by yourself??". I asked and she nodded, pecking my cheeks.

I hugged her as I left the house and journeyed to Pearl's house.

Pearl's p.o.v.

I just finished preparing dessert when I heard a knock on the door. I ran to open it, revealing a smiling Jeff. "Hey, come on in". He entered as he handed me a lunch box.

"Mom packed it". He said as he entered.

I was busy admiring the lunch box and sniffing to see if I could guess what she packed. I set the lunch box on the kitchen table as I took out each deserts. "They look pretty yummy. This would serve as a very great dessert after we....". I said, serving him the dish I prepared. "...enjoy some of these".

Jeff smiled as he got a spoon to eat. "It's really good".

"My mom taught me everything I needed to know". I said as I ate too. I decided to make up for teasing him. "Open your mouth". I told him and he just looked at me, maybe shocked?

"Is this for real?". He asked.

"What? I can't spoon-feed you anymore?".

"You never spoon-fed me Pearl.... what's all this?".

"Fine, I change my mind...I was thinking you'd love it but I guess...". I was about putting the food in my mouth when Jeff held my hand and put the food in his mouth, earning a chuckle from the both of us.

After we were done eating, we had the desserts and Jeff kind of helped with the dishes while I set up our own cinema. "What kind of movie do you want us to watch?". I asked.

"Anything scary" he replied from the kitchen.

So I slot in the only scary movie I could think of.

Jeff was done with the dishes and he came to sit and watch the movie while I passed him the popcorn. "Evil dead" he said more like a question.

"Why? you don't think I would have such kind of movie?"

"I didn't think you like this kind of movies". He said as I collected the popcorn from him and ate.

We were pretty enjoying the movie and to be honest, the movie is really scary. It got to the part where those skeletons kept torturing the guy and poking anything that can be poke which actually made me pull closer to Jeff, holding his clothes.

Jeff just kept smiling as he focused on the movie and just then, the light went off. It was a blackout.

"Is this supposed to happen??". I asked as Jeff laughed.

I was about getting up when Jeff pulled me back, making me fall on top of him, despite the fact that it was dark, Jeff knew the way to my lips and he grabbed it with his.

I didn't give him access because I wasn't planning the night would go like this. As I was about giving him access, the lights came back on, leaving us in a pretty awkward situation. I quickly got off him as I sat back on the side of the couch, clearing my throat.

"I forgot something". I said as I stood up to get what it is I forgot. I really wanted to leave that place but truly I did forget something. I came back few minutes with the sheet. "My parents were supposed to sign this agreement slip but as we both know...". I said handing the slip to Jeff.

Jeff looked at me as if he was waiting for me to tell him what I needed him to do with the slip. "Can you ask your mom to sign that for me?". Jeff looked at me stunned as he bit his lips.

"Do you know what's gonna happen if my mom signs this slip?". Jeff asked as I sat down next to him.

"I know Jeff. I'll somehow be legally like a family to you".

"And do you want that?" His question gave me goosebumps. I could sense sadness in his voice but of course I knew what it meant and I can't think of any other thing but to actually want this.

"I don't want it this way Jeff...I mean if my parents were alive, I won't but..." I said as tears rolled down my cheek.

"It means I don't get to treat you any otherwise way but as a family... I don't get to touch you the way I want....I don't get to kiss you...I don't get to feel sexually attracted to you Pearl and you're okay with this?".

I kept quiet and he nodded. I guess he understood because he kept the slip in the pocket of his bag. "I'll get my mom to sign and I'll bring it to you when you are about writing your exam". Jeff said as I nodded.

This wasn't exactly how I planned everything to go but at least I got the answer to my question. Jeff likes me more than a sister. If that actually helps me in anyway.

"It's late. We should get to bed". I said as I went into my room, leaving Jeff alone with his thoughts.