《Chapter 9》《Back to the Doc》

"The end," said Ashleigh, failing to contain her smile.

"No Leigh, you can't be serious... Is that it?"

"Yes Audrey, what more did you want to hear?" said Ashleigh as she kept her sad hint of a smile

"I'm your identical twin sister 'Leigh, I know you more than you think." Audrey smiled and took Ashleigh's hands in hers, hopefully to lend her some support.

"Oow!, your hands are cold," Ashleigh said as she peered up to Audrey, who soon pulled down her blanket before placing it up to her shoulders, leaving her warm enough to restructure her thoughts.

"Sorry about that," there was a serious look in her eyes as they locked with her vulnerable sister's.

Audrey could see that despite her sister's condition, she was still pretty in a hidden way, her beauty hidden beneath the swells and bruises. That sight, and thoughtful realization left her sightly blurred with tears, suddenly as a mother who was now scared of losing her daughter.

"Please don't Ree, why you crying?"

"It's just that, not so long ago we were, and now you're..." Audrey's sentence was concluded by a defeated shrug of the shoulders; she was wrestling with her thoughts, failing to find the words. Her motherly instincts had been aroused.

"I'll be okay, I'm stronger than you think," Ashleigh had never liked seeing Audrey sad.

"At least promise me that we'll get through this, and that you'll also finish the st..."

"Ahem! Sorry to interrupt, but you've got some guests... And please don't ask her too many question... She has to stay calm and relaxed.

The twins  looked to the door and saw Aunt Anastasia, their mother and Jordan walking in.

"Leigh I heard what happened... I should have been there to protect you." Aunt Anastasia empathetically rushed to her niece's bedside.

"Oh My...! How could that culprit do such a thing to my daughter?"

"It's all my fault Mrs De Waal, I should have been there to protected her." Jordan placed his hand over Ashleigh's shoulder.

"But you weren't right? you were too busy chasing after T..."

"Ashleigh babes, I'm sorry I should have been by your side..."

"Please get out Jordan, Just go." Ashleigh's voice was soft but her words were powerful.

"We love you Jordan but it's best if you..."

"Okay Mrs De Waal, though will Audrey at least come with me, and take my message for Leigh." Jordan said humbly, as though his life depended on it.

"Excuse me guys, but is this Ashleigh De Waal's room?

"Very Much... Anything the matter, doc?" responded Anastasia, as they all looked to the door, where a man in black stood, waiting for a response.

"Uhmm! I'm no doc. I'm detective S. Petersen," he shook his tie a bit, "Here on the attempted murder of..."

"Sorry to say detective, but she's not ready to talk right now," interjected Jordan, as the detective walked on with his chest pressed outward.

But the detective only ignored him, he had his sights on the beautiful ladies in the room.

"Amanda De Waal!"

"Steve Peterson! What a small world?" Ashleigh's mother recalled, kind of shocked.

"Couldn't wait to work on this case, the surname just sounded familiar" Det. Petersen hugged Amanda, and left her two daughters astounded.

"Well played Detective, I know your type and these are ^her daughters^ by the way." Anastasia giggled whilst giving him a sharp look, and a hug.

"Something you people aren't telling us?"

"Girls, this is Steve he's my... Umh, old friend from varsity"

"And you don't wanna know what happened, trust me," asserted Anastasia.

"We were young Anne, duuuh!" Amanda gave a fake cough, "Besides, today is all about Ashleigh."

"True that, and the Good news is, the culprit has been apprehended," said the detective, swopping his glance between the twins.

"But the bad news is that you're here for a statement blah! blah! blah!"

"Must you always tease me Anne? Surely we can let bygones be bygones."

"Guys, are we getting on with Ashleigh's story or what?" Curiously gestured Jordan as he came out of the blue cubicle near the door.

"For now I'll let you slide Steve, with those mind games you played i'm not surprised with your current occupation."

"Anne, let's let it go... That was 20 years ago," said Amanda

"You're right Mrs De Waal," my Ashleigh has something to say.

"Why you still here Jordan...? thought I told you to beat it" Ashleigh stole everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry Leigh, but I'd like to hear where I went wrong"

"Sounds fair enough, asserted Audrey, analyzing Jordan's request.

"Would like to hear too, if that's okay," said Detective Petersen.

"So Ashleigh dear, will you please continue,"

"Pretty please 'Leigh"

"Like I have an other choice..." Ashleigh sighed to the smiles around her, and continued...