《Chapter 5》《Poetic Justice 》

My heartbeat soon ceased, and a sense of dizziness soon overwhelmed as soon as I opened my eyes again and peered into the shrinking pupils of his grey gaze, only for his eyes to throw a smile at mine and drive me into a maze of reminiscent thoughts.

When he bit my upper lip again, our eye contact broke and drove me out of the maze. He gently placed me down.  Even though his silver nose piercing shone against my eyes, despite the sweat that now engulfed it... His awkwardly excited facial expression made me relive the sensation of his aroused bulge against my private section, making me want to tease him about it.

"Did that make you wet though?" Jordan asked smilingly, as concern wandered in his eyes, driving my heartbeat haywire, making it bash boldly against my ribcage, as though in search of an escape. Perhaps due to the lustful nature that had swelled and swirled within it.

"Maybe it did, but now my lips feel dry...  Should've brought my lip gloss," I said, giving  in to his dirty  talk whilst sounding untouched by the recent act of his 3rd leg, as it tried to pierce past his pants.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help suck the strawberry flavour off your tongue and succulent lips," he teased and chuckled. Even though his response only held mild concern, his much wider eyes stated otherwise as they showered me with dirty looks.

"It's not what I expected on our 2nd date, but the kiss was good, despite being slightly sloppy." I replicated his jovial facial expression. 'Cause i really wanted to make that kiss seem like a mere coincidence, fully knowing that behind me i'd left a trail of mind maps and brainstorms; as to how I'd imagined our first kiss being like.

"You'll understand when you see the poem I wrote you?" smiled he, his cheeks focally pointing his nose piercing.

" Then I'd like to understand, show me."  My dimples were exposed by a smile that stretched from one ear to the other, for i was struggling to suppress the feeling of excitement that had suddenly consumed me.

"But first I have to make a confession." The smoothness of his voice soon returned,  accompanied by a softer smile.

"I'm all ears," I looked away and felt my soul sway to the sound of his words.

That's when, as we kept strolling he, with his arm on my shoulder, began saying something about how delighted he would be if we were to become official. I took It upon myself to make a heartfelt impression and somehow, but vaguely, agreed  but only on conditions favourable to me.

I just wanted to have some sort of effortless persuasion over him and to also see him more often. The plan worked flawlessly, except for the 3 half-candid candied teases, which I soon just encountered.

That's when i began teasing him back, rolling my eyes  while randomly jabbing his ribs lightly with my elbows, with every comeback he made. My pulse which increased its pace with each ambiguous tease he made  only to incite our laughs.

"Mmmm! I didn't know you were  funny, it's not everyday that my  tummy tickles," I said, playfully slapping his arm.

"Hahaha! I tried... wanted to show you that there's more to me than these good looks, even though you're the pretty one between the two of us." His eyelids' flutters and painful exagerate ceased.

"Wooow Jordan..! But thanks. " I fluttered my eyelids playfully, while also hiding those deep, very wild, affectionate obsessions i had developed for him.

"But seriously though, you remind me of  someone," Jordan said smilingly, before teasingly bumping his sexy bicep into my shoulder.

"Please don't say  your mother... I already heard enough of that from my previous boyfriend." I grinned at him, anticipating that I would have to nudge him in a few secs.

"No babes, this other girl friend of mine named Cassidy."

"Philander or Maxwell...? Please tell me you're jocking." I squeezed out a light laugh, fully knowing that he meant Cassidy Jacobs, as I watched his eyes light up consciously

A vague response slid out his broad smile after he'd played with a wisp of his hair, misleading my focus towards his modern quiff hairstyle, inciting me to put my pride aside and keep pushing for the truth I wanted to hear, as well as where that truth led.

We soon reached a consensus and decided to meet after church the very next day, for he was willing to visit my St James church near Cavendish Square in Claremont; 15 minutes away from Kenilworth, going north.

So the next day, my family and i attended the service, and as slow as it seemed, i was keen on waiting patiently until the very end. All until i spotted him, before he sent this little girl, with whom he shared his grey eyes, to tell her to meet me at the back of the church near the parking lot, after five minutes. I didn't mind , cause  i knew he had to compile his thoughts and words, but I told Audrey and Mia to cover for me, just in case there was a surprise youth meeting.

While standing by the church's parking lot three minutes later, reading my Luke Chapter 3 bible in my hand, just in case a church elder passed by, my eyes we soon covered by a pair of  hands, whose warm palms pressed against my temple as the fingers pressed against my eyelids. His brute Cologne's scent jumped into my nose, but as soon as his fingers enclosed my braided bun I knew it was him, and my heart skipped with joy.

"Look who's bunking church for boys," he giggled, making me want to jump for joy as soon as his voice slipped into my ears. Even better, when i turned around to embrace him his eyes were smiling, and my breath got caught up in my throat so i just shot him my own version of  his infectious smile. Seems like he was still in the jovial mood which i'd left her in, the previous day.

So as we walked out, he held  the umbrella for the both of us. For the umbrella ensured that we walked abreast, and also hid us from the heaven's eye, cause i knew that what i was doing was wrong.

Jordan seemed to be enjoying my presence and  didn't waste anytime before hitting me with some dirty jokes. I reprimanded him, then he quickly confessed of the two gifts which he'd brought me. One in words and the other in... He didn't finish his sentence.

