Teaching a squid

Winterfell, 291 AC, Alisa Mormont POV.

"I can't give you the gift, we swore perpetuity declaring the Gift as the Night's watch's land, and no more. This still stands, dated from the time of Brandon the Builder. Nothing can change that, Lady Mormont." Ned argued, along with Maester Luwin at the background.

"Perpetuity? Nothing stands forever, even the Wall. The rise and the fall, is the bane of all things, along with time, Lord Stark." Alisa stared at the Lord of Winterfell, before continuing, "And since you said the Gift is the Night's watch's property, then I shall go the Wall and convince my uncle, Jeor Mormont. How convenient that family connections will be useful."

"Lord commander Jeor Mormont, is an honorable man. You cannot force him to yield the Gift." Ned said.

Alisa laughed, saying, "Aye, he is, but he's also a good man. He'll yield the land to me, for the sake of the Night's Watch. And, you can rest easy, Lord Stark, he'll yield it to me, with my boon to persuade him." She left the solar, but before saying, "Goodnight, Lord Stark."

"Maester Luwin, care to give me an advice? Any will do." Ned looked at the Maester worriedly.

Maester Luwin shook his head, "None, my Lord. Our hands are tied." He sighed, continuing, "Lady Mormont tied our hands, I should say. The moment she entered the room, she already won. All we can do is hope for the best... and prepare for the worst."

Ned sighed, covering his face with his cold palm.


Morning came, Alisa walked out of her room, planning to break her fast with the Stark family. On the table was Alisa's gift yesterday, live lobsters and crabs. Obviously, it has been cooked, but with butter. Aye, cooking fresh kill shellfish will always taste good, better with the right condiment, which Alisa plans to have in the near future.

The atmosphere is quite tense, so thick that you can almost touch it. Alisa smiled, dissipating the suffocation, as her smile is like summer of warm breeze. Ned let out a breath, "Lady Mormont, come and break your fast with us." Alisa nodded. He gestured one of the seat in the high table. "As introduced yesterday, this is my wife, Catelyn Stark."

The red head woman smiled brightly, saying, "Well met yesterday, Lady Mormont. Letters do not do you great honor of your great beauty so young. You're a beautiful Lady of Winter." Very poised and graceful with her words, she continued, "Please, tell us about yourself, while we dine."

"It's a great honor to break my fast with you and your wonderful family, Lady Stark." Alisa sat at the right of Ned, as the guest of honor. "And telling about myself will only bore you. I do not have any boastful achievements worth telling?"

"Even the raised of prosperity of Bear Island? Or the way you defended your home from Ironborn raiders, when you were five name days old? Or being Bear Island's supreme command, in all but name?" Robert Stark asked, very excited.

Alisa turned to the heir of Winterfell, who realized if he said wrong things, and said, "Robert Stark, is it?" Which the boy nodded in confirmation, very nervous, "Leading and protecting my people, isn't an achievement. It's a responsibility. Do you understand? You'll be the Lord of Winterfell someday, and that lesson will be your backbone."

"Wise words, Lady Mormont." Ned said, drinking from his cups. "I wish your young sister Lyanna is in good health."

"Thank the gods, she is." Alisa said, turning to Lady Catelyn, "Though, I have one proud moment."

"Oh, and do tell us, Lady Mormont." Lady Catelyn smiled, still tending to little Bran in her breast.

"I made Darknorth." Alisa said simply.


"Said to be larger than Harrenhal and much more in a dangerous place to siege than the Eyrie, as the castle is sitting on the largest mountain of Bear Island. Many traders and locals spread the news throughout Westeros." Ned said.

Alisa nodded, "Made up of dark ice, thus, called Darknorth. My castle will never melt, even dragonfire cannot do anything to it." She smiled, "Darknorth will always be my greatest masterpiece, a long lasting legacy with likes of Bran the Builder."


Alisa walked out, to see the training yard. Just to stretch her limbs. Many of the military academy must be celebrating, that Alisa will be away. Ever since she made the academy, ruthless training were ordered every first light, meaning at dawn, they should already be prepared to run ten lap around the academy, then swim ten laps again to the cold ocean. In the afternoon, they will eat stale bread and tasteless peas, then start of the weapon training, including the use of harpoons on the ships. At night, greens and fish brew will be their supper if they complete the survival course. Few had given up, but most people's pride wouldn't allow them to leave the hellhole.

Alisa smiled, as her three most trusted guards and advisor are training with relentless hunter in pursuit.

Haroldyn, or Big Harry, is a big burly man, rivaling the strength of bears and giant bloods. His main pick is a great sword with rectangular Mormont shield.

Haroldyn, or Small Harry, is lithe bodied man, but a bit muscle hidden in his clothes. Main specialty is his bow, made up of the Weirwood, which came from a fallen Weirwood tree. It may be frown upon to see Weirwood as a weapon, but its power are unquestionable.

Senna, a build like Alisa, aspiring to be a woman warrior like her Lady Alisa, is a brown-haired woman, with dark eyes. Her weapon is undoubtedly, a long sword with reinforced armor gloves and grieves, when she like to mix punches and kicks for battles.

Three more individual were in the training yard, Ser Rodrik Cassel, Winterfell's Master-at-arms, Robb Stark, heir to Winterfell, and Theon Greyjoy, a hostage from Iron Islands, or a pack now, as Lord Stark said. Big Harry was engage in conversation with Ser Rodrik Cassel, Robb and Theon sparing with wooden swords. Small Harry on the side, was grinding his arrow heads in whetstone, Alisa walked to Senna, asking her, "Are they any good?"

Robb and Theon perked up by the voice, but Senna said, "Literal child playing with wooden stick." She giggled when the two boys blushed in embarrasement.

The squid boy, Theon, scoffed, "And what would a girl like you know about fighting?" Senna laughed loudly at that statement, as Small Harry cackled with glee.

Alisa raised an eyebrow, "A girl like her already had her first blood of man." She inclined her head to Theon, "Especially squids, because they always think the Bear Island the place for their pickings."

Theon scoffed, shaking his head, "Girls shouldn't be playing with swords. All they do is knit clothes and bear child."

Alisa laughed, hearing something unbelievable, "Let's make a bet. Weirwood bow if you defeat Senna, hovel sh*t for half a year if Senna defeats you. Do you agree?"

Ser Rodrik was about to intervened, when Theon barked, "Done." His underestimation showing his arrogance, "Run when you lose, girl."

Senna yawned, not giving any interest with small boys, "Want to try with live steel?"

Theon was about to agree, but Ser Rodrik interrupted, "No, blunt only. Theon still doesn't have enough skills to fight with live steel." Theon relented, nodding.

"Then...-" Senna threw a rock on the sky, where she picked nearby, continuing, "Let's engage when the rock falls." An audible thud, both lunged at each other.

Theon swiped on her right side, with stumbling motion. Senna rolled her eyes, when she saw a weak attack, dodging the swipe easily. She never drawn her sword at all, but she responded with a feet swipe, sending Theon tumbling to the ground on his back.

Senna huffed, "Squids do squirm at lands."

Alisa laughed, "Looks like you have sh*ts to hovel. Lord Stark will be please for your service."