Chapter 2

William tried to sleep but he couldn't. So he got up and meditated, tried to center his mind but his mind kept wandering around. At last, he went outside and he stared into the stars. He saw a comet and wished he could control time.

Then the strange thing happened. The comet stopped, midair. He was too shocked to move and the comet started to go again. He concentrated and the comet stopped again. He stood up to look closer and saw that the comet had indeed stopped. He concentrated to make it go againn. It started going again at its natural pace. So he tried to concentrate and go back in time. The comet moved backward. He moved to the side to make sure that he can move. The comet went back into the sky. He let go of the control and the comet started coming down again. He just stood there and thought, So I can move through time and space. He let go and exhaustion washed over him like a tsunami. So it takes energy? His thoughts were disrupted by Jack's appeared next to him.

Jack asked, "Boy, what do you think you are doing?"

"Wha..? How? How did you get here?"

"This trick? Please, that's easy. What's important is how did you do that?"

William said, "What do you mean?"

"Don't try to lie to me, William. You stopped time on the universal scale. That's must have exhausted you. That's incredibly impressive and dangerous. If there were other with your talent, you would have been on their rader."

"What can I do about that? Can you teach me?" William asked.

"That's certainly possible." Jack sighed. "Fine. I will teach you but don't tell anyone else that you can stop time or control it." He turned to leave. "And also from tomorrow you all will start your training. Meet me at the clearing at 6 am. Tell your friends to get there before 9 am. Don't be late."

William just continued staring at the stars as he couldn't sleep. At 5am, he went down to the river, brushed his teeth and washed his face. When he got to the clearing, it was exactly 6 am. At the clearing, there was a door. He saw Jack standing beside it, looking at his watch.

William asked, "How did that get here?"

Jack laughed and replied, "It was always here. You guys just didn't see it. Only people like you and me can see. People who discovered that they have powers. Let's go in." He holded out the door, "Ladies first."

William went in, "Wha..?"

Jack laughed, "Surprised?"

Inside the door was an enormous training room. With tons of weapons and guns. Jack casually picked up a hologram sword. "Let's start, shall we?"

Jack lunged at William. William concentrated to slow him down and surprised himself by running with lightning speed toward a sword. He immediately tripped and fall on his face but he didn't let his concentrating wavered. He picked up a sword. It felt unbalanced in his hand but he thought, whatever and blocked an incoming strike by Jack. "How can you resist it?" Jacked replied, "Just need some training." William striked and his hand rocketed forward and he felled on his face again. "and why the hell is my body so fast?" He rolled over quickly and recovered. Jacked laughed, "You're gonna have to make do with it now. That's for finding out about your power and more powers you get, the more stronger and faster you become." He kicked William in the gut and said, "Yes, you can get more power." Jack unarmed William. William moved as fast as lightning and ran for a gun. Jack ran after him with the same, if not faster, speed. William kicked up a gun and shot at Jack. Lasers came out of the gun. As far as he knew, there was no laser gun on earth. The lasers were moving slowly for both Jack and William. Jack dodged them easily and punched him. Jack extended his hand and WIlliam took it.

"Good," Jack said, "You get the sense of a fight. You must do whatever you can to win. Now, to explain the powers. You are a son of the guardians. Do you know why you have never met your father? It's because he's a guardian."

"A guardian? A guardian of what?" William asked.

"A guardian of this universe, of course." Jack answered, "Now listen and ask questions later. Each newer generation is stronger than the older ones. On Earth, you and your friends are their only children. There are millions of races in the universe. There are also millions of people like you. They all will be on the planet Vernguard, in human language, which is 253 light years away. Well, you don't need a spaceship to travel to Vernguard but it's a tradition. We have a ship here which is faster than the speed of light. You and your friends are gonna be there to take part to fight against those millions of people. The fight will be on December 9th, which is...exactly 2 months from now."

William scrowled, "Wait, that's my birthday..."

"Well, you still need to go. It's important that you go. And the fight will go on until it's complete. Don't worry, they have special inventions that stop time. But of course, your power is stronger than that machine. Your friends will develop those powers over time." Jack said,"You can text your friends now. It's 8:45. And Leo's already here."


