《Chapter 10》《Lilly x Jordan》

Jordan and continued dating in peace after that Cassidy Chapter, but a few weeks a few weeks just after the end of the Zoey saga, another chapter opened... Lilitha, Jordan's girlfriend from Gugulethu finally returned to Rose Bank College after several months in Pretoria, fact had it that her father or mother was the Principal.

According to what I heard from Mia, Lilitha shocked everyone when she suddenly returned one morning, making her October debut in the Management Accounting class. Mia also said that it was during the break time interval when Lilitha got the audacity to walk towards Jordan and his friends, modelling with quick and powerful strides so as to strengthen the attention-grabbing ability of her butt.

Rumour had it that they'd stood for about half an hour before strolling to the only only botanical Gardens on campus, holding hands. I felt mad and jealous at the news.

When i called Jordan over later that day, he claimed that she'd blackmailed and induced him into confessing her feelings for him...

"Did you tell her about me though," I asked, trying to suppress my jealousy.

"Obviously i did Ashleigh, and how you came into the picture while she was away," he reassured me as i saw my faint smile reflected in his eyes, his voice slightly convincing.

Next Friday came and I bunked my Business class and paid Jordan a visit, only for Mia to quickly towards the dramatic scene... Only to see them together, Jordan and Lilitha, arguing under a tree. Zoey and Nigel and some friends were just watching and laughing quietly, painting the picture that they were having a light argument.

Zoey and this Lilitha had become friends. So she just shot me a condescending smile as Lilitha and two friends came towards me, trying to intimidate me into running away but i boldly folded my arms and stood still.

Luckily for me Cayla, Tom and Mia were around and they had my back when Xhosa boys and girls soon swarmed my presence spitting shameful words which I could understand, due to the IsiXhosa lessons which I taken from the 10th to the 12th grade. The rest of Tom and Cayla's stood with me. Lilitha's clique obviously couldn't touch them, for that would cause a clique fight between the Xhosa's and other blacks, and the Afrikaans and other whites and coloreds

After this little incident i had to pack away my pride and deviate from my usual route going home, for Lilitha's girls and boys weren't pleased about our little encounter, and how she'd failed to gain the support of Jordan's friends.

Days after that I could pretty much, but prudently, visit Jordan, Mia, Carl and Tom on Campus and even indulge in charms, compliments and other chiivalrious gifts and attempts of the various boys who would approach me. I would give some of them my number, not only because they were my type but also because I needed there support whenever I was there, for that school was literally Lilitha's territory.

Plus Lilitha's parents had influence on Rose Bank College, not only because one of them was the principal but also because her family owned it, and had bought it 6 years earlier. Plus Lilitha was also the sexiest and feistiest girl in the school, hence, the reason why some speculations claimed that Jordan's popularity was because of Lilitha; for a pretty white boy had managed to win over the affections of a feisty, rachet, very attractive, light-skinned, slightly thick and tall, booty-packed, black girl who could sing on top of that.

So one night, after I'd agreed to accompany Jordan as his date to some other function which was held in Muizenberg, at this venue across the road from the beach. Hence we had to incorporate a turquoise color in our formal wear.

  Somehow Lilitha had been made aware of my presence, obviously by Zoey, who was now lilitha's friend. Rose Bank College was celebrating its 21st annivesary, and Jordan and I were enjoying the event, and our relationship too. Although it was Cayla and Tom's Idea to go visit the beach, several couples, including Jordan and I, were soon out into the freezing atmosphere as we ran along the beach as the moonlight shone above the sea.

Just as we began running along, the coast of Muizenberg soon enough, some Xhosa boys and girls and boys soon arrived and encirlcled us, blocking our path and view of the beautiful, moonlit seascape of the night.

"Look who we have here, *die klein bruin kind van Jordan,*" Lilitha's paused to rub her throat. "Ek weet, wat jy doen my meisie." Lilitha then walked into the circle, walking through the giggling college boys and girls who were proudly grinning to her excellent Afrikaans tongue.

"Okay Lilitha, you can speak Afrikaans, now what do you want," said I as Jordan stood there awkwardly, looking at her indecisively. "You and Jordan are no longer an item okay, just accept that she's moved on."

"Just shoosh baby girl, he has a mouth so do not speak on his behalf", she muttered, condescendingly looking into the corners of my eyes, perhaps in search of fear, but she didn't find it, for i returned her moonlit gaze and stood my ground, while the cold water washed away the wet sand beneath my feet.

"Oh well, she's my girlfriend now so she has the right," he reminded her, that's when Cayla, Tom and I grinned proudly and giggling derisively in support of his statement.

"Then my friends and I will just have teach you 3 a lesson then, so i suggest that you 3 run along and leave my Jordan behind because him and I have a lovely future to discuss," Lilitha's boastful demand invited silence into the circle, though the wind kept blowing whistles at us.

"Hope you are clever enough to understand that a mouse that a mouse that tries to take two peanuts from the trap dies. 'Cause right now you're the mouse trying to eat both of us." Lilitha pointed at both Lilitha and me. "But at least if you only choose correctly then at least I'll spare your friends the beat down they deserve," laughed Lilitha together with her goons.

"I'm not scared, so now what will You do?", I asked firmly, posing with honour, but in a sexy way; to remind Jordan of what he loved about me.

