Chapter eleven

Pearl's p.o.v

I couldn't believe my ears. Is that even possible? I asked myself.How would a mother do such despicable acts to her own son? I asked looking at him.

"Are you sure you're really her son?". I asked him trying to clear my doubts.

"Of course I'm here son". He said. "let me show you something". I went nearer to him. He brought his phone and checked something on the net. "This is my Father's company, The Hamsley but when he died, my mother took over".He showed me the pictures as i glanced at it. There were so many pictures to see and i could see the resemblance.

"So how did it happen?". i asked. "was she a sex maniac or something?".

He laughed. "No, it all happened when my dad died". he answered. "I was ten when he died. My mother was lonely and I've told her countless times to get another husband but she refused saying, she loves dad so much to share herself with another man. I was happy with the decision because i didn't think i was ready to have a step dad". He paused. "But i found her countless times masturbating. Back then i had no idea what it meant but when i grew older, i knew it. It got to a point i was in my room sleeping and she came over, slept on my bed and started touching my little penis". He paused again. He closed his eyes as of trying to forget that moment. "Most times, I'd cry and plead but she wouldn't listen. Anytime i tried to struggle with her, she slaps me and when i finally gave in, she raped me. My mother defiled me". He gave a bittersweet smile.

"Do you hate her?". I asked him after seeing the disgust on his face.

"It's only natural that i hate her. I was traumatized at a young age with no one to run to comfort because no one would believe me if i told them. So all i did was endure it till i was eighteen when i had the legal right to leave home and fend for myself".

I came in front of him and gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry to hear that". I said before pulling away. "I didn't catch your name by the way".

He smiled. "Sorry about that, I'm Justin....Justin Hamsley". He said.

"I'm Pearl".

"So pearl tell me, what's your story?". Justin asked directing his attention to me.

"Um... I lost my mom recently and um the person responsible for her death best friend's mother. My dad, who was a very sweet and loving husband and father became a thorn in my flesh the moment my mom died. Would you believe my dad knew who killed my mother but he hid it from me and went ahead to drink acid to kill himself". I burst into tears as the images came flashing back. "I was about giving my friend something when i overheard his mom confess to killing my mother with her car. She was drunk and driving for God-knows-what-reason".

"Is that friend the guy you ran away from earlier today?". Justin asked.

I nodded. "i couldn't face him. I hate him and his mother so much. I don't think I'll be able to just put all this behind me and move on... it's a lot to bear". Justin pulled me closer with his arms wrapped around me while i soaked his shirt with my tears.

"You won't be able to move on if you keep having that thought in your head". he said as he pulled me back a little so he could view my face. "Listen Pearl, all you need to do is genuinely forgive him. If you don't want to be friends with him anymore, that's totally cool but you have to forgive him and forget".

"It's not that easy".

"i know it's not easy but it's not difficult either. Now, let me ask you...". He paused. "...Has your friend and his mother ever been good to you before the accident?".

I thought about it and i could still remember how happy i was around them. "They were like family to me. I loved them like i love my own".

"Don't they deserve a second chance?". He asked. "Besides, she didn't kill your mother intentionally and i don't think she would ever do that if she was sane. Don't you think she's going through a lot herself?". he asked.

My mind went back to that day i saw her, she was drunk and crying bitterly. I didn't say a word because i knew Justin is right. "You're right". And i know Jeff is the one suffering more. I've been unfair to him. This isn't even his fault. "what about you?".

"Me?". He asked.

"Your mother...have you forgiven her too?".

"I'll do that one step at a time if you're willing to do the same".

I nodded. We hugged each other before he drove me to my house. I bade him goodbye. I was almost entering my house when i heard voices from the next house. That's Jeff's house. I thought as i moved closer to check what was happening. I saw people crying and waiting. Standing in front of the house was Jeff. I moved closer to meet him only for me to see his mother lying dead on the floor.

Jeff looked up at me, wiped his face and walked away from me. I ran to catch up with him but before i could come further to meet him, he turned back to look at me. His eyes were filled with fury and anger. "What do you want?!". He yelled. "Just go back to wherever it is you're coming from". He tried to suppress his tears but he couldn't, they slowly rushed down his cheeks. "I begged you Pearl...I pleaded with you... i tried to do everything i can for you to be able to forgive my mother and I..but you never listened and now my mom is gone.....She killed herself because of me, because of". He came closer to me as he placed a sheet of paper on my chest. "Enjoy". He said before leaving.


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