《Chapter 2》 《Bold Beginnings》

It was in the Summer of 2018, during midday, as the motionless wind submitted to the sun, which had fully climbed up to his throne, above the clouds. Making the wind give way for the sun's rays which were fiercely piercing past the clouds, as my eyes bore witness to the mirage of melting mountains due to the sun that shone before the windscreen as my sweaty hands struggled to retain the grip of the steering wheel.

My eyes melting to the heat, making me blink consistently; enough to lose sight of the road. But I had to remain focused, for my fiend driving instructor was sat in the passenger sit yet he could see what was going on despite the notes he was slowly taking; drawing all the focus from his eyes, which were buried in his big specs. Despite knowing i was a learner, he continually incited unnecessary pressure, more than enough to ensure my perspiration, as he insisted that i kept my eyes on the road or he would fail me on my learner's driving licence test. His presence enough was to squeeze the oxygen out of me, despite the tight jean shorts that I had put on to awaken his soft spot and make him give me a good mark on the test.

"Don't step too hard, calm down and relax," he insisted, making me glad I hadn't worn my red heels,  as we reached Makro Mall's parking lot where my aunt had dropped me off me earlier.

"All I can say is that you did good enough but remember that practice makes perfect, that being said you passed; but before you drive remember to chuck in some little prayers 'cause you just passed." He surprisingly laughed with excited zeal, for a man who was too serious for his age. That's when i slowly

exited the Polo Vivo, carefully trying to retain the balance of my exhausted legs. But as I walked towards the entrance, after collecting my results from the brown instructor who had a heavy Afrikaans accent, my eyes flickered...

For, out of everyone that was there, i had caught sight of a handsome hunk. He looked tired as he walked with a long board in his hand, walking along the edge of the pavement to avoid colliding with the human traffic around him; through dawdling into the heat after stepping down the pavement and into my parking lot, I quickly noticed how the rhythm of his footsteps changed dramatically as soon as my existence seized his gaze. His confidence had suddenly faded with the wind, leaving behind a mere shadow of his former glory. I smiled to this, before giving off a mirthless laughter that made me turn around just in time to answer Aunt Anastasia's incoming call.

After which I sat down, at the edge of the parking lot, metres away from the pavement. Down in the green bench that dwelled in the chilled shade of the artificial, colourful tree that represented Makro's eco friendliness, impatiently waiting for Aunt Anastasia's imminent arrival, Burying my left cheek into my left palm as my eyes ran across my screen, my fingers tapping their way to my Instagram App. My mind still colonized by the thoughts of the guy whom I had blushingly shared a quick glance with...

His visuals still playing inside my mind as though his pictures were being projected before my eyes, for I was a girl who was very much blessed with a vivid imagination. I kept thinking about the way his grey-dyed skin fade, and long fringe hung above his face and swept over  his forehead, focally pointing his blue-ish eyes that somehow matched his tanned fit body; plus he had arms and legs for days.

I was about to pose for a selfie, to portray that seemingly perfect selfie

when I suddenly heard a long board, shortly before the sluggish sounds of shuffles ensued, the slithering sound of slippers emerging louder and closer by the second. My mind had already pushed forth a complaint to spit out to my aunt for her late coming, as well as the joke i'd soon toss on top of that; pretending to be mad over failing the driver's test just to sprinkle some humour into my day. So patiently I waited for the footsteps to come to a halt.

"Hi, d'you mind if I join you,  just can't get enough of the heat." I turned around as soon as that unfamiliar voice slithered into my eardrums. Turning to the left my thoughts picked up their pace alongside my heartbeat, which was now in correspondence with the blinks I. My confidence became questionable, as fear stung my chest, making me wish I had seen him coming.

Turns out his cut wasn't blonde but was rather silver/grey, matching with his nose piercing. He was wearing short grey shorts, as well as a stylishly faded sky blue shirt which matched with his navy blue upper cut Vans. "He was even cuter than I'd imagined"; the thought that rushed at me, for his grey eyes also complimented his silver piercing and haircut.

Time was truly against me so i had to think and act quick, for i knew that failing to greet him would forever leave a mark of disappointment boldly etched upon my soul. "I've definitely seen him before," the last voice that my intuition whispered from within.

"Suit yourself," I then pretentiously turned to my phone as though to finish off my selfie, though to actually check how I looked just before I taking my selfies while putting back on my jacket of confidence.

"You looked kinda down so I came to check if you were okay." His cocky tone soon shifted into a genuine one instead, moving his nice arms in a genial gesture, while also moulding his facial expression into a concocted mixture of both confidence and sympathy.

"No i'm fine, just really tired, just waiting for my aunt"

"Well, I'm also waiting for my dad, looks like we could both use some company."

"Long as your company doesn't bore me though..." I slightly smiled, returning his suspicious glance.

"Then you'll just have to keep me updated, so that I'll know when to leave"

"Mmmm! Not bad for a start i guess." I faint smile slipped onto my lips, obviously unveiling my friendly nature; never mind my dimples.

"I've seen such lovely eyes and dimples around here before though.. though I'm Jordan Machill by the way"

"Oh well, that's because i'm actually from Constantia, Rose Mead side, only in Ottery to get my learner's... My name's Ashleigh De Waal, nice to meet you Jordan." I felt my joy reach the brim of my heart as he swiftly pushed his nice hair back and forth while his eyes sparked with possibilities, as they had in our first fleeting glance

"You mean Constantia, near Rose Mead Side? No way, I'm moving there this month end, hopefully as your next door neighbour though." Jordan giggled.

"Yeah, but why specifically as my Next Door Neighbor though? You're giving me the creeps", I asked curiously, playfully pulling my head backwards, while also narrowing my eyes, dramatically"

" 'Cause Kenilworth, I mean, Constantia is a very cool place and I'd pretty much want to have you as my friend... So do give me your Snap, or your number  thou"

"Mmmm! but I don't even know you," I smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, just enticingly enough to keep him coming.

"Don't worry Ashleigh De Waal, you'll know me soon enough. Plus I'll need you to show me directions... to your heart that is!"

"Wow Jordan, that's so cheesy..." I remarked in a sarcastic tone, even though deep down my heart shunted with my internal blushes.

"That's something my future girlfriend would say... So will I get it...?"

QThat response, that phrase, especially his voice and playful tone which lurked within my eardrums as Aunt Anastasia drove us back home. His face kept flashing behind my eyelids with every blink i took. Thoughts of him and I rushing at me as the tree of my affections, planted  near the centre of my heart, had already left him sitting on the longest branch.

Honestly, I couldn't help reminisce about him, despite the long story that Anastasia was telling me, regarding her Psychology Studies and her up coming exams, in the same week  that marked her restaurant's fourth birthday. My heart and veins were truly bursting with excitement, for i couldn't wait to meet this Jordan Machill again, though i just shifted those excited giggles towards Anastasia instead.

Moments later, we finally turned left into the quiet Halifax road in which we lived in, waved off to some neighbours who were splashing themselves with water just before the Ford Ranger parked before our white house. I slowly got out and walked behind my aunt's footsteps, fully aware that my father might just be inside, sipping on his Apple juice, yet I couldn't care less what he and mother had to say; but nevertheless I braced myself and walked through the door, into the long wooden-tiled passage which led to the kitchen, just before I turned left into the lounge. Carefully clasping my results as I prepared for the shower of criticism which would soon sprinkle upon me.

"How did it go?" curiously asked Audrey, observing my excited facial expression. This was minutes later after I'd walked into the girls' room and saw her pony tail sprinkled with some dots of paint, her easel in front of her as she painted a portrait of our mother, some paint drops splashing all over the newspaper beneath her feet.

"Obviously I passed, and hopefully I'll drive myself to the 12th grade Matric Ball, this coming October, I can already see myself in that turquoise dress I showed you." I then gave off a vibrant dance.

"Leigh, you do know that that's only 4,5 months away right?" Her brows lowered a bit.

"Never mind that, I met *someone* by the name of Jordan Machill today my love", I whispered loud enough to pass on my secret.

"As good looking as your gestures say he is, i'd say you're already infatuated honey." A squeal of laughter escaped her cheeks, and slipped out through her lips.

"Maybe but the worst part is he goes to Rose Bank College, and you know what they say about those boys"

"That they they like to *Hit and Run*" said Audrey teasingly, fully knowing how I felt about fuck boys."Just be careful not to fall in love though," she added, her prudence nature resurfacing with the candid look in her eyes.

"Hahaha! There you go again Ree, with your anti dating ideologies."

"I'm serious 'Leigh. There's something about those Rose Bank College boys. Perhaps its their articulate dignity, their confidence and even their absolute courage; just be careful hun." Audrey then tiptoed towards the window which the sunlight shone fierce through, before opening it wider to release the smells paint which had now colonized our peach room. She then returned and called me closer, only to show me her vibrant, resplendent piece of art, which somehow lightened up her semi dull personality.


The very next day...

"So did any of you see him," the first question i asked, my pride melting into curiosity as soon as they arrived back from school the, Wynberg Girls High, the next day. Just after i'd found Audrey, Cassidy and Mia taking snaps in the kitchen; wildly behaving like the crazy, colored girls we were.

In that moment, as they looked at each other in search of a response, i also felt like telling them that i'd recently checked out his Instagram and almost hit his DM, though i didn't want to get ahead of myself.

But surprisingly, the words that my so called best friend Cassidy vomited out, took me by surprise.

"Mmmm! 'Leigh, i don't think he's your type. He doesn't even look good with that fluffy silver haircut of his. Maybe a fade with a mini bun will suit him better, plus he's too talkative bruh especially when it comes to girls... Just forget about him, i can hook you up with someone better if that will make you feel better though." Cassidy asserted, before she and Mia put their phones on the counter before looking at me with big puffy eyes; they too were Rose Bank College students who'd left Wynberg Girls in the middle of the tenth grade.

"Well, whether you two agree with me or not, I really like this guy," I defended my feeling, before walking backwards to avoid their embrace, just before I walked out the kitchen with a glass of lemon juice in my hand, bringing it to my lips and sipping from it just enough to water my dry gums and tongue. Quenching my thirst as it flowed down my neck, while also helping me digest what I had just heard