"Oh my", Lilitha gave a ragged breath, "I'm this close to roughing up your pretty face, before sitting on it with these big assets of mine honey...So i suggest you run along, like a little mouse." giggled Lilitha before bursting into laughter.

"Ola, heyi wena Jordan, this is the part where you choose Lilitha, uyangiva boyi", added of Lilitha's disciples before steppping into my space and gazing into her eyes..."

"Choose Kaloku Jody Jody, awu safuni ukuchuza manje?"

That's when Jordan faced me, too my arms and placed them around his shoulder before peering down into my eyes. "Ashleigh love we should take a break, i wouldn't want you to get hurt." In that moment I felt a huge lump emerge within my throat and block all my upcoming words. "Plus I need to finish off where Lilitha and I left off, please understand." His words almost left my cheeks rosy with the emotional heat, but the wind was two cold-hearted for that.

I Just nodded my in belief, as i saw my cynicism and disbelief reflected in the grey hues of his eyes, his soft spot for me lurking in the black hole within his pupils, just before Cayla Tom and I.

Playing Ignorant to the friendly couple's comforting words as my sorority president's voice rushed at me, as her, Yathi's, sentence replayed in my head. The sentence where she'd called Jordan a slut. But it wasn't even a minute later when i heard Jordan and Lilitha arguing, It sounded as though they were now verbally fighting.

"Matter of fact I don't even want you, I have a boyfriend "bigger" than you. What gave you the right to cheat on me Jordan... You're just a sexy fuckin'..."

He interrupted her yell, and sentence, and sealed her words within a passionate kiss. That's when I witnessed Lilitha's slap land on his cheek, just before he kissed her again before quickly drawing back from her kiss, and giving her a soft nudge, before running towards us as shoes, which her goons were throwing at him, flew above, and behind, him as he ran like a James Bond and grabbed my hand. so we sprinted together as though running in a relay, racing against but actually with one another, he had turned me on though.

His incident had marked me a the queen of his heart even though he'd dumped me in front of Lilitha's friends. I soon confronted him about the decision he'd made and the emotional devastation which that moment, and its memories had already left within my chest. He soon apologized sincerely for his decision as guilt shadowed his eyes as he failed to justify the incident, despite claiming it had posed as a scapegoat and given himself as an offering so as to make easier my safe escape.

Later that night,  Cayla and Tom, Mia and her new Xhosa boyfriend Lwando, as well as Jordan and I, found refuge at Jordan's house in Wynberg, a Maynardville Park away from my school. It was more of a small apartent which belonged to his mother, who was an assistant matron at Groote Schuur hospital.

Arriving, he opened the gate, and we walked and waved past some of his neighbors as he lied to them about a group assignment, after which he opened the door to his his apartment, about 12 metres from the gate. The small yard was kust about enough to park 4 cars, one for each of the 4 divisions/apartments/ families of the Apartment, which stood in between two other very similar apartments, with which it shared the name with. Before going through the door and waling up the stairs I stood and looked back. I then spotted a little, caged swamp, and looking past the cage I saw a duplication of the exact infrastrure on the other side. So in my mind I had captured the a caged, thin and long swamp which stood between  two parallel roads which each ran along 3 identical 2-floor building ,which accommodated 4 apartments. Guess I had captured the designs in my mind and would soon return, uninvited.

Walking up the narrow staircase and opening a small baby gate, we were soon inside the small apartment. The apartment housed only 2 bedrooms aside from the kitchen, bathroom and a big lounge which also led to the balcony. Jordan brought us some snacks, Lwando and Cayla began entertaining us with a play, recapturing and acting out Jordan's moment and how he'd ran away, under a hail of shoes.

We soon began fooling around with his Xbox as we played some Call of Duty, GTA5 and Mario Kart, which was my favourite. We began feasting on snacks, just before Cayla and Tom induced us into playing hide and seek, only for them to hide away and lock themselves in Jordan's room. Lwando and Mia were becoming more and more cozy as they swayed from left to right whilst enjoying Mario Kart, with lovely smiles on their faces.

Jordan and I hesitated from going to the balcony but soon found ourselves in the bathroom as he complained about a high heel which had hit his back as he ran. So as he asked for my help to take off his shirt, I was soon running my hands on his body before we began kissing again and hastily undressing each other, only to end up in my too piece. He had his boxer shorts on as we cosily embraced while randomly kissing each other, under the warm sprinkles of the shower.

I wasn't long before our kisses slowly began becoming more and more passionate, as the warm showers sprinkles gained heat while the hot water slowly ran down our bodies and exposed the bulges of my breasts, exposing shape of my nipples as well as the bulge,and shape, of his...

It was in that steamy moment when I began craving more of his lips, more of the heat and found myself unveiling my breasts before him before i felt his ding dong poke my arm while he kept his one hand on my neck while his other pecked my breasts. I took hold of his cock and felt my heart soar to the lustful possibilities, sending a sensation down within me, one which would have made my vaginal hairs, stand and open the gate for the incoming titanic.

He looked gorgeous as water ran down his wet hair and even past his lecherous eyes, that's when I closed my eyes as i felt his fingers brush around my vaginal hairs, as though a key key in search of a lock. I squealed to the excitement imposed by his tickles, which made my mind race and my lungs constantly suck my belly in, leaving me breathless as I prepared to release my previously engaged lustful, feisty aggression and expose the twisted, and fucked up, side to my personality.