"I''ve been waiting for that poem," I whispered  curiously, for behind us were already two familiar faces;  Audrey and Mia, who seemed to be closing in on us. That's when he switched the hand holding the umbrella before quickly fumbling into his pocket and taking out a neatly folded red page before flapping it and unveiling its heart-shaped form; making my insides warm with excitement.

"But beware thou, the first one is for you, but the other one is for your sister," he then secretly pointed back to Audrey and Mia, making sure his torso hid his pointed finger  from their view.

"If this is your way of asking to meet her then my answer is no." I said assertively, using my facial expression to portray the seriousness of the situation.

"Let me just read them out for you, its from the top of my heart." There was a wary look in his eyes as he handed me the amber umbrella, cleared his throat and grasped his neck before clearing his throat

In that instant, my heart leaned forward and pressed against my chest, perhaps in anticipation of his imminent, heartfelt words.

Although the wind dived into the shade of the umbrella, posing as a third-wheel before stroking his hair...  Jordan's gaze continued to linger above the red, heart-shaped pages, before his lips parted and released tension into the bubble of oxygen around us...

"But Ashleigh, i have to ask. Do you love your boyfriend or you just like him?" He asked unexpectedly.

"Yeah, I really like him, he's super sweet," I replied questionably, looking down to my shadow in search of answers

"Sweeter than the guy who writes you two poems, and makes you laugh?"

"I mean, Carl's a caring, romantic and open minded gentleman." I bluffed, falsely giving him a threat to focus on.

"Yet i have all these 'numerous' characteristics plus more," he said sincerely, adding that unusual, certain depth to his voice that hadn't been there before.  The smile that had been playing in his eyes all along faded; seems. he'd realized the seriousness of my words.

"Well, he's also 1,86m tall, slim n fit..."

"Ashleigh babes, thought we were now official. My feeling for  you are beyond infatuation, Plus didn't pastor say that it's time for new beginnings and greener pastures"

"Well played Jordan..." I crossed my arms and recalled  Pastor Michael Brill's words. "But he certainly didn't say new boyfriend."

"Then I suppose this poem will change your mind", I said emotionally, just before a twinge of concern shaded his eyes, while he gave off a light grin

"It's  just that, i don't even know you that well, plus what makes you think that i will say yes."

" 'Cause i know that i love you, and i can see that you like me too, your beautiful eyes are the windows to your soul, and i can see my name written in your pupils." He then took hold of my chin so as to make me as his expression. We stopped along the pavement for a bit.

"You are cheesy, aren't you?" I said, making my heart relax a bit more.

"Am i lying or are your eyes lying? You choose." His dancing eyes peered down to mine, before he braced my cheek in his palm, rubbing his fingertips against my neck.

Despite the cars that drove past us, we kept still, in the shade of the trees which kept throwing us their leaves, perhaps mother nature was giving us her blessing. So as he kept talking, smoothly strengthening his case, my hair kept swaying to the wind as I witnessed him pour out his heart at an appropriate pace. He was trying to build a boat with words, a boat strong enough to keep him afloat, if not at the surface of, my mind games.

{ the two Serious poems, different ones this time}

Dear Ashleigh

I remember meeting you, oh dear Ashleigh

You have those dimples in your smile

You drive me crazy and senile

And in love with you i fell... gladly


Maybe its your eyes, and the way you speak

But whatever it may be, I just love it

Regardless of my strong physique, you make me meek

As though you delved into my heart and sat above it


I love the sensation of your heartbeat against mine

Just before your lips plant on mine a gentle kiss

One that leaves a taste sweeter than red wine

As it pours down my throat a sense of bliss


Heartliy I say, that your presence is divine

Hence my heart belongs to she who's hearing this


So will you be mine

And give me another kiss

The noises around me blurred as i watched him read the first poem, loud enough to out sound the chirping birds, or the people that drove and walked past us.

Yet again, my facial expression melted, for the words on those pages were hot enough to bring an emotional heat to her face. Which soon definitely turned rosy and made blush fueled grin stretch into cheeks, enticingly pouring out my dimples

"I love this one, it really gets to me," I uttered, but whichever one I meant, he didn't seem to mind.

"But you must bear in mind that i'm currently on a break with my girlfriend Lilitha from Gugulethu, She's feisty and clingy, but as long as we're on a break there's nothing to worry about. "A remorseful smile slid between his lips

"Well you too do not have to worry about my Carl, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"Guess we are fishing in the same boat, I love it when you break the rules though." He winked at me, and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"So that being sad, i guess it's time i also told you that I've had a tiny little crush you. Hence, I'll agree to date you, though i'm only giving you one month to prove that you're serious about me."

"That's all i wanted to hear... For you Ashleigh i'd kill a crocodile," he chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss, one which soon left me short of breath. "But how will you be able to take care of this Carl of yours though?"

"No, leave that to me," I said in a sexy, but feisty manner, despite my oversized green cardigan which flapped in the wind.

I then dropped the umbrella, failed to repress my joyful burst  emotions which had now swallowed my insides, before shielding my eyes and placing my forehead on one of his broad shoulders.

"Oh-oh, are we interrupting something here?" Mia and Audrey suddenly said and giggled; making me smile against my palms while Jordan's hand caressed my back and left me blushing enough to leave my legs weak and wobbly.