《Chapter 4》《The Unapologetic Smooch》

After that night, everything pretty much went north. We would have late night chats, ones where he unashamedly responded fast, highlighting how much i meant to him. We would send each other selfies and snaps just randomly during the week, but aside from these semi-nude swings, I just him to pop the big question.


"Uh Ashleigh and Audrey, sorry for disrupting your studies, but i've been meaning to visit you Ashleigh," and for sure there was a devious smile playing between her lips, even after our smiles united in a little gestural kiss.

"What could it possibly be," i thought to myself, as I assumed childish intentions to be hanging beneath her brows on fleek. As we spoke i kept ignoring the feeling that made me want to confront her about her alleged attempt on Jordan, despite failing to do so; as she awkwardly sat on the small couch beside my bed. She really seemed somehow agitated everytime her eyes crossed mine, only to endure in a game fleeting glances which left her inhaling deeply.

Minutes later we finally reached the that part which i'd been wanting to address, the Jordan Machill part. So i watched her pitifully as she began explaining.

"Ree and 'Leigh, i'm really sorry about this Jordan and I saga," she paused, short for words and swallowed. "It's just that I had always heard these bad things about him, so when you told me you'd suddenly clicked with him I then decided to get closer to the drool-worthy devil and to know him for our sake..."

"OH! I see", I rudely interrupted her, "You mean that same guy that you once told me was not good enough, when i once told you how much I liked him." The shame in her hereditary hazel eyes said it all, as the spiky afro that framed her cute face trembled to the feisty rage that was pouring out of my vocal cords.

"Well Ashleigh love, I'm truly sorry. It's just that I didn't't trust him and only wanted to induce him into showing me his true colours. But the more time I spent with him and his clique the more I realized how cool and charming he is. Sadly, i've somehow fallen for him too," she professed in a voice that lacked remorse, sounding adamant enough to defend the beans she'd just spilled.

I then allowed my cheeks to pull the strings to my characteristic smile. "No it's really fine love, we can't let this Jordan come between us. You can go on and date him, you have my blessing honey." Yet, I felt defeated as I said this but when i saw the relief in her smile, i felt like a good friend. That's when my organs shunted to sudden uncontrollable giggles, as soon the realization hit me that her attempt to hit on him would actually provide me with an evident opportunity to test out his loyalty. For over the phone he'd claimed to be able to tame his wandering eye.

48 hours later, I began embarking on a lovely journey, while returning his chivalrious act of writing me love letters. I was really excited, for that gave me a chance to dive deep into the bottom of my heart, before pouring whichever Infatuate affections i had for him, onto my phone's keyboard, and even decorating them with the necessary flowers and other emoji's.

Time truly flew as I struggled to find the correct words to express and define what i truly felt for him, because I wanted his heart to melt and for his grey eyes to cry out tears when he read my poems. "Maybe he likes strawberries," I thought of incorporating them into poems so as to help me personally dig a narrow pathway into his heart, aiming to reach the centre. No desperation had consumed me though.

roses are red

violets are blue

but would it be bad

to sleep with you

Just laying together in bed

until its quarter past two

No thanks Jordan

My Strawberries are red

Your Apples are green

Your request sound weird

and my bed is too clean

though Don't be sad

we'll do that in your dream

Meeting up with him the very next Saturday after our first date which had been held on the 14th of  July. We decided to take it down a notch, and meet around midday instead, I wanted to have his undivided attention. Yet, to my surprise  i arrived earlier than him, but 2 minutes; unless he wanted it to seem that way.

I suddenly felt fear swarming its way into my heart as I saw him coming towards me. His hug felt warmer than the previous time, almost making melt to the regret the fact that I had loaned him a big chunk of my heart.

"Lovely top, it really points out your perky breast." There was a softness in his eyes as he deviously smiled.

"Thanks, and nice shorts... Really exposes those calves and legs of yours," I'd responded, allowing the blushes upon my rosy cheeks to blossom, for I was finally putting my long, and much contemplated plan, to fruition.

"In that case lets go set up the picnic near the green pastures surrounded by trees, away from everyone else's screams and laughters then... "I wanna kiss you." He gave me a sincere smile and squeezed my hand.

"No Jordan, I agree to disagree, rather we sat up by the little lake, so we can be surrounded by ducks, birds and geese when we take our first ever, photographed smooch.

His facial expression then grew more intent as he shot a look towards the lake, upon which the sun was fervently shining, enough to still the focus from the background full of kids, teenagers, adults and the elderly who were all playing with their family and friends, whether on the swings, on the grass exercising or playing some sports, or just cherishing a picnic moment of lunch with some family and friends.

But when we finally began walking towards the lake, temptations began swarming their way into my head as i saw 3 tall, ebony guys walking side by side in our direction as one of them proceeded to smile and wave at me; just before my attention was snatched away by Jordan when he quickly planted a warm kiss on my cheek, just next to my lips. My noisy heart pumped out blood faster than it had before, leaving my veins infused with a bit of adrenaline that made me squeeze his hand harder.

Before we knew it, I was intercepting his next kiss with my lips, just before dropping the picnic bag and linking his finger to my butt. He used his muscular arms, playing ignorant to the diverse world around us, and briskly picked me up. My nipples were soon hard as I pressed against his ripped chest, placed his head in the noose of my arms and moistly braced his lips with mine before his tongue clashed with mine in an intimate, twisted series of intertwines.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves, can't you see there are kids around." Judging from the husky, sluggish voices it sounded like two elderly couples uttered those words as they walked past, an intermittent rhythm supporting their senile strides

There resentful comments left me shattered emotionally, at the thought that I was setting a bad example... But despite my second doubts i soldiered and indulged in the heavy French smooches, playing ignorant to several pedestrians that seemed interested in buying my attention.