Chapter 1


In the year 2153, I was just a 15 years old teenager with no father, fantasizing about space in bed. But one day I got a call father. He left when I was still a cute little baby. Then nobody see him again. Then he call me but I didn't answer it because I didn't know his number so he left me a voice message. "Hey kiddo, remember me? Of course, you don't. I don't blame you. I am your father. Listen son, I gotta tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone. Call this number_________. Then tell him that you are John Jackson. He will give you an address. Again, don't tell anyone, not even your mom. Just do as I say." I was shocked as hell. First of all, I had a very bad day at school. Then my long lost dad called me and left a message, telling me not to tell anyone what he said. I thought this day couldn't go any more wrong. Boy, I was wrong.

You see, every time something strange happened, my life got worse. I was pretty sure this maybe the strangest thing, getting a call from a long lost parent after 15 years was pretty strange if you tell me. Anyway, so I did as my father told me. I didn't know why but maybe it was because of desperation in his voice. He answered, "Jack speaking, who's this?" I replied, " This is John Jackson. My father told me to phone you." "Ahh, John. Look, we don't have much time. Did your father tell you anything?" "No..." "Ok, come to this address _______" "Got it. Tell me what is going on?" "Maybe later. Right now we have more pressing matters. Come and you will learn and don't tell anyone!" There's that line again I thought. "Ok, sure." I had no idea where's the address was so I called my AI "Ben, tell me where this address is and you are not allowed to tell anyone." "Ok sir." A holographic map appeared in front of me. I looked at the map and saw that it was in the forest. Oh, now I am working into a forest. Great. I said "Ben, you can close the map now." "Of course, sir." I walked to the place and there was a guy waiting for me. "Get inside." he said. "Umm....ok." I walked in and found four more kids in the cabin. There were two boys and two girls. The cabin was like any other cabin but something was strange about it. Like an aura. The cabin had five beds and three bathroom. The guy walked in and said, "All right, listen up. I am Jack and I am gonna be your trainer. You all need to come here after school. If you don't, you will die. Do you have any questions?" All was quiet. "Good, follow me." We all followed him. I asked one of the girls. (She was-IS very pretty. Prettier than anyone I have ever seen.) "Hey, I am John. what's your name?" "Umm, I am Jane. Do you have any idea what's happening?" "No, my dad just called me out of nowhere and tell me to call a guy and he told me to come here." One of the boys butted in "Yeah, that's strange. My mom told me the same thing. By the way, I am William." (He wore a oversized leather jacket and jeans. Inside the jacket was a "I love me!" sign.) "Y'all know each other?" He grinned, "I wish but no. We are all strangers here. You guys wanna be my first friends here?" "Oh, sure." We walked through the forest until we reached a clearing. There was no tree in a wide circle. William lips twitched, "Look like one of those haunted areas." "Yeah." Jack yelled, "Now, stand in a line. Make sure it is a straight line." We obeyed. I don't know why but his voice have some kind of authority. Like I wanna do everything he says. "Now I'm gonna give each of you a sword. I'm gonna give you a test....kill each other."

Everyone scattered except me and my friends. Me, Jane and William ran toward a rock. I was processing what I heard. Everyone was trying to hit each other with a sword. Suddenly, I knew what he meant. "Guys," I told my friends, "we are not supposed to be killing each other." "What are you talking about?" Jane and William yelled. I continued, "This is supposed to be teamwork. We need to work together and attacked him. We three don't stand a chance but if we all work together, maybe, just maybe, we can take him down." William said, "I am trusting you on this one." We all charged out at the same time. At the same time, the others turned to face us. I moved like a badass. (I watch lots of movies that included sword fighting.) Although, my sword was unbalanced, I was like an unstoppable force. I hit the guy's sword hilt and hit the girl with my sword hilt. (At the time, I thought it was epic so....) I yelled, "Listen, stop killing each other. This is a teamwork test. He wanted to know if we would come to our sense to know who would be the real enemy, the manipulator." I didn't know why but those two suddenly stopped fighting and listened. "We'll need to attack Jack." I supposed I was a leader but I didn't want to be one. Anyway, we all attacked Jack as one. He looked pretty stunned but he got over it quickly. A sword appeared in his hand out of nowhere. He held a black holo sword. He fended off all six of us easily. The others got defeated quickly but me and William weren't done yet. We fought Jack with all our skills, might. I learned sword fighting by watching a lot of movies and fighting against holo character that Ben created. I would lose all the time but I got better quickly. I don't know where William learned but he was equal to me if not better. "Good moves, kid but not good enough." He kicked me in the legs and knee me in the face. William was still fighting. All the other kids were watching with awe. William used what Jack did to me and held his sword point at him. "Aha!" He smiled at us. At the time, Jack quickly swooped William's legs and held his sword on his neck. "Wow, you got skills, kid. Let me give you a tip, never let your attention go elsewhere in a fight. John, congrats on umm....not falling for my tricks. Since you pass this test, you are gonna be staying here for 3 months. You will have sword training everyday. Now, since you all are gonna be friends, introduce yourself." Of course, William started first then me, Jane, Leo, and Holly.

Leon was a smart guy although he had a stupid face. His hair color was brown and he had like a umm.....Justin Bieber haircut from your time. His eyes were blue and he was a little bit handsome for a guy. Jane had purple short hair. She said it was her natural hair colour. She also had very beautiful purple eyes. William seemed always confident. He had brown hair. I've never seen his hairstyle and I know almost every hairstyles. He has these green eyes that could charm every girl. His face was charming in his own way.

We all go to sleep, knowing our lives just got a whole lot interesting.