Yue and Gao:Ruthless Ruffian

"Why in the world did you take anything from that man's shop? You could have just asked for money instead. You didn't have to step down to take anything from him!"

"I used revelation on that guy. He was strong. Very strong. The moment I saw that man's power, I knew he could obviously whip a small dog like that to pieces. But he didn't. Here's my chain of thought; If this guy chose not to do it himself, there are 3 likely reasons. Number one, he's just too lazy to do it. Number 2, he has a phobia for dogs. Number 3, he has a trauma connecting to using his powers. Overall, annoying him doesn't exactly seem like a good idea, and I didn't take anything that could get us into serious trouble. If anything, these are a pretty good item to have. To be fair I forgot to ask how long these things last, so we'll just say it's indefinite till we can ask him again."

A quiet beep reverberated from the cube.

"Come on then," Yue yawned, picking up the cube, which projected a map of the city, "Let's go find the annoyance of today.

A few minutes later

"Oh come on! Another dark corridor?! Can we catch a damn break? This one just seems to stretch on forever. The rupture's down there?"

Yue looked at Gao with a face that clearly said, "Stop complaining."

Gao mumbled under his breath, only to have Yue's eyes bore into him ever the more. He quieted himself.

This alleyway didn't have such an oppressive aura consuming it, unlike the one before it. There was a bar to the right of them, from which many rowdy and loud sounds were emitted. A robot stood there silently, blue eyes piercing the surrounding area.

"It seems to be just about…." Yue whispered, before an uproar erupted from within the bar. The door burst open, revealing a black dog, eyes tinged with a red mist, that leaped at the wall and dashed right.

"Transfer all your resonance to your legs and arms, majorly the muscles. We've got a need for speed."

Gao nodded and did so. The two began to pursue the rabid rupture.

The dog, however, was a monster in the arena of speed. Boxes were broken in half in its wake, it shimmied under, over, and around at such speed that if it entered a dog racing competition, it would have completed the whole course twice before the other dogs had beaten the first obstacle. Not as if it seemed tameable though.

Gao inwardly thanked his Sensei for giving them 3 months of parkour/free running sessions, with tests on it every once in a while. Though he didn't like them too much, he understood why he needed it in this line of work.

"Well looks like this is gonna be more about attrition then. Transfer resonance to the respiratory system, If you remember what that is after all this TfL stuff," Yue chuckled, with Gao smiling in return.

The dog, seeing that it's pursuers were still close behind, chose a different direction, upwards. It hopped, skipped and jumped up a large amount of boxes and crates. The duo followed up, only to see an unnerving sight at the top of the roof.

Dashing forward, the dog leaped off the top of the roof, landing on the other side.

"Well, our parkour lessons never prepared us for this Yue. I'll let it be your call whether we go for it or not."

"We didn't come this far just to give up now. I hope you've got a good leap."

Breathing inwards, the two of them diverted all their power to their lower body. They ran forward and leapt. Straight through the open air.