Chapter nine

A week before the exam.

Pearl's p.o.v

I just finished studying the notes Jeff gave to me few weeks ago. I stretched my tired muscles as I put the books into my bag. I would be going over to his place later in the day to return his books back to him but for now, I've got to take a very long nap because I really haven't had much sleep. The exam is coming up next week and I have to tire out my eyes this week. God help me.

For a while now, I haven't really thought about my parents. Maybe I can survive without them or I think I can. I know that somewhere up there, they are looking down at me and smiling, telling me everything will be alright in due time.

I shook off the thought as I climbed my bed and got some sleep.

Jeff's p.o.v.

"Mom, for crying out loud...I've told you to stop drinking anytime you're thinking about dad". I said trying to get the bottle of alcohol away from her.

"you have no idea what it's like son, to lose someone you love at a time you didn't expect". my mom said drunkenly as she stood up. "Your father and I planned to take you out for a picnic and then we'll go see a movie but..."

"mom, please give me back the bottle". I said dragging the bottle away from her."Let me have the bottle mom" despite everything I did to get the bottle from her, she didn't budge.

"I even had to kill someone because I couldn't get over his death". my mom began as she started shouting.

Here's the point where she'll start saying the truth, good thing no one's home to hear them all. I got a seat and sat down as I made her let go of her emotions.

"I wonder what Pearl would do, if she finds out, I killed her mother". my mom said as tears rolled down her cheek.

Looking at my mom, I could see she was going through a lot. She hasn't been able to go to her shop and I don't know why she's refusing to go. Maybe I should use this medium to ask her.

"mom...I wanna know why you stopped going to your shop".I asked asbi patiently waited for her reply.

"because it hurts seeing everything... everything reminds me of them. I can never forgive myself for killing Pearl's mother".

I heard a sound like something dropped on the floor. I turned to look at the direction of the sound when I abruptly stood up. Right in front of me was Pearl with her bag lying on the floor. I became speechless all of a sudden. I couldn't say a word, all I could do was look at Pearl who was glaring at my mother who obviously doesn't know what's going on.

Pearl didn't say anything, she just ran out of the house. I ran to chase her but I was too late, she had already gotten into her house.

I knew this would happen, I knew someday she will find out the truth but I just didn't expect it to be now. it's remaining just this week for exams and with this, I'm pretty sure she'll give up everything.

Every part of me ached to be with her but I knew that right now, she needs some time alone. I really hope she doesn't do anything crazy. I really hope.

Pearl's p.o.v

The tears slowly rushed down my cheeks. I tried not to make a sound as I held my tears back but it was failing me. Slowly I started to sob as those words flashed back.

"because it hurts seeing everything... everything reminds me of them...I can never forgive myself for killing Pearl's mother".

It is really hard to believe that the person I trusted so much, the person I signed to be my mother, the person I ran to when my dad injured me is the same person responsible for my mother's death. Why is life so unfair to me?? what did I do to deserve all these???

I yelled as I went to the kitchen to get a knife, silting my skin as I yelled at the pain and watch the blood gush out of my hand. I threw the knife away as I cried.

"Mom!" I called as I looked at her picture. "Dad". I looked at his picture. "why is my life filled with bitterness?". I asked. "why can't I be happy?". I angrily took another knife and was about silting myself when I saw a white sheet under the utensil stand. I took the sheet and went to the sitting room to read it, opening the sheet of paper, here is what it says.

"My darling pearl.... if you eventually see this letter, it means I'm no more and it means you've found out the truth too. Pearl, I knew Jeff's mother is responsible for your mother's death. That evening I was in the sitting room when I saw the light from the vehicle, I stood close to the door so I can see what's going on, that was when I saw her dragging your mom's body to our door. I knew she did that because she was drunk and maybe intentionally hit her with the car but I've forgiven her. I forgave her because she didn't leave your mom's corpse out there but she brought her home even in her state. Please my daughter, please forgive her". I rumpled the paper as I threw it on the wall in frustration. Everyone else knew this except me??

I cried and cried until there wasn't any tears left to cry. If Dad knew she was responsible, why on Earth did he kill himself?? why did he leave me to handle this on my own?? what exactly am I supposed to do now??

I drained all my energy crying and asking myself questions I had no answer for when slowly my eyes refused to stay open, then suddenly darkness overshadowed me.