Chapter ten

Jeff's p.o.v

It's the day of the exam as i stood outside waiting for Pearl to show up. I had doubts in my heart that she would show up but still i had hope that she would. I scanned the environment looking for her but she there was no sight of her.

Just as i was about leaving, i saw someone running towards my direction with a smile on her face. Standing right in front of me was Pearl and she was looking really good. God knows I'm stunned to see her like this.

"Pearl". i called in awe.

"I was....running to...catch up...with you". She said as she panted trying to catch her breath. "Did you bring it?". She asked as i handed her the form. "Thanks... i better get to class now". As she was about leaving, i held her hand making her turn to face me. She looked into my eyes and knew i had questions. "We'll talk when i am done with my exams or do you want me to fail?".

I quickly shook my head as she smiled at me which i returned back to her. "Later then". I told her as she walked to the class.

I stood for few minutes trying to understand what just happened. Who knows maybe I'm dreaming. I slapped my cheek. "Ouch!". Ok i wasn't dreaming.


Pearl's p.o.v

I walked slowly as the tears dropped. It hurts more when you're trying so hard to pretend to be happy when you're not. I knew he had questions, questions i wasn't even sure i was ready to answer. I shook off the thought as i went into the class where I'll be writing my exam. What's important now is passing the exam after that, i....i....will let him go. It's the only way i can keep my sanity.

I entered the class, submitted my form as i sat with a guy who was busy listening to music. Seriously? shouldn't be be preparing for the exam? well it's none of my business. I said as i took a seat next to him. Immediately i sat down, he took off his headphone making him glance at me for few seconds before putting the headphone back.

"Get prepared for the exam". The teacher said as she arranged the exam paper.

"Why did you sit here?". A voice asked. I turned to look at the guy in front of me, his eyes were shut but i could tell he could see me.

Maybe he's not talking to me. I mean who starts a conversation that way?. I ignored him as the teacher came to distribute the question paper.

"You've got a hour and thirty minutes to answer those questions". The teacher informed as i got started with my paper totally avoiding the stares the crazy guy was giving me.

A hour and thirty minutes and we all submitted our papers. I sat down on my chair as i watched other students leave. I didn't want to leave because of what i know I'll face outside the classroom. Maybe if i hadn't pretended to be fine....maybe i won't be feeling this way....Just maybe.

"You wanna go somewhere?".the strange guy asked me as i stared at him. "You've been sitting down for a while so i thought maybe i could help you with whatsoever is on your mind". I almost coughed at his words but he seem to be really honest. I knew it would be stupid of me to go somewhere with a complete stranger but the truth is, i really needed that space....away from everything and everyone.

I looked at him trying to see if he was someone i could trust and when i looked at his eyes i could tell he also had a story to tell....who knows maybe we can help each other out. I nodded as he walked me out holding my hands as he took me out of the school.

He carried me and placed me on his motorbike while putting his helmet on my head. He got on and was about starting the engine when i saw someone running towards my direction. Turning to get a better look, i saw it was Jeff. My heart was beating so fast that i had to hold unto this guy's waist as if getting the message, he started the engine and drove off.

"Pearl!". I could hear Jeff yell my name and the tears I've been holding on started rushing down my cheeks. I sobbed silently clenching unto my chest because the more i was trying to hold back the tears and not make a sound, the more my chest hurts.

I just wish i could start my life all over again but i can't....the only thing i can do is continue and right now i don't know where to start from.

The motorbike halted as i let go of his waist. I pulled the helmet off as i gave it to him staring at the place i was in. It was then i noticed that my eyes were closed all through the ride. I got off as i stared at the place. It was so beautiful. There was a sparkling fountain and there was this beautiful garden. It looked old but it was beautiful. I've never seen such sights before and immediately a smile crossed my lips.

"I did it".I heard him say as i looked at him in confusion. He moved closer to me as he cupped my chin in his fingers, raising my chin up a little bit so he could get a good look at me. "I don't like seeing beautiful people cry". He said as he let go turning to stare at the beautiful scenery right in front of us. "Life is not fair but at the same is".I turned to look at him and i could tell with just a glance that he had been through a lot .

"Were you hurt too?". I asked him and he nodded.

"Ever heard a story of a guy being raped by his own mother?". He turned to ask me and honestly that left my mouth agape.