Leo was asleep while William went outside. He was dreaming, dreaming that he was drawing. Then he played his violin, and his drawing came alive. He woke, gasping for air. Then suddenly, everything stopped, every sound, even the air stopped. He couldn't move. He thought Oh, this must be a dream too but it felt too real. Then he went backward. He gasped for air and he lie in his bed again. Then his eyes closed. He thought, What the fu--. He tried to resist it. He heard something broke around him and he could feel the air again.

Leo looked around. He saw that others were in bed but William was nowhere to be found. He also saw a mosquito, going backward, slowly. He moved towards the mosquito and when he arrived near it, it started moving again at natural pace. So time is moving backward but me and everything around me is not? He thought this is a good time for him to draw and play his violin. So he started drawing a robot. He had drawn it many times before but, this time felt different. After he finished, he started playing his violin. The music started and went on fluently. He could feel the music in his bones. Then slowly, ever just slowly, the robot in the drawing moved. He abruptly stopped playing and look at the robot closely. It was indeed moving. It slowly came out of the drawing and it gained a 3D form. It looked at him and said,"Master" and bowed.

Leo was surprised. He stared at the robot. Then he asked,"What the f..?" The robot answered, unexpectedly,"Whattt?"

Leo asked, "What are you?"

The robot said, "I am a robot."

"I know that, I am not an idiot." Leo said.

"Are you sure?" The robot asked.

Leo scrowled, "Yes, now tell me, what is happening?"

"You made me with your powers" The robot answered.


"Yes. You have powers because you have the blood of the guardians"

Now, Leo was confused. Who or what was the guardians? he thought, but his confusion need to wait. He need to give his robot a name. "You are gonna need a name. I will call you Bob." Bob looked confused. "What is a Bob?" Bob asked.

Leo answered, "You are a Bob"

If Bob could scrowled, it would. "No, I am a robot. Not a Bob."

"Bob's your name" Leo said, amusingly

"Oh, ok"

"Now answer my question, how do you know all this?" Leo asked, scrowling.

"I know because you need to know. I become what you want me to and I know what you need to know." Bob answered.

"So, if I need to know something, I can just ask you and you would know it?"

"Yes but I can't tell you the future or how to fight someone."

"Ok, so, can I trust these guys?" Leo asked, pointing at the sleeping guys.

"Yes" Bob said immediately. "You can trust your friends. By the way, your other friend, William just went to the clearing. I suggest you follow him quietly."

"How do you know that?" Leo asked.

"I know everything you should know." Bob answered.

Leo went outside and saw William near the river. He was getting up. William went to the clearing. Leo followed William. When they arrived at the clearing, Jack was waiting for William. They talked together for a while. Normally, Leo wouldn't be able to hear them talking but now, he can hear them easily. There was also a door next to Jack. Jack and William went into the door. Leo crept up to the door. He examined the door. It was red. There was nothing behind the door. Leo opened the door warily.

Leo saw a room. Inside the room was a enormous training room. William and Jack was spurring. They both moved with lightning speed. Throughout the fight, William tripped two times. At last, Jack disarmed him. William ran for the gun fasten than anyone Leo had ever seen. He was about to yell to warn Jack but William shot the laser gun. Jack dodged all of the laser with one fluid motion and punched William.

Jack and William talked about William's father. Leo heard Jack called William's father, a guardian of the universe. He thought, So that's what Bob was talking about. He heard them talking about a big fight happening on December 9th. Then finally, Leo heard Jack said, "Leo's here."


William looked around frantically. He saw Leo outside the door, looking straight at them. He also saw a strange looking robot behind Leo. "He can see us so he also found out about his power?" asked William to Jack. "Yes."

Then, Jack yelled, "Leo,come on in"

William took out his phone and texted the others to come to the clearing. Leo walked into the room slowly. He said, "So that's where all the weapons come from?"

"Yes." Jack said.

William whispered to Jack, "Maybe we should go out, they are almost here."

Jack thought for a moment, "Ok."