This Little Bubble Of Mine

I cautiously stepped away from the door, taking care not to make any noise as I headed for the room that held all the tanks. I'd scarcely entered when I noticed every one of them was now vacant. Either the Manuari I'd heard chatting had gone there first, or there were more of them around here somewhere. 

'Jake, what's wrong?' I held my index finger to my lips, and my mother looked like she was going to bite it off. 'Don't tell me-'

'Mom,' I whispered. 'There are at least three Manuari in this building with us.'

Falcrest narrowed her eyes. 'I vaguely remember entering this place through an open access hatch in the roof. It was so high; I think we had to get lowered down.'

I looked around, but the only hole in the ceiling I could see led into darkness, so that couldn't have been our way out. 'Any ideas where that access was?' They both shook their heads. 'Never mind. There's got to be another doorway around here.'