Orka, Guardian Of The Seas

'My name is-'

The explosion I'd arranged hadn't lasted long as the water submerged it, and then the titan smiled. 'We know who you are. You helped us.'

At this point, I tried to forget that I was currently towering at almost one hundred feet in the air and instead considered their harmonising words with care. 'I've assisted a Mermaid and her children; are you related in some way?'

'Some way; yes, we are the Merpeople, and we are Orka, Guardian of the seas.'

Now would come the question I didn't want to ask. 'Are you working with the Faeries?'

'No! Never!' The flipper I was stood on began to tense and shift.

I held both palms out. 'I meant no disrespect, and I will not deceive you, Orka. The Faeries and those in ships are hunting my friends and me as they do the Merpeople.'

'I'm aware; currently, one of their ships is trying to ram our stomach, but they won't succeed.'