Harley woke up to a bell ringing in the orphanage. Apparently, that was her new wake up call she had to admit thought it was better than her parents literally jumping into her room and starts banging pans. Harley really misses her parents wishing to have them yell over the dumbest of things like one time when her father ate her mother's candy her mother locked him into the closet until he would cave in to buy her mothers candy he had eaten. Harley decided right there and then that if it wasn't an accident she would make him or her or even them pay their price for her parents.
Harley got out of bed wondering what plays ahead for her life...after she runs away. Harley decided to try and get out of the run down orphanage in three to four days. After getting directions Harley was on the way to her first and most-hated class, math number 106. There she noticed that there were no cameras in the hallways. Apparently, despite all the kidnappings no one could afford to buy cameras. After Harley's math class she went to the next class on her list, class 102, history.
Since Harley had to learn where all of her classes were she learned where everything was in a matter of two days tops. Harley had noticed during her two days in the life of Annie that this orphanage had something wrong with it than just kidnapping, she felt like there was something up. Harley had noticed that as soon as the time hit twelve o'clock the teachers would just leave the class room, locked the door, the kids just sat there like it was completely normal. Harley asked a girl named Roxanne who had brownish hair and pretty blue crystal eyes that she became quick friends with "What's going on with the old teacher," the dark brown haired girl replied, "A kid always gets kidnapped at twelve o'clock, I realized that it was always the kids that think somethings up that get kidnapped." After the teacher came back she said "all classes are dismissed today."
Leaving the class Harley said to Roxanne "so just like yesterday they are gonna make us clean the whole stupid orphanage again," Roxanne replied with a sarcastic attitude, "yep, but I mean like who wouldn't like to clean this orphanage," "obviously the disappearing children," "see you in a little Harley I'm gonna go find my little bro, Preston," Harley then said with much remark in her voice "he is your twin Roxy," "yeah what've." After their hard work that's of course is going to go to waste, they went their way to their room which fit about five to six beds, like a normal orphanage, yet knowing it's not what people think it is.