《Chapter 3》《Anastasia》

And I surely did, 'cause when I visited aunt Anastasia in Mitchell's Plain, 95 minutes away from home, around the 27th of June, he was still lingering in my mind. Plus the fact that he hadn't even bothered to text hurt me even hurt me more, yet my affections for him where slowly getting deeper by the day.

Such Infatuations became so bad that i developed Insomnia. Even worse... i got another phone call from Mia, telling me that Cassidy was now regularly sitting with him during lunch intervals...

"They really seem to be getting along 'Leigh, and rumour has it that their lips even touched", her negative tone seemed unaffected the bad network despite the lagging video call that connected us.

"Are you sure he isn't just getting to know her, or that she's analyzing him for me?" I had asked in response.

"Even they seem were too cozy, I'd be lying if I said I knew, his classmates say he wants her, my sources say the same too"


This drove me mad, and after a week in MItchell's Plain I decided to return to Kenilworth. So i did getting aunt Veronica to give me a ride, and arrived there during the night. The cold weather brought out my frostbites, the same way that the black blind bats were certainly hanging upsidedown; whilst the the moon brought out the sparkling stars.

Moments later, after sitting and catching up with my parents and family; my anxiety soon calmed down as i pulled Audrey's hand to the kitchen. We then strolled into some conversation, while I washed away my frostbites in the same warm water which I helped Audrey wash the dishes.

Failing to contain my mind I was, for it was now like a volcano about to erupt, with a hundred questions,  which had gathered throughout the week, concerning Jordan Machill. Questions which had floated to the surface of my river of thoughts... Questions whose answers would hopefully satisfy my hunger for the truth.

Turned outs that Mia had been allegedly delaying asking him out for three whole days, placing her in a state of self imposed denial, but only strengthening her feelings for him; according to the texts Mia sent me.

"Damn, she's savage huh?" i texted back, failing to think of a better response. For the fact that her actions were now opposing his previous words regarding Jordan's looks and personality, yet now she was trying to get him. Yet this was still less than enough to soothe my heartache, and bring a sense of ease to my conscience.

"But the thing is..."

"Say it Mia", i asserted, failing to curb my curiosity

"Apparently, there's a Xhosa girl named Lilitha whose managed to win his affections with her round ass; she had that much of a sexy body." Audrey's gestures painted a Kim K body in the naked, invisible canvas within the air in front of her.

"You lie, I thought you and Mia said there was no one which he was seeing"

"Guess she and I were wrong sis, but Jordan's just another white boy in Lilitha's waiting list, she wouldn't even notice his disappearance if he were to be snatched away." Audrey reaffirmed.

"No sis, I'm done with this shit. I'm just gonna move on and focus on the boys in my DM, i'm sure there is another Jordan Machill amongst them," I drew a deep breath and dug my teeth into the red apple which was within my grasp, imagining I had fangs

"Leigh babes, don't say that, with your ginger hair, greyish green eyes, 1,78m height,caramel and colored skin tone, cute lips and freckles; you're catch. Your thousands of Insta followers proves that." She then placed her hand on my shoulders, blushing to her to her own words, due to the mere fact that were were identical twins.

The next thing I knew, I was suddenly the one in denial, beating myself up to the fact that I had failed to make my intentions clear when I had met Jordan. "Maybe if I had been less abnoxious and self-conceited in my responses then maybe he would be a video-call away right now", I thought to myself. My eyes swelling with tears, from the regretful thoughts which had been shoved into my mind by my uncomfortable pillow.

Surely, I was about to cry myself to sleep as I nostalgically reminisced about him. But then i thought, what had become of my existence? Had it not been long ago when I had everything under control, managing to keep my sanity from succumbing to the insecurities imposed by my love life. I braced myself and cried even more, remaining in the shielded darkness of the pink duvet above me, its warmth melting me deeper into the comfort of my bed.

"Beep! Beep! My phone ruined my moment again, so i sniffled and dabbed beneath my eyes before reaching for it and swiping it on. That's when I watched ignorantly to the stream of messages that flooded my notification bar, as my rain down my cheeks and into my pillow. 653 messages from 149 chats and yet I felt lonely and dejected as hell.

But just when I was about to switch it off, something drew my eyes, it was a short firm message at the very top; one which read read: "It's Jordan Ma..."

A message which left me short for words, and my heart soar to the possibilities, "Wanna meet on..."

The 16th of July finally arrived and got off from the train of time, so I listened to my twin sister's advice and went ahead to meet him, despite the lukewarm sunlight that faintly shone through my room's window  as I got dressed; inspiring me to put on my purple, floral Vans, alongside my blue and green Adidas tracksuit just before grabbing a light snack and heading to the front door.

"How's my hair, lip gloss and my overall look?" I asked Audrey, just before she placed a strawberry sweet in my mouth, after finishing up my Double French Ponytail

"It's all pretty 'n' lovely, plus the outfit brings out your eyes 'Leigh," she said, her voice quickly drowning in the emerging sound of of car that soon stayed in my eardrums. My uber ride had arrived.

"I'll be in Muizenberg by the time you arrive, I aslo got some business to take care of," she said giggling to the small wavy dance i gave her just before we kissed each other's cheek.

Though just as I was about to walked down the two steps towards the silver Lexus, Audrey grabbed and pulled my hand swiftly, almost making me lose my balance though I quickly retained it. Lifting my gaze to hers, i noticed how she eyed me with a conspicuous concern before whispering, "be careful though," in my face.

20 minutes later, as the lexus drove alongside Wynberg's Maynardville Park... Despite struggling to get a full view, for several lively couples were blocking the view, i could see from the windscreen how bold he stood typing on his phone while  a small crimson box and red rose remained glued to his right hand, his red striped white tracksuit seemingly ready to match with mine just as we'd promised each other.

"Thanks for the ride," I said putting my card into my pocket before I hesitantly got out, not so far from Jordan. His playful, goofy smile emerged beneath his pierced nose before stretching into his cheeks. His masculine Cologne's scent slightly complemented by the sweet rose.

In that very moment I could already see myself walking beside him, our hands clasped while i my graceful footsteps corresponded to the slow rhythm of his; while the afternoon wind caressed our faces as the faint sunlight shrunk the pupils of our colourful eyes.

"I'm glad you could make it, Just the sight of you has already made my day," he said his right hand hidden behind his back

"Ncoow! So sweet, you quite a charmer aint ya?" I returned his smile.

"I try, but speaking of sweets I got you these," he then handed me the rose and the heart-shaped chocolate container. "Hope you like them... And no; shall we? He then gestured "ladies first" with his long big arms whose biceps pressed against the sleeves of his white Nike track suit.

"Nice outfit... but I'm still wondering about the big surprised you promised me last night"

"Oh my... thought your favourite chocolates would do the trick," he finally said as we strolled  into the park, amongst many others who were also on their  way towards little lake, which stood behind the outdoor theatre to which we were heading to watch "Merchant of Venice."

"I'm short for words," I lifted the corners of my mouth, before cupping it playfully.

"Nah I'm kiddin', I'll give the lovely surprise..." he paused as we both smilingly gazed to the geese swimming in the lake. "After the play... But for now, do you mind pretending to be my girlfriend though...?" He then took my left hand into his.

"What is  that supposed to mean, do I look that hoelly to you?" I questioned him, pretending as though my dreams weren't coming true.

"I mean I admire you as a person plus we already got matching outfits, and both like Lindt chocolates and Shakespeare anyways," the depth in his voice soon lifted from his tone. "We wouldn't want to take this moment for granted would we?"

It felt as though he could read my mind. There was certainly something off about this Jordan Machill but i still couldn't tell even as I lifted my eyes to his heavenly haughty eyes. But as his gaze hung above me, I suddenly remembered my sister's words, reminding me about these boys and their absolute fearlessness. And now Jordan's  impulsive opportunistic charm was proving this to be factual.

So as my fingers endorsed in his clasp, whilst my tongue waited to push out the answer, I suddenly the sanity of my conscience hanging in the balance of the dilemma that the indecisive, imminent answer that I was yet to give; also trying to provide an answer that would balance out my feminine pride whilst also sparking our inevitable flame.