Diana could tell they weren't talking to her and as she rode closer she could see a man on a snow-white horse and he had his hand poised on his swords handle ready to unsheathe it. He has raven coloured hair and ruby eyes, he looked no older than fifteen, the same age as her.
Across from him stood a man in an ebony cloak and a sword in hand. His hair is oak coloured, and his eyes are emerald, hatred burned deep within them, a hatred menacing and cold. Diana looked around, observing the surroundings when a woman around twenty years old came into view, her chestnut hair tied in a ponytail and a bow in her hand had an arrow poised at the ebony-haired man's head.
'Oh, no you don't.' Diana kicked Luna's side to speed her up Diana's hair coming untied inside her cloak. For some reason, she feels a strong urge to help the man. Diana could tell that he has a kind and noble heart, maybe that's why she feels the urge to save him. It could also be because Diana could see that menacing hatred in both the brown-haired man and women's eyes a hatred cruel and bone-chilling. One that will stretch far beyond this man if they aren't stopped. Right here, right now.
"Watch out!!!" Diana called the women released her arrow. Dianas cry gained their attention but she didn't care as she approached the raven-haired man and grabbed the arrow before it had a chance of getting any closer to him.
With her free hand not missing a movement, Diana grabbed his bow which was slung on his saddle and fired the arrow back at the women piercing her heart. The women dropped down to the floor, body lifeless.
"How dare you!!!" the brown-haired man roared while the ebony-haired man looked at Diana in shock. She'd stopped Luna just in front of his snow coloured horse.The hazel haired man tightened his grip on his sword pointing it at Diana instead. "I'll make you pay for killing my sister!!!" He roared at her before readying his sword "Fight me!!!"
"But this isn't my fight, now is it? If I'm not mistaken this fight is between you two boys but if you wish to fight me then so be it." The man seemed to grow angrier with Dianas nonchalant tone and manner "However," she continued before he could retort "I will only fight if this gentleman behind me doesn't mind me taking his place in this fight."
Diana looked at the man behind her waiting for his answer. "Well do you mind if I take your place in fighting this idiot?"
He had been staring at Diana but was brought back out of his daze after she asked her question.
"No I don't mind you fighting in my place if it's no bother for you," he answered her question.
"Ok then," Diana said jumping out of Luna's saddle and unsheathing the sword that hung on the left side of her belt. She won't use both swords as it will give her an advantage and she'll be able to catch him off guard later on in the fight. "Let's begin," and with that their swords clashed.
He swung his sword aiming straight for Dianas head but she ducked just in time to avoid the blade, she can feel the hood of her cloak slowly coming off, but Diana has no time to worry about things like that, this battle is her top priority.
'I won't let scum like this beat me," Diana thought with determination. His attacks became more ferocious, his anger and irritation were growing it's obvious in his facial features.
He never stopped his attacks and aimed one at Diana's throat. She jumped backwards missing the blade of his sword but her cloak's hood came off the ribbon that had been tieing her hair had come undone when she was riding Luna to get here and now it fluttered down to the floor. Diana's silver hair flowed down to her waist as she landed on the ground and ran in for the attack.
The chestnut-haired man was using a two-handed sword which gave her the upper hand. He wasn't expecting Diana to attack so quickly and just barely blocked it. She smirked sinisterly as she pulled out her other sword and ran it through his body. Blood came flowing from his wound as Diana pulled out the sword he breathed his last breath before his body even hit the ground.
Diana sheathed both her swords before turning around to the raven-haired man behind her he'd already jumped down from his horse and was staring at her.
"Are you alright?" Diana asked to make sure he didn't get hurt before she came, she couldn't see any visible injuries but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking and thank you for fighting that man for me." He replied before thanking Diana.
"It was no problem I didn't mind fighting him. If I didn't and he got away with inflicting his hatred upon others then they would all suffer because of him and no good will come of that."
"Very true," he agreed with her reasoning "May I ask who you are?"
"You may ask but that doesn't mean I'll answer," Diana replied.
"Ok, that's fair how about I tell you my name and you tell me yours?"
"No need, I believe I already know who you are,"
"Oh, and who do you think I am?" he asked curiously.
"If I'm not mistaken your Crown prince Alexander Audax Fides Ferox of The Kingdom of Fortis." Diana explained nonchalantly, he stared at her in bewilderment, which made her smile slightly but she quickly suppresses it.
"Don't look so surprised it wasn't to difficult to point you out. What, did you think because you were on the border of Fortis kingdom and Malum Kingdom people were less likely to recognise you? Well you were correct not many people from the Kingdom of Malum would recognise you, however, the crest on your sword it's the crest of the royal family of Fortis. Meaning if you aren't the crown prince then you stole it off him or another member of the royal family of Fortis but you don't seem like a feeth to me." Diana explained without any emotion.
"You could tell all that even though you barely looked at me? You must be one truly skilled knight," he complimented.
Diana's face betrayed no emotion "I'm not actually a knight, actually I... left home to become a knight because my parents didn't believe I could do it. They believe that I should be content marrying some man living the rest of my life as a fragile flower." She walked over to her ribbon which was lying on the floor and picked it up putting it away in her satchel.
"I'm surprised where I come from anyone with your skill would be excepted into our ranks no matter their social status," Alex replied.
"Yes, well, unfortunately, my title and my duties restricted me from becoming a knight apparently and so I decided to leave them behind and go somewhere where nobody knows me where I'm free to become a knight,"
He smiled "That's brave most of the women in my court probably wouldn't have that courage,"
"You give me too much praise I'm sure if they wanted to they could," Diana assured nonchalantly.
"True, however, I still don't know your name but from what I can gather from what you have said and correct me if I'm wrong, your someone with a high social status and a family who didn't believe in you unless you were doing something like dancing or finding a husband so you left and are heading to Fortis Kingdom to become a knight and prove them wrong."
"Pretty much and as you figured that out, even though I pretty much told you all of it, I guess you deserve to know my real name,"
"Oh, so I deserve the right now well I'm honoured," he joked which made me giggle.
"My name's Diana,"
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Diana,"
"You're not going to question me to find out my full name?"
"No, from what you've said I think that pushing for more answers would just push you away and I think you'll tell me when you're ready,"
"You make it sound like we'll become best friends,"
"Well you are heading to Fortis to become a knight and I think you're on par with some of my generals and so I'd be foolish to not try and have you as an ally besides I have a proposition for you."
"Oh, and what would that be?" Diana asked curious about his proposition.
"I would like you to become my personal knight," Alexander proclaimed not a hint of hesitation in his voice.
She was shocked "You want me, a complete stranger who you just met to become your personal knight."
"Yes, it might seem odd ,however, your not like anyone else I've ever met. You throw yourself into a battle to protect others no matter the risk to your own life. Nor do you care about my title or who I am you talk to me like a normal human being and you don't swoon over me trying to win my favour or attention also if you wanted me dead I think you would have let those people before have killed me."
"True but it could all be part of a plan to gain your trust and spy on you,"
"You have a point but I'm willing to take that chance, so will you become my personal knight?" Alex asked a smile playing on his